SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

"Super" is the first episode in "Super Star Adventures SHORTS". The next episode is "Leaf-Guy!".

This episode is written by GhostSponge2.


Patrick at age 6 realizes he has the ability to fly and super strength as he is caught in the crossfire of police and a school shooter.


  • The scene starts zooming in on Bikini Bottom Elementary School as the bell range. Patrick (6 yrs old) sat at a desk next to Patricia on his right and Freddy on his left.
  • Patrick: "Hey Patricia. How's it going?"
  • Patricia: "What?"
  • Patrick: "Nevermind."
  • Freddy turned to Patrick. "How is your dad?"
  • Patrick: "Dude, do you really have to ask? You know how he is."
  • Patricia put her hand on Patrick's saying: "Easy Pat, soon you'll be adult and able to move to the moon on a farm."
  • Patrick: "Thanks for that. You always know how to make me feeling better."
  • The teacher pointed to the whiteboard saying: "And after C is..."
  • The door to the classroom exploded!
  • Teacher: "AGH!"
  • Kids ran to the opposite side of the room!
  • Trent with two killer robots (one on each side) stood in the door's place! Trent: "D, as in DEATH."
  • Patricia started walking towards Trent, saying: "Trent! What is this?!"
  • "REVENGE!" Trent shot an electricity gun at Patrica, electricitying her! Patricia collapsed onto the ground.
  • Patrick: "PATRICIA!"
  • Trent: "You all laughed at my inability to tell time."
  • Patrick closed his fists, grinding his teeth. "Trent, YOU MONSTER!" Patrick dived forward at the killer robot on Trent's right hand side, destroying it with one powerful punch! He did the same to the other robot! Then, Trent aimed the gun at Patrick, shooting electricity at him! Patrick blocked the attack with his left arm, somehow not getting electrocuted! He then punched Trent's teeth out using his right fist!
  • Trent dropped the gun, and jumped back with his hands over his mouth. "MY TEETH!"
  • Surprised at his own abilities, Patrick stared at his hands. Behind him stood Freddy. "Patrick?.."
  • The scene cuts to Patrick's father's house.
  • RickPat: "So... I heard your teacher tell me you stopped an armed intruder the other day."
  • Patrick looked at his feet: "Yeah..."
  • RickPat: "Listen!" He slapped Patrick then pointed at him. "Don't be going soft! Your future is with me in the underworld! The world does not need superheroes! As my father said to me when I was young, CRIME is the best employer."
  • Patrick: "Yes father."
  • RickPat put his hand on Patrick's shoulder. "You're on your way, kid. You just need to make sure you end up like me."
  • Patrick closed his eyes and said: "I will, father."
  • To be continued.


  • Patrick
  • Patricia
  • Freddy (Fred as a kid)
  • Patrick's Teacher
  • Trent
  • RickPat