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1st TheJasbre202 TV Awards is first out of many to come award shows in May brought to you by TheJasbre202.


This is the first award show for Jasbre TV. TheJasbre202 hosted and gave out the awards. The special premiered on May 21, 2017. This is the only award show to air with the 2006-17 Logo, as with the following months it was rebranded with a new name.


Best New Spin-Off[]

Best Episode[]

Best Spin-Off[]

Best Musical[]

Best Season[]

Best Producer[]

Best Director[]

Best Writer[]

Best Adult Spin-Off[]

Best Kids Spin-Off[]

Best Title Cards[]

Best Upcoming Spin-Off[]


  • This is the only Jasbre TV Award show hosted by TheJasbre202, as the following ones have been hosted by new hosts.
  • There are rumors about this award show being rigged swarming around.