Creator: Cosmobo
Editors: Cosmobo
Series: SpongeCraft MinePants
Episode: 1
Season: 1
Air Date: 25,3,15
SpongeBob wakes up to a new world of blockiness.
[shows SpongeBob sleeping in his house]
[the fog horn goes off instantly waking SpongeBob up]
SpongeBob: Today is going to be a good day today!
Gary: Meow?
SpongeBob: Why you ask? Because we got a extra new bunch of buns!
Gary: [sighs]
SpongeBob: Now I need to get these pyjama's off me!
[shows SpongeBob run over to his cupboard]
SpongeBob: Always gotta look good!
[shows SpongeBob open the cupboard revealing loads of different minecraft skins]
SpongeBob: Hm...when did I purchase these?
Voice: Choose your skin!
SpongeBob: Gary was that you?
Gary: Meow
SpongeBob: It wasn't?! Uh oh...please stand back! What do you want?
Voice: I'm no intruder I'm just a voice inside your head!
SpongeBob: What? Have I finally gone crazy?
Voice: Nah! These are not clothes they are skins!
SpongeBob: These are different people's skins!? That's disgusting!
Voice: No it's not! Think of them as...ugh...costumes!
SpongeBob: Well where's my skin?
Voice: Just type in your name!
SpongeBob: Hm...with what exactly?
[shows a keyboard smash through SpongeBob's window]
SpongeBob: Woah! A keyboard?! Ok then voice inside my head!
[shows SpongeBob pick up the keyboard]
SpongeBob: Now I just type in my name?
Voice: Yes it's that easy!
SpongeBob: Well ok then...if you say so...
[shows SpongeBob type in his name]
[shows a skin turn around revealing a SpongeBob skin]
SpongeBob: That's the one!
[scene instantly goes to SpongeBob in his skin outside of his pineapple house]
SpongeBob: I'm ready!!!!!!