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Bashful is one of the dwarfs who protect Jollywood in The 7D. He may be really shy, but he also has a real knack for hiding. He also has a crush on Queen Delightful, which is revealed in "The Big Bash." He is Grumpy's and Happy's best friend. He has a high, squeaky (sometimes quiet) voice, despite being an adult. He doesn't talk that much in some of his appearances. Bashful is voiced by Billy West.



Hence his name, Bashful is very shy and awkward. He develops a crush on Snow White, due to her kindness and gentle nature. His easygoing demeanor, like for most of the dwarfs, apparently frustrates Grumpy. This can be seen during the The Silly Song, where Bashful's apprehension to perform before Snow White holds up the evening's musical number. Aside from his coyness, Bashful also appears to be a romantic. He relishes the idea of true love, and when Snow White decides to share a story with the dwarfs, Bashful cheerfully suggests a love story.


Bashful is a short and slim dwarf. He has a light skin complexion, hazel eyes, long black eyelashes, a medium pink cherry nose, matching eyelids, and a very blushing face. He sports an light yellow tunic a pair of beige medieval-style shoes, and a teal stocking cap.

Role in the film[]

Bashful is first introduced with Grumpy, Happy, and Sneezy digging to unearth diamonds from the tunnels of a mine. They then hear their leader, Doc alert them that it is time for them to go home after hearing a clock chime. As they leave the mine, Bashful walks behind Sleepy and ahead of Sneezy as the dwarfs sing "Heigh-Ho" and head back to their cottage deep within the forest.

Video Games[]

Bashful appears along with the other dwarfs in the series, where their first appearance was in a glass podium with Snow White during the first game's Dive to the Heart. Unlike the Beast's servants, they are depicted as awake, meaning either their homeworld was not devoured by the Heartless, or that the Dwarfs were able to get to safety beforehand. Prior to the events of Kingdom Hearts, the dwarfs' appearances in Birth by Sleep reveals their lives working in the mines for jewels until the arrival of the Keyblade wielders in their world. The dwarfs encounter the first of these warriors, Ventus, and all show hostility towards the newcomer, with the exception of Dopey. After returning to their cottage, the dwarfs meet Snow White for the first time and take her in after she claimed she was attacked by Unversed. Unfortunately, Snow White falls into a deep slumber after taking a bite from the Queen's poisoned apple and the dwarfs place her in a glass coffin to mourn her. However, thanks to assistance from Aqua and the Prince, Snow White is able to awaken, and the dwarfs celebrate.

Bashful also appears in Kingdom Hearts χ along with the others in Dwarf Woodlands.


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  • Throughout the movie, Bashful blushes whenever he's in the presence of Snow White.
  • At the Disney Parks, as a walk-around character, Bashful wears a red outfit with an arctic hat, purple pants, and orange shoes.
  • According to Walt Disney, Bashful is secretly in love with Snow White.
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