Bikini Bottomite bull worm was a SpongeBob prehistoric worm that appear during the Pliensbachian period and died out at the Valanginian period,this creature was prehistoric and live in prehistoric Bikini Bottom.
this creature eats meat,it eats marine animals like the Primated Eel, it also eat small marine animals and feeds on Plankton,it can quickly eating catch its food, and bite it, its small amount of blood was on his mouth makes this bull worm making slime,they can make slimes all day.
the creature of its food catches but when missed, it started fining anouther food to eat.
Animal partner[]
Blusting timberfish is the animal partner of this creature, it can heal this creature by putting its tenticles on the Bikini Bottomites bull worm,it heals, how ever, due to the storm coming to this prehistoric times, Bikini Bottomites bull worm got extinct in the begining of Valanginian period.
Bikini Bottomite bull worm got extinct from the storm, it got shock and dies by floating down and it needs 111,000 Bikini Bottomites cave man to burry with kelp,coral,and sand in order to fossilized, and in 58.3 Ma, it become covered with rocks and makes mountain, it can be found in Bikini Bottom covered with rocks.
fossil award[]
how ever, this creature is now be found in Bikini Bottom and it was found by james alward(1939-present) in 1959,so it was rocky and for some peaple, peaple found out this fossil,this can be use as a fossil record for finding the most extinct worm.
- as this could be, its an fossil creature.
- worms bark like dogs,but this worm only makes a wale sound(in higher tune) and act like spongegar alarm clock,along with the outher dinosaur fish,it was extinct with the purple dinosaur fish.
- this could be a prehistoric worm.