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You are talented. You are a star. You may be hated, so long as you are feared.

—Boscha about herself.

Leading isn't easy, is it? All your time is spent helping the team. Keeping people from fighting. Planning your next move. And Titan forbid YOU show any weakness! Everyone else falls apart.

—Boscha's twisted philosophy while confronting Willow.

Whatever. I didn't do this for any of you. I just want to do normal things, and look great, and play grudgby with MY TEAM!

—Boscha showing her reluctance to help Luz and her friends to get her friends back, also her last lines.

Boscha is a supporting antagonist in the Disney Channel animated series The Owl House.

She is the captain of the Hexside Banshees team, who would often use her status and skills to bully others. During the Collector's regime over Boiling Isles, she became ruler of New Hexside, unaware she's just a pawn to Kikimora. She's also the former arch-nemesis of Willow Park, and the former friend of Amity Blight, having been put together with her by Odalia Blight.

She is voiced by Eden Riegel.



While her past is not much known, it is shown that Boscha became Amity's friend due in part to Amity's parents threatening to make her friend Willow's life worse. Because of this, Boscha became one of the reasons for why Amity became a bully herself.

The Owl House[]

Boscha bullies Willow and her friends Luz and Gus when they enroll at the Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. Because of her status as being the captain of the grugby team, Boscha is able to get away with most of her actions, with the teachers even stating that it could even apply to murder.

Wing It Like Witches[]

When Grugby season arrives, Boscha arrives to the school expecting to be greeted by a large crowd of admirers. However, the attention is instead directed at Willow who had reconciled with Amity. Envious, Boscha tries to bully her again, but Amity, keeping her promise, defends Willow and tells Boscha that she used to be like her but she grew up.

The bullying escalates to Boscha dumping garbage on Willow and harassing her and her friends. Eventually, Luz opts to challenge her to a Grudgby game. If Luz and her friends won, Boscha would be forced to cease her bullying. Boscha agrees stating that if she won, she would use Willow as target practice demonstrating it on tossing a ball at full speed at a tree which not only drills a hole into it, but the tree also explodes into flames.

During the game, Luz decides to call for a "forfeit" in Willow's defense. This causes Boscha to subject Luz to borderline horrific target practice.

Amity takes part in the game but ends up getting injured by Boscha who informs her that she had just ruined her social life to which she retorts that she believed that she made hers better. Unfortunately, Boscha's team won the game despite Luz and her friends' efforts because she caught the Rusty Smidge, thus also invalidating the entire game. However, because of how well she played, Willow earns the respect of Boscha's team and is offered a spot but Willow declines it knowing that it would provoke Boscha's wrath.

For the Future[]

During the Collector's reign of terror, she ruled over Hexside with an iron fist with the help of an unknown demon known as "Miki". When Luz and the others return to Boiling Isles while being accompanied by her mother Camila, she refused to help them fight against the Collector. She later approached Willow and puts her unconscious with Sleeping Nettles before she could do the same to Luz and her friends. While she initially tried to convince Amity to rejoin her friend group out of insecurity, she later reluctantly agreed to fight against the Collector by helping Luz and her friends escape from Kikimora, but only to get her old life at Hexside back instead of redeeming herself.

Watching and Dreaming[]

After Belos's defeat and The Collector's redemption, Boscha was happy to be reunited with her other grudby friends, she is later seen grown-up in the epilogue scenes to rebuilt Boiling Isles and assists Luz's "King-ceañera".


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  • It is noted by her voice actress Eden Riegel that Boscha has low self-esteem, which explains her bullying behavior and why she wants to be on the top of Hexside.
  • She disliked Luz and Amity's relationships, claiming they aren't cute.
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