SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
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A network which the slogan is "Anything can be inside". Pretty stupid if you ask me. Created by CrazySponge. If you want to air something on this network, just ask me, and I'll check it out.

2nd Channel: Box ProTWOions

Kiddie channel: Box Junior!


Box Productions was created on June 25, 2018. It came when CrazySponge wanted have a place to put his shows on, even tho he had like no shows at all. He got the Slogan from a box, where any show could be inside. He then proceeded to type this article.

Many shows were added to the page later on.

Also, a protective shield against hijacks was installed so it couldn't get hacked. It was installed on all other channels, too.




Series in the Works[]

Please note that not all of these shows are owned by Box Productions. However, all of these shows have the permission to air.*


Pay Attention To Hoopla - Hoopla Covers Up the entire screen and shows you all the episodes with him in it.

Popcorn Night - Plays Movies

Live Money - The channel shows nothing except how much money they are earning for an hour

The Purple Hours but it's longer - Plays Roommates, Spin-Off Kings, and Off the Grid for a while.

Purple's Picks - Purple133 announces new episodes of different shows and then proceeds to show them off.

Dark Boxes - This is the night time segment of Box Productions, where it airs adult shows.


The Hoopla Awards - Every August

The Never-Ending SpongeBob Movie - Never-Ending

Ads that Usually play[]

Kelpo ad[]

Are you starving and have nothing better to eat? Then buy Kelpo! It has nothing, Except Kelp! It even comes with a toy for the kids! Part of an Unbalanced Breakfast!

Box ad[]

Are you Bored? Then get a cardboard box to make you more Bored!

Bottle ad[]

Do you live Under the sea? Are you thirsty? Then get a bottle of nothing! Just take the cap off, Scoop up some water, and Drink away!

Promoting myself[]

Are you tired of reading boring SpongeBob stories? Then check out CrazySponge! He has just the right amount of humor, horror, wacky, stupid, silly, fun, and creative stuff! He posts stuff at no particular time!

Techno Box[]

You want to go on an adventure? Then get the TECHNO BOX the coolest machine yet. Just open the box, and use your Imagination.

Network created by[]

look in the history section

Awards Ceremony[]

The Hoopla Awards

Box Productions Inc.
Box ProductionsBox ProTWOionsBox Junior!Box MoviesCBG
Cut-OutMinti (original)(New) MintiInteraboxBoxazinesBox TunesBox Foods LLCReceptacle MerchandisePurple Rhythm
Companies/Channels Bought/Owned by BP *Note, sister channels not included:
Fox EldersMeme World (Imagine)SamsungWalmartBikini Bottom Public Access TVZorp Zorp Studios
Founder: CrazySponge Crew: Purple133FireMatchParad0xGamerYT