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Candy Person 20 is a candy who makes a lot of cameo appearances throughout the series, starting in the episode "Evilheart!." She is Candy Person 21's wife.


She is a purple sweet with arms and legs, She has black eyes. She wears a red bra, red skirt and dark red shoes.

In the book adaptation of "Hall Monitor," she has a different appearance. Her eyes are both on the front of her head and she wears a curled wig and a ruffled shirt.

Role in series[]

"Ripped Shorts"[]

She appears in the crowd watching Larry the Lobster and Sandy lift weights.

"School Guard"[]

She appears in her house with Candy Person 20, eating seaweed medley until they get scared away by the "open window maniac," who is actually Finn in disguise.

"Band Music"[]

She appears as a member of Lumpy Space Princess's marching band. She is seen squeezing Incidental 27's eyes during the big fight.

"The Driveaway"[]

She appears at a high class fancy restaurant with Candy Person 64. She gets her blonde wig ripped off when Finn and Stickyfins Whiting come dashing through the restaurant.






  • Her voice actress, Monica Richardson, uses a voice identical to Braddock - a character he played on Amphibia - for this candy person.