SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
If you were looking for the article about the voice actress, then see Lily Sanfelippo.
If you were looking for the article about one of Lincoln's sisters, then see Lily Loud.
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Mom, what is that thing?

—Lily, "The Thing Creature"

Lily, also known as Candy Person 88 and Candy Person 88BABY, is a blue gumdrop who makes several cameo appearances throughout the series. She first appears in the episode "Happy Valentine's Day."


She is a light blue gumdrop with arms and legs, She has black eyes. She wears a dark purple dress and bright purple shoes.

Candy Person 88BABY[]

Baby Light blue Gumdrop Girl

Candy Person 88BABY.

She is a light blue baby that wears a purple bonnet and sucks on a green pacifier. She sits in a bamboo stroller with a red seat and four black wheels with white centers, and she is covered in a pink blanket. In her older appearances, the seat of her stroller was purple, the centers of it's wheels were colored black, and her blanket was a lighter shade of pink.


Lily is the only name Candy Person 88 has been given in the franchise. It was used for her in "The Fremergency Fronfract".


Candy Person 88 has had few notable appearances in the series and is most commonly seen as a silent background character.

Role in series[]

Crossover Time[]

"Happy Valentine's Day"[]

She is one of the Candy People in the crowd who was cornered at the Valentine's Day Carnival pier by Jake during his tantrum.

"Lumpy on Strike"[]

She was one of the teenagers who were hired by Peppermint Butler to replace Finn and Jake.

"Mid-Life Crustacean"[]

She is seen playing with a ball with some other kids.

"Candy Land"[]

She is seen swinging at the playground with Candy Person 54 as a child. Later hates Finn being cheap.

"Finn Meets the Strangler"[]

Or that baby

The Tattered Strangler accusing Candy Person 88BABY as the Strangler.

The Tattered Strangler suspect Candy Person 88BABY to be the Strangler in disguise.

"The Thing Creature"[]

She appears at the New York City Zoo with Candy Person 49 as her mother looking at Smelly's exhibit. She asks Candy Person 49 what Smelly is and she tells her that she doesn't know but its hideous.

"New Home"[]

She accidentally spills a cup of soda on the floor which causes Finn to mop it up. He then mops her head as well.

"The Fremergency Fronfract"[]


"Peter the Alien"[]

She is one of the candy who tries to hold their breath underwater like Peter himself.

"Lumpy's on a Bus"[]

She appears as Candy Person 88BABY in Magic Kingdom.

"Fred's Thicc big booty"[]


The Patrick Star Show[]

"Clarence's Alley"[]

Candy Person 88BABY appears as one of the babies that Clarence and Hannah were assigned to babysit throughout the episode.

Role in movies[]

The Crossover Time Movie: Heroes on the Water[]


Role in games[]

Crossover Time Typing[]

She is seen at the Magic Kingdom.






  • She is a character created by Lazoa28th.
  • Her voice actress, Ava Acres, uses a voice identical to Marie - a character he played on The Aristocats - for this candy person.