SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

The Epic Universe is SpongeBob & the crew's talk show. This page has details about the 1st episode, or the pilot. Here it is.


It's a regular day under the pacific ocean, well, for THE peculiar sponge known as Bob it is."I caught one,oh,hey Squidward," SpongeBob shouted in amazment. The very unpleasant-looking squid said: "Yawn,annoying and boring,"and he ran off. After he threw his jellyfish into the air,it stung SpongeBob with vengeance. SpongeBob later said: "Ahhh,the astonishing fun of jellyfishing. Quite dangerous though!" As the days went by,SpongeBob worked as a frycook,cooking burgers known as Krabby Patties,but SpongeBob's exstrodonary job was losing it's interest,critics shut it down,and since that was the only Krusty Krab resteraunt under Bikini Bottem(not to include the entire ocean),that was the end;forever. Days went onward,and Plankton had no reason to hijack because of the incident,so he too faded away. SpongeBob's job was shut down,so how could he make leftover money(a profit)? But most of all,HE COULD NEVER COOK KRABY PATTIES EVER AGAIN!!! SpongeBob soon decided that he had to become an enturpernur,and because of the type of business it was,SpongeBob had to use all of his friends as service.TO BE CONTINUED.
