Template:FB episode Episode I: The Setup is the first episode of the first season of FutureBob ElectronicPants, and the 1st overall.
5 years ago, SpongeBob lost Patrick in World War III, and today a note was sent to him saying that it’s Patrick and he’s still alive.
[caption says ‘3 Years Ago…’]
[a bomb hits the screen, and shows robots going head to head with fish in World War III, SpongeBob IV and Patrick III are side by side]
SpongeBob: Patrick! You take the out on the left i’ll take them by the right!
Patrick: Gotcha!
[as Patrick is running and shooting to the left, a bomb is dropped near the area he’s running to, explosion]
SpongeBob: (screams) Patrick! (starts crying and screaming while shooting, then is knocked out by a robot)
[SpongeBob wakes up in a hospital]
Doctor: Whoa, take it easy
SpongeBob: Where’s Patrick?!
Doctor: You’ve been mumbling about that fella throughout your coma, you’re lucky Plankton saved your life.
SpongeBob: Plankton?
[Plankton walks in]
Plankton: Yeah, a robot knocked you out, so before they could kill you, I luckily shot them all and got you to our underground base where they sent you here.
SpongeBob: Is the war still going on?
Doctor: Actually it ended weeks ago, and our, side was, slaughtered… there are barely any of us left..
SpongeBob: Plankton, do you know where Patrick is?
Plankton: Couldn’t find him, he’s most likely dead.
[a tear falls from SpongeBob’s eye, as he starts scream crying again, shows exterior, the exterior of a broken down pineapple with caption saying ‘Present Day’.]
[SpongeBob is sleeping, we go into his dream, which is a flashback to him fighting in World War III]
SpongeBob: Patrick you get the left i’ll get the right!
Patrick: Got it!
[They’re shooting, then suddenly, SpongeBob’s lost]
SpongeBob: Patrick? Patrick?! PATRIIIIIIIC-
[SpongeBob wakes up, drenched in sweat]
SpongeBob: I need to find Patrick!
[intro plays]
SpongeBob: So, i’m all alone, no allies, and I need to find my best friend who I lost in the war, and I have no weapons. (sigh) How will I ever find him?!
Fish: Get weapons, friends and a map.
SpongeBob: That’s a GREAT idea!
[SpongeBob goes to the Map store]
Map Store Clerk: What can i get ya for?
SpongeBob: I’m looking for a map
Map Store Clerk: Ya know we’re one of the last living beings on this planet ya know?
SpongeBob: Really?
Map Store Clerk: Yeah, the president seems to have a plan to kill us all so it’s his perfect robotic being world where nothing can go wrong.
SpongeBob: That monster!
Map Store Clerk: Our population has been in the hundreds… dark times are coming.
SpongeBob: Anyways, I need a map
Map Store Clerk: There’s some in the back.
SpongeBob: Thanks.
Map Store Clerk: We gotta stick together!
SpongeBob: I’m on my own trying to regroup my family.
Map Store Clerk: Oh, well good luck with that!
[SpongeBob exits the store with a map, and walks down the street until he sees a gun store, and enters]
Gun Store Clerk: Welp, ya need a gun?
SpongeBob: Well, I need a few guns, grenades, and rocket launchers.
Gun Store Clerk: Here ya go
SpongeBob: Whoa really?
Gun Store Clerk: Yeah, ever since World War III, no waiting for a gun or rocket launcher, since the only people that can get the stuff are living beings like us, robots are banned from owning any guns.
SpongeBob: Wow, what a life we live in.
[At the same time, a fish goes up to SpongeBob and gives him a letter]
SpongeBob: What’s this?
[the fish leaves, SpongeBob sees that it’s Patrick’s handwriting, so he starts opening up the letter, and reads it, he drops it, and runs out]
[Patrick’s Letter: Dear SpongeBob, I’m still alive, I survived the blast, but I don’t know where I am, I think i’m in the jungle but I can’t be too sure, please find me!]
SpongeBob: I’m coming buddy!
[shows a montage of SpongeBob going through a bunch of plains, then tall grass, then eventually a forest, then a deep jungle, SpongeBob finds a pink thing in the jungle]
SpongeBob: PATRICK!
[as SpongeBob reaches the pink thing, it’s just a giant blob of bubblegum with a record of Patrick screaming “SPONGEBOB!”]
SpongeBob: Oh no (gulp)
[A bunch of robots appear out of the sky, and surround SpongeBob, there are 8 in total, episode ends.]
- SpongeBob SquarePants IV (debut)
- Patrick Star III (debut)
- Steven Plankton II (debut)
- Doctor (debut)
- Robots (debut)
- Gun Store Clerk (debut)
- Map Store Clerk (debut)
- Fish (debut)
- The issue (comic) adaptation of this episode has a caption very similar to the episode title, "It's a Setup!", coming January, 2018.
- The writing and directing for this episode was April 30th to May 1st, 2017.
"I think it's an epic and great way to start out a series and a season, and to get to know the reason why the following episodes have happened! - Great Episode" - TheJasbre202 (M•C•U•E) 10:46, May 22, 2017 (UTC)
Season I: The Downfall of Civilization |
Episode I: The Setup • Episode II: Robot Evolution • Episode III: Plans • Episode IV: The Hunt for Patrick • Episode V: President Tactics • Episode VI: The Blue • Episode VII: Where's Gary? • Episode VIII: A Big Battle • Episode IX: Lost in the Void • Episode X: Forest Frolics • Episode XI: Brothers Unite! • Episode XII: Desert Times • Episode XIII: World War IV • Episode XIV: Squidward's Last Words • Episode XV: Robot Battle (Part 1) • Episode XVI: Robot Battle (Part 2) Special I: Patrick's Journey • DVD Set • Executive Producer |