SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

Eradication is the pilot and the first episode of Memoirs. It is written by the creator of the show, The Imperial Ghost.

Broadcast: 28/10/2016



SpongeBob: You know how everyone's saying that you gotta go to work, eat and sleep and it will all be the same? Everyone lies. It's different. But you never quite notice it like they say. You've got into this loop of boredom and security that you never see the changes. That's because you just don't want to notice it. Well, now I have the time to. Because... I can't say at the moment... Hopefully, I can remember it.


SpongeBob: I woke up and it started. The hell, the descent into madness. Except... the problem with that is. It's gonna go on forever. No-one was there, no Pat; no Gare-bear; no one that I cared about was around. I thought they had all abandoned me. What was I to think, I am pretty much annoying.

He picks up a camera.

SpongeBob: So, I wasn't kidding when I bought this camera for a reason. Best $39.99 I ever spent. But today, something feels wrong, no-one's here. I mean... the only person who is in the house except for me... is Gary. I don't hear him... so there's a problem. But what is it?

He turns off the camera for a moment.

SpongeBob: Gary!!! Gare-bear!!!

No meow.

SpongeBob: This is some serious stuff.

He turns the camera back on.

SpongeBob: What the hell is happening? I mean... IS THERE ANYBODY AROUND HERE?

Quiet. It's all too quiet for him.

SpongeBob: This way too much. I need to go outside.

[to be continued and written soon...]
