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SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

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"FanDOOM! A Legend of Korra Fandom Story" is a Crossover Time episode from Season 1. In this episode, SpongeBob and Patrick compete in the Fry Cook Games.


Finn walk out to Peasant Both
"We paid nine dollars for this?"
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Finn walk out to Peasant Both
"We paid nine dollars for this?"
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Main Characters[]

Supporting Characters[]

Minor Characters[]

Music used[]


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For a full transcript of "FanDOOM! A Legend of Korra Fandom Story", click here.


  • The Krusty Krab was open 24 hours a day, for 43 days, with no breaks.
    • This means that SpongeBob, Squidward, and Mr. Krabs stayed awake for an astounding 1,032 hours, which is logically impossible, as they would have died from a severe case of sleep deprivation.
    • In the Russian dub, Squidward says they have been working for 48 days straight, meaning the Krusty Krew has been up for an even longer period, which is 1,152 hours.
  • The drive-thru that was installed in "Driven to Tears" is seen when Mr. Krabs announces Day 10 of non-stop service.
  • Old Man Walker breaks the fourth wall by asking why he is moving.
  • This is the first episode to play the track "Lap Steel."
  • Plankton's eye seems to be much smaller in the last half of this episode, due to his beard.
  • Plankton is revealed to have a cell phone.
  • Irony: Plankton's last attempt to get SpongeBob to tell him the formula is hypnotizing him to sleep so he can subconsciously tell it to him, yet this is what cures his fear of Krabby Patties moments later.
  • Starting with this episode, the cast list in the end credits is listed separately for both segments instead of all together.