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I am not a FAILURE!! WE are the REAL Magical Guardians! We are so close to creating the PERFECT universe! The power of the Void Box... IS SUPPOSED TO BE OURS!!!!!

—Faye telling Cloudy their reasons and why he feels justified for their insane actions, SMG4 Movie: REVELATIONS

Faye, mistakenly referred to as "Error" and "Glitch", the Darkness, even as Darkside and Corrupted Mack, was the overarching antagonist of the Crossover Time. They was the main antagonist of The Crossover Time Cosmology Lore.

For most of the series, Faye was falsely presumed to be Darl Cloudy, until it was discovered at the end of the Revelations Arc that he was actually masquerading as their partner guardian and best friend, Cloudy, having forcibly assimilated him after he accidentally killed their avatar due to Faye having become corrupted by the influence of their creator, the Void Box, in order to become a virus powerful enough to convert another universe into what he believed to be the "perfect universe". This proves that Faye herself is the consciousness behind the mutated forms of Cloudy, Mack and even Lemony's Zora form. Ultimately, Faye's actions under the influence of the Void Box, have resulted in the tragic demise of many, including Owletta, Mack, Terrance and even his own avatar, Mana.

They is the result of Cloudy praying to the Void Box for a way to save their universe after the memes became corrupted due to the meme life cycle having not yet existed and because Glitch didn't have a partner to use their powers with. In order to solve this issue, the Void Box created an artificial Super Magical Guardian based on Cloudy as a negative incarnation: Faye. Despite not being a perfected magical guardian, Faye was able to help Cloudy create the Internet Graveyard in order to turn things back to normal but unfortunately, the Void Box began to influence its creation and this would ultimately result in Faye misusing its power and accidentally killing Mana, destroying their universe.

Upon returning, Faye was confronted by their partner who was shocked to see Mana having died but Faye reassured him that they could fix things together as Cloudy noticed the Void Box looking down at him from the rift Faye created as the latter took him by surprise held their partner in place and ignored their pleas to stop as the Void Box used its power to allow Faye to use their virus powers to assimilate Cloudy's form and mutate it into a god-like being powerful enough to convert another universe into the "perfect" universe: Darkside.

Ultimately, after being forced out of Cloudy by Lemony during SMG4: War Of The Fat Italians 2021 after she killed Mack, Faye hid inside of her and plotted to find Cloudy again and resume their progress. Six months later, Faye succeeding in finding Cloudy inside of the Void Box during the events of the Revelations Arc and once again assimilated into him so they could become a virus again and attempted to capture Danielle but failed due to Lemony's new zora powers and the meme energy bomb created by Woomer and Linku to destroy the Void Box.

In their final moments, Faye tried to drag Lemony, K.O., Sprig and Danielle to their deaths but Cloudy was the one to get in the way and finally succeeding in getting through to Faye that they had gone too far. Realizing the futility of their efforts, Faye broke down and claimed that they and Cloudy were supposed to be together in their new universe. However, Cloudy told him that just being together was enough and as Darkside was destroyed in the explosion, Cloudy convinced Faye to come with him and find Mana again in the next life which put Faye at ease and frees him from the corruption of the Void Box, ending its threat once and for all.








Reign of Terror as Darkside[]

Magic Kingdom 50th Anniversary[]


Ford Goes Insane[]


SMG4: Into the Dark Web[]


SMG4: The Other Universe[]

Becoming Corrupted Mack[]

SMG4: The Day HE Arrived.[]


SMG4: Doomsday but Mario is Okay[]


SMG4: Mario and The Backrooms[]




SMG4: The Final Piece[]


The death of Mack[]

SMG4: War Of The Fat Italians 2021[]


Separated from Cloudy[]

SMG4: Mario has a BBQ but he's not invited[]


SMG4: If Mario Was In... Nickelodeon[]


SMG4: To Become A God[]


SMG4: THE 5,000,000 SUB SPECIAL[]


Returned to their true form[]

SMG4: Mario Suffers Infinite Detention[]


SMG4 Christmas Special 2021[]


SMG4: Mario Waits For The Bus[]


SMG4: All Mario Wants Is Absolute 𝓟 𝓞 𝓦 𝓔 𝓡[]


SMG4: Mario's Bus Trip[]


SMG4: Mario and The God Box[]

True identity revealed and becoming Darkside again[]

SMG4: Absolute Betrayal[]




Criminal Record[]

Being a highly destructive and dangerous being, Niles has committed countless, horrible crimes over his journey to create a new universe which resulted in destruction of a lot of universes whilst fused with Cloudy and Mack.

  • Mass Omnicide: Has destroyed and corrupted other universes in the past, likely resulting in the deaths of trillions.
  • Mass Brainwashing: Forcefully turned the Warner Bros. Heroes into mindless zombies and turned Mack into their vessel in order to find and convert Danielle, also brainwashed Lemony to get the Void Box and refuse with Cloudy again in the Revelations Arc.
  • Psychological Torture: Placed K.O., Sprig and Danielle within a mind torture simulation and tortured Lemony with warped apparitions of her friends while possessing her.
  • Grand Theft Animarum: Stole the souls of countless Warner Bros. Heroes.
  • Kidnapping: They has done this on multiple occasions:
    • They kidnapped many Warner Bros. Heroes, Dendy, K.O., Sprig, and even the real Danielle.
    • They trapped Danielle, Sprig and K.O. into The Backrooms, and immediately afterwards trapped them inside of Dendy's Guardian Pod.
    • They captured the unconscious Mario and countless memes to create their new universe.
  • Attempted Murder: Despite their goal of finding a new avatar, Faye has attempted homicide on multiple occasions, especially on the Super Magical Guardians due to seeing them as "wannabe SMGs".
    • After failing to convert Owletta, they made an attempt on Linky's life twice.
    • They threatened to choke Dendy, K.O. and Sprig to death if they didn't hand over Danielle.
    • After mutating Mack further, they tried to crush Woomer and Linky to death, only for K.O. and Sprig to intervene.
    • While possessing Lemony, they attempted to kill K.O. and Sprig with her sword.

Powers and Abilties[]

Faye's power depends on what form they takes on, due to the powers granted to him by the Void Box. Even in their normal form, they is presumably as powerful as the other Super Magical Guardians but also is a virus that is capable of assimilating into another SMG like a parasite in order to become an corrupted virus on the level of a god.

True form[]

In physical form, Faye displays great power regardless of not having Cloudy's power combined with their own:

  • Meme Energy Manipulation: Despite being an artificial Super Magical Guardian created by the Void Box, they still possesses the same powers as the other magical guardians and they was able to use Cloudy's Guardian Pod to travel to the Void Box alone, proving their status as a magical guardian.
  • Dimensional Creation: With help from Cloudy, Faye was able to create the Internet Graveyard and begin the meme life cycle.
  • Assimilation: With the power of the Void Box, they can possess others such as Cloudy or Mack to become Darkside/Corrupted Mack, an extremely powerful virus capable of destroying entire universes.

Apparition form[]

Faye originally debuted in their true form as an apparition to Lemony, after latching onto her following the destruction of Corrupted Mack. They claimed to have great power as they "dabbled in some power training", however this was proven false as they could only make Lemony do things for him while inside her mind. Even as an apparition, they is still able to use certain abilities due to existing in Lemony's mindscape:

  • Possession: In SMG4: War of the Fat Italians 2021, after being separated from Cloudy, he immediately latched onto Lemony to plot their return. They posed as a college student to earn her trust and was manipulating her actions unconsciously, making fight Lord Starchbottom and The 7D without realizing it and made her sleepwalk to the Secret Society Club Leader to make him believe Lemony is their "messiah". However, unlike Mack, she was not mutated by their possession - likely due to Faye having lost Cloudy's power.
  • Intangibility: When existing inside Lemony's mind, they is capable of walking through physical obstructions such as iron cage bars.
  • Invisibility: As an apparition, they is completely non-existent to everyone besides Lemony, allowing him to freely taunt anyone without consequence and passing the blame onto Lemony if they feels like it.
  • Illusions: While Faye isn't seen performing them, it is implied that he did so to Lemony by making her think they was fighting against Lord Starchbottom and The 7D in detention when they is possessing her body. This extends to their actions, speech, and interactions with her, making it look like Lemony is reacting to nothing and doing things by herself to other people's point of view. Their interactions with food, objects, and tools are implied to be created by him to keep his cover within Lemony's sight or not.

Corrupted forms[]

Faye, when merging their magical guardian powers with Cloudy to become Darkside, is one of the most powerful characters, if not the most powerful character in the series. They is the most imposing of all the villains that SMG4's Gang has ever faced, far surpassing Ren and Kim who both gained superpowers during their own arcs while causing more destruction than the rest of the villains combined. Faye and Cloudy being fused together by the power of the Void Box is so immense that K.O. and Sprig both considered him to be a god due to his corruptive power:

  • Zombification: Even with just Darkside's arm, Niles can turn the Cartoon Network Characters into mindless zombified husks and control them.
  • Retrocognition: Unlike K.O. and Sprig, Faye does remember their past and can even show Danielle their backstory with SMG0 upon utterance of the word "W I T N E S S".
  • Independent limb control: Faye is able to control the arm of their corrupted form even if it's been cut off from the main body and can still use all of their corruptive powers while inhabiting it.
  • Magic Corruption: Using the power of the Void Box, Darkside can corrupt memes at will and force them to do his bidding.
  • Assimilation: With a simple touch, Faye is able to assimilate into anyone he touches akin to a parasite, which causes their virus power to inhabit the body of the one they assimilates, allowing Faye to take complete control of them as they did with Mack in SMG4: The Day HE Arrived. They is also capable of assimilating more than one person due to the real Cloudy also being trapped somewhere in the eldritch mindscape along with Mack.
  • Teleportation: Faye was able to teleport Danielle, K.O. and Sprig back to the Dark Web in SMG4: Mario and The Backrooms, even though Kim was in an entirely different dimension.
  • Mind Torture Simulation: They can put people inside of simulation to psychologically torture them using a Guardian Pod.
  • Telekinesis: Faye is capable of controlling objects without physically touching them as well as choking people by lifting them into the air.
  • Avatar Conversion: In their corrupted forms, Faye has the power to convert an avatar into the new avatar for himself and Cloudy, but this requires the power of the Guardian Pods to ensure the avatar's safety as their raw power is too corruptive and can kill the avatar if not controlled properly, as shown when they accidentally killed Owletta in SMG4: The Other Universe.
  • Universal Creation: Due to their corrupted power of being able to convert an avatar into their own, Faye can use this in order to create a new universe in their own image, as they intended to use Owletta and later, Danielle, to recreate The Fantasy Archers as a "perfect" version of itself for himself and Cloudy. However, obtaining a new avatar isn't enough and also requires draining another universe of all its meme energy to constitute the new one.


Despite being the most powerful antagonist in the series and being capable of destroying entire universes, Faye has shown to have a multitude of weaknesses:

True form[]

  • The Void Box: Being a creation of the Void Box, Faye is far more suseptible to its corruptive effect than the other Super Magical Guardians as the box shares a psychic link to Faye and is capable of asserting its influence over him even if they isn't in its presence. It did this by invading their mind and filling it with thoughts of needing to "perfect" their universe, which set him on their path of creating the perfect universe.

Corrupted forms[]

  • Guardian Pods: Due to the source of his corruptive virus powers coming from the Void Box, Faye's corrupted forms are vulnerable to the power of the Guardian Pods since they each contain an anti-virus. Unfortunately, since the Guardian Pods all have a limited subscription, he will eventually break free but in a weakened state.
  • Host dependence: If the host they's possessing is killed, they and Cloudy will separate back into their true forms, as shown when Lemony killed Mack.
  • Meme Manipulation: Although meme energy can't damage him in their corrupted forms, it can push him back.
  • Power of another God: The Zora seems to be the only thing powerful enough to rival Faye in their eldritch forms. With it, Lemony can oppose their corruptive power and is capable of causing actual damage to him, enough that it allowed Cloudy to break free from Faye's prison inside of their mindscape while she unable to do the same for Mack due to possessing only a fraction of her true power. Despite this, Faye is still more powerful than Lemony even at her full potential seeing as she couldn't truly destroy him even with her strongest attack, and he would've dragged her down to her demise inside of the Void Box had it not been for Cloudy.


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