SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
For canon information on Flowey, consult the Undertale wikia.

All you need is some... eggs... some flour... And the soul of a young child...

—, Bowser using Flowey (and other things...) and ingredients

Flowey, or Flowey the Flower, is a minor character in the SMG4 series.

He is an flower character from Undertale. His first appearance was in SM64: Cooking with mario and bowser 3!, but had a much "larger" role in Mariotale - If Mario was in...Undertale. His model was use for Cagney Carnation.


SM64: Cooking with mario and bowser 3![]

He appears as one the ingredients to make cupcakes.

Mariotale - If Mario was in...Undertale.[]

He appears in the beginning of the episode only just to be ripped out the ground by Mario.

SMG4 N' Pals: Seaside Stupidity Part 2[]

He appears in Admiral S. Swipe's collection.

SMG4: Mario Battle Royale[]

He appears on the plane.

SMG4: The Mario Convention![]

He has his own booth

Mario Plays Cursed Mario Games[]

Mario stomps on him.

Mario Bakes a """"Cake""""[]

Mario uses him as an ingridient for his cake, despite what Narrator said.


Finn walk out to Peasant Both
"We paid nine dollars for this?"
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v - e Crossover Time & SMG4 characters