SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

Gay Luigi is a "Pokegay" created by Bot for "Super Mario 64 Bloopers: Operation G.A.Y", a plan to turn the whole world gay using clones of Luigi. He appeared as the impostor for Luigi in the blooper.

Although this is not actually stated, it's most likely assumed that he reappears in both episodes of the Super Pokemon 64 bloopers including "Welcome to Pokemans!" and "Gyms and Badges". This is most likely true because it has the same sprite as the Luigi clones in "Operation G.A.Y".


In Super Mario 64 Bloopers: Operation G.A.Y, he has the same appearance as Luigi in that era, being a green palette swap of Mario.

In the "Pokeman 64 Bloopers," Gay Luigi resembles sprites from canon Mario games such as Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, and Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World.


  • The name "Gay Luigi" may be a reference to an infamously misheard quote from the equally infamous game Hotel Mario, if not just a jab at the commonly insulted Luigi of the SMG4-verse.
  • According to his ID, Gay Luigi is the president of the "Gay Lesbian Club".

Finn walk out to Peasant Both
"We paid nine dollars for this?"
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