SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

Grandma SquarePants is a recurring character in the SpongeBob SquarePants series. As her name implies, she is the paternal grandmother of series protagonist SpongeBob SquarePants, though her character has been largely retired after 2018 due to her voice actress Marion Ross retiring. In the SMG4 series, she mainly appears through cameo appearances.


  1. SMG4: Mario goes to subway and purchases 1 tuna sub with extra mayo debut/Cameo
  2. SMG4 and SMG3 come up with an episode Cameo
  3. The Retirement of SMG3 Cameo

Finn walk out to Peasant Both
"We paid nine dollars for this?"
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v - e Crossover Time & SMG4 characters