SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
If you were looking for the article about the Incidental 102 from Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years, then see Incidental 102 (Kamp Koral).
Not to be confused with Incidental 48KID, or Cindy.
Character · Gallery

Incidental 102, also known as Incidental 102BABY,[1] is an incidental character who first appears in the episode "Valentine's Day." She is classified as a kid-type incidental.


She is light blue with faded blue lips and wears a light purple dress with matching leg bands.

Incidental 102BABY[]

File:102BABY evolution .jpg

Evolution of Incidental 102BABY's default design.

She is a light blue baby that wears a purple bonnet and sucks on a green pacifier. She sits in a bamboo stroller with a red seat and four black wheels with white centers, and she is covered in a pink blanket. In her older appearances, the seat of her stroller was purple, the centers of its wheels were colored black, and her blanket was a lighter shade of pink.


Click here to view the image gallery for Incidental 102.
Click here to view the gallery.


  • In "Truth or Square," she can briefly be heard with a masculine voice when SpongeBob steps on her head while getting through the Krusty Krab line.
  • She makes her first speaking role in "Squid on Strike."


  1. File:Ejkg1dvWAAAobQl.jpg