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Incidental 14[2], also known as Incidental 160E, Incidental 160K, Incidental 160P, and RobotInc 3, is an incidental character who first appears in the episode "Ripped Pants." She is classified as an inbetween-type incidental.


File:14 evolution .jpg

Evolution of Incidental 14's default design.

She is a magenta fish with a light orange dorsal fin and lips, light yellow eyes with black pupils, and short arms with orange tips. She wears a red skirt, a red bra, and black shoes. In her older appearances, she didn't have eyelashes.

File:Alt 14 evolution .jpg

Evolution of Incidental 14's alternate colors design.

She also has an alternate color palette that first appeared in "Pickles" where she has a hot pink dorsal fin and tips, and has a lavender bra and skirt.

Incidental 160E/160K[]

File:160e and k.jpg

Incidental 160E/160K.

They are colored faded blue with a dark blue dorsal fin, lips, and fin tips. They also wear a lavender bra and skirt.

Incidental 160P[]


Incidental 160P.

She is colored tan with a light tan dorsal fin.

RobotInc 3[]

File:RobotInc 3.jpg

RobotInc 3.

She is a robot clone of Incidental 14. She is colored faded pink with darker pink fins and lips. Her swimsuit is faded red and her eye pupils are rectangular and red. She also has two robot antennas on the sides of her head and wheels for her feet.


File:SpongeGuard on Duty 060~2.jpg


Incidental 14 has been given two generic one time names throughout the franchise:

  • In "Band Geeks," her name is Evelyn.
  • In "SpongeGuard on Duty," a blonde haired Incidental 14 is named Annette.

Appearances in Fan Series[]

Nat Peterson Adventures![]

She appears in the series as an unemployed woman who lives with her son, Billy, in the house next to Petersons. Throughout season one she largely appears as a background character who is often seen complaining at Sadie's Cookies for waiting a long time to get the deserts she ordered. Her most notable role in season one is in The Lovely Boxer where it is revealed that she used to be a professional boxer when she trains Shubie to fight in an MMA league. Her character is much more developed in season two. In Shubie's Sister, Evelyn and Shubie discover that they are long lost sisters. It is revealed in the episode that Evelyn grew up in foster care for her entire life after being taken to an orphanage by her parents soon after she was born. Later on in that episode Evelyn almost marries Frank after she mistakenly thinks he proposed to her, but Shubie stops the wedding since Frank is already married to Nancy Suzy Fish. Throughout the series, Evelyn is often seen rejecting Harold. Despite this, however, she has also dated him a few times such as in Shubie's Sister, Harold's Holidays and Oyster in the Court! when she thinks that he has become a world renowned scientist. She was also briefly dated Nathaniel Waters in The CopyFish. It has yet to be revealed who Billy's father is.

Frankie the Werefish[]

She appears in the series as Frankie-Billy's girlfriend. In the first episode, she goes on a camping trip with Frankie. During the camping trip, Frankie gets bitten by a werefish in the woods and turns into one. For most of the first season, Evelyn has no idea that Frankie is a werefish as Frankie tries to hide it from her because he's worried it will ruin their relationship. That all changes at the end of the season, however, when she becomes a werefish as well after Frankie bites her.

Waiter at the Krusty Krab[]

She appears as one of the customers in the Krusty Krab.


Click here to view the image gallery for Incidental 14.
Click here to view the gallery.


  • RobotInc 3's model sheet mistakenly has an arrow pointing at Incidental 45's "RobotInc" variant on the upper storyboard on the corner of the sheet while it really should be pointing at her.
  • In the credits of "Salty Sponge," she is credited as "mailman" when she is really a mail woman.
  • She makes her first speaking role in "Walking Small," although it is offscreen, she makes her first in screen speaking role in "Hooky."
  • She is allergic to Cephalopod Spice.


  1. Two Thumbs Down
  2. Incidental Model Sheet 1