SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
This is the page about an incidental that was named Billy. For other uses, see Billy (disambiguation).
Not to be confused with Incidental 151.
Character · Gallery

Incidental 152[1], also known as Kid 1 and Incidental PM2, is an incidental character who first appears in the episode "Patty Hype." He is classified as a kid-type incidental.


He is a light turquoise cylinder-shaped kid fish with a small lighter teal dorsal fin on the top, dark teal lips, freckles, and a unibrow. He wears light lavender shorts.

Kid 1[]

File:Kid 1s.jpg

Kid 1.

He wears a red and white striped birthday hat and comes in three different colors:

  • Yellow with dark yellow lips and orange shorts
  • Lavender with dark purple lips and dark blue shorts
  • Bright teal with dark teal lips and violet shorts

Incidental PM2[]

File:Krabby Patty Creature Feature 148 (2).png

Incidental PM2.

He is a patty monster with a cylinder-shaped forehead, teal arms and legs, a small spiky light teal dorsal fin, and dark teal lips.


Incidental 152 has been given two one time names throughout the franchise:

  • In Good Ideas... and Other Disasters, his family is named Poecilia.
  • In "Oral Report," he is named Billy.


  • In "The Inmates of Summer," an unclearly-individually-identified five from the role call sheet of the Sun-N-Fun Island troops containing Incidentals 67KID, 73KID, 100, 101, 103, 108, 109, 152, 158, and one of the octopus quintuplets are named Matty Mollusk, Billy Blenny, Percy Perch, Tom Tarpon, and Lois Flatfish.

Appearances in Fan Series[]

"The Return of SlendyBob"[]

He is seen skipping outside in the middle of the night.






  • He makes his first speaking role in "Shanghaied."


  1. Incidental model sheet 2