James “Jimmy” Valmer (formerly Swanson) is a male fourth grader. Originally created as a one time character for "Cripple Fight" as a rival for Timmy Burch, he quickly became a fan favorite and plays a supporting role in many episodes. He also became good friends with Timmy and is less of a rival to him.
Like Timmy, the humor of Jimmy's character comes from his endless optimism despite his handicap. He has underdeveloped legs, requiring the use of crutches (though he can surf without them) and a stutter that forces him to repeat entire sentences until he can say the final word (this was played to its full comedic potential in a Christmas episode where Jimmy sings The 12 Days of Christmas). According to Jimmy's parents, his disability was divine punishment because they both made fun of disabled people when they were young.
In "Professor Chaos", he's one of the final 10 chosen to be their fourth member, but ultimately he is not picked (for trying too hard and being a sycophant). In later seasons, he is shown hanging with Craig's Gang.
Jimmy's role has recently been expanded, bringing him more screen time and giving his character more depth. He has a strong dislike of Christopher Reeve due to the fact that he wasn't born handicapped but is still more famous for it than Jimmy will ever be. He's also the first boy in his year to lose his virginity, albeit to an overweight prostitute.
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