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Katie Katphish[2] is a minor character in the SMG4 Series. She is one of the children belonging to Karen.


Katie appears to have sea foam ears as well as hair, hands, and tail. Light pastel red cheeks, black eyes with golden glasses as well as white face.


SMG4: Mario Does His Laundry[]

Katie is first mentioned when Karen is reminded of her 1000 children (also applying to her) while she pats JubJub on the head.

SMG4: How To Train Your Mario[]

She would make her first physical appearance when she runs away from Zack, telling Karen that he is scaring her. She later would eat dinner with her family, while watching a spinning fish on TV. She then got her fish stolen and eaten by Zack, to which she cried.

SMG4: We Don't Talk About Luigi[]

She briefly appears playing toboggan in the park.

SMG4: Grand Theft Mario[]

She is seen during Meggy's speech alongside her mother and siblings.

SMG4: The Watermelon Man[]

She was at Melony's birthday party playing video games with Bowser Jr., Luigi, Boopkins, Tari and her siblings.

SMG4: Mario Works At KFC[]

She alongside her siblings wanted to eat chicken nuggets at the KFC restaurant. When not given any quickly enough they fused into a three-headed beast and began to cause havoc in the establishment.

SMG4: You Used To Be Cool...[]

She is seen playing in the park with her brothers.


Depresso is filming himself on an iPhone proposing candies to her. Scared, she tries to run away from him.

We Must Kill Mario[]

She and her siblings are watching SMG4 (the show) on their TV when SMG4 (the person) arrives at their house. Since it is Zack's birthday, SMG4 is dressed like a clown and does a fish meme to make her laugh. While Karen is fighting in the kitchen later, SMG4 distracts the children and Mario so they don't eat the spaghetti.


Katie is emotional, as she often cry when she's bullied by her brother Zack. Katie is also shown to be very shy and sensitive much like Luigi. Despite not getting along with Zack very much, she still cares for him along with Cory, often laughing at each other's jokes.


  1. SMG4: Mario Does His Laundry Mentioned
  2. SMG4: Mario Can't Play With You Anymore... Mentioned
  3. SMG4: How To Train Your Mario Physical debut
  4. SMG4: We Don't Talk About Luigi Cameo
  5. SMG4: Mario Goes On A Diet Cameo
  6. SMG4: Grand Theft Mario Cameo
  7. SMG4: The Watermelon Man Cameo
  8. SMG4: Mario Works At KFC Cameo
  9. Mario Buys Weird Internet Stuff ft. Bob Cameo
  10. SMG4: Mario Goes on Death Row minor
  11. SMG4: Christmas Wars Cameo
  12. SMG4: You Used To Be Cool... Cameo
  13. SMG4: SMG4 NEWS Cameo
  14. SMG4 Movie: PUZZLEVISION Cameo
  15. Mario The Exploro Cameo
  16. We Must Kill Mario
  17. Mario Loses His Mustache Cameo
  18. Mr Puzzles' Lowest Point minor
  19. Mario Gets Stuck In Traffic Cameo
  20. Mario Teaches Parenting Surname revealed
  22. The Fight Of All Time


GMOD Model[]


Although her official model remains unreleased, 2 fan made recreations of Katie exist on the Steam workshop


v - e Crossover Time & SMG4 characters
  1. The Fight Of All Time
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mario Teaches Parenting