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"Kids playing in whirly" is the sixteenth episode of Season 31 of Crossover Time.


Gumball and Darwin baby-sit, then baby-lose, Penny's little sister.


The episode starts with Gumball talking to Penny on the phone. Penny asks Gumball if he is able to babysit her little sister. Gumball remarks that he is quite responsible, but Penny says he is the one who is responsible if things go south (she is saying this as Gumball struggles to gain his footing). Gumball reveals he has bought everything on the list Penny gave him, but the list she gave him was of Polly's allergies. Gumball promptly throws the food away and reveals that he has toddler-proofed the house, installing a security system and a camera. Penny makes Gumball promise that he will not stay up playing games, but Gumball remarks that they do not stay up playing games, but to watch others play games. Gumball promises, but immediately breaks that promise when he and Darwin stay up watching a very long video.

While the boys watch the video, the time abruptly shifts to the next day, when Penny arrives with Polly and immediately notices the boys' bloodshot eyes, remarking they look like "saggy oysters." Gumball reaches out for Polly, who shows him a picture she drew of "Bigfoot," which is a Monty Python-esque foot saying "Hi." Penny says she will be back after she and her family see a movie. Penny confides in Gumball, trusting him, but he and Darwin black out.

Gumball wakes up to see himself making some sort of "meat snowman." When he regains his ground, Gumball immediately backs away in fear. Meanwhile, Darwin is in the living room with a cat that looks like Gumball. They then realize Polly is missing, and frantically search for her. Gumball decides to order a cab to find her, but blacks out again.

They wake up, but they are not in their cab, but in a police car which is upside-down. Panicking once again, Gumball frantically asks the sleeping officer to do something, but he does not, and the car only just misses heavy traffic. Soon afterwards, the car crashes into a street light. Gumball asks Darwin what is happening, remarking that the events are like their lives "being edited by a thirteen-year-old vlogger or something." As he says that, the footage of the two are modified with video effects. Darwin theorizes that each time they blink, time skips, so he proposes that he and Gumball do not close their eyes until Polly is found. Just then Gumball's phone vibrates, and receives a notification, saying that their cab is here. However, said cab crashes into the totaled police car, causing both cars to explode as Gumball and Darwin black out again.

They wake up as Gumball is beating Jeff to death. Darwin pleads for him to stop, as they may have got what they wanted. Gumball asks if Polly is in the briefcase Darwin is holding, but money falls out of it instead. Darwin asks Gumball what he is going to do about the unconscious Jeff's body, but Gumball seems to prioritize looking for Polly first. Gumball immediately turns his attention to Jeff and tries to cover up his tracks, all unsuccessfully. Gumball punches Jeff one last time, who awakens and comes for the boys, just as they black out once again, and wake up at a fair, being roared at by Tina. Gumball, taking a stand, tries to fight Tina with a toy of a bullfrog playing harp, using it as a slingshot. He blacks out as he takes his shot.

The boys wake up at their house, where Patrick and Judith compliment Gumball and Darwin for their responsibility, while Penny is clearly steamed by their irresponsibility. As they look around, worrying that Polly is gone, it turns out the peanut was actually with them the whole time. Gumball and Darwin, relieved, embrace Polly. As Gumball notices Penny's ticked-off expression, he (awkwardly) tries to make a conversation with Patrick and Judith. This is when Penny, enraged, asks the boys what happened, pointing to Gumball's swollen eye, the fake Gumball, the meat snowman, Darwin's swollen lips, and the toy Gumball used earlier. Gumball explains that he and Darwin lost Polly, and Penny asks him what happened next. It turns out Gumball does not know what happened, but Polly does. Polly explains what happened: it started when she arrived. When a drowsy Gumball put her on the sofa, he asked her if she wants an orange juice. When he opened the fridge, he got frozen, and immediately afterwards sang a modified version of "Jingle Bells," with modified lyrics. He did this as he built a meat snowman. Meanwhile, Darwin asked the fake Gumball to put his trousers on, but the cat attacked him. All of this is happening while Polly looks on, confused. They then started to harmonize drowsily.

Meanwhile, Polly, who got bored while the boys continued to "harmonize," went to the backyard, and when she came back, they were gone - outside. The Donut Cop reprimands Gumball and Darwin for "jaywalking," even though they clearly did not. They get in the police car, which surprises him. The sheriff takes them downtown, leaving Polly alone. Gumball tries to turn on the radio, citing the police siren as a "tune" with "no lyrics;" by doing so, he inadvertently creates a tune. This sends the car out of control. Polly says the boys went to town to look for Polly, while Jeff eats numerous mints in a row and subsequently chokes. When Jeff asks Gumball for help, the cat throws him into a trash can instead, knocking him out. Gumball and Darwin then try to save Jeff, but he eventually drops unconscious. Polly tells the boys to give Jeff CPR, which Gumball misinterprets as bashing Jeff in the face repeatedly.

Gumball asks if Polly was in fact following them the whole time, which Penny sarcastically answers that Polly "used the Force to appear to Gumball as a hologram." Gumball asks Penny for an explanation to that, to which the fairy, enraged, transforms into her minotaur form and yells at him, saying Polly obviously was with the boys. Polly corrects Gumball when he says Jeff "attacked him and Darwin," saying Jeff was in reality hugging them in gratitude for saving him. Jeff then requests Gumball and Darwin to ask him anything they want, which is how Gumball obtained the stuffed bullfrog playing the harp. And it is revealed the "fight" with Tina was not actually a fight, it was because Tina, enraged, roared at Gumball due to him not letting Tina kiss Darwin (the boys were holding a kissing booth), causing him to misinterpret this as a threat. However, Gumball knocks himself out, while Tina goes in for the kiss, which is how Darwin's lips swelled up.

Now Gumball asks Polly how he and Darwin ended up back home, and she reveals they took the bus home. Exhausted, Gumball and Darwin prepare to sleep, but Penny begins yelling at them. Throughout all of this, the boys black out again, and wake up to hear Penny, now exhausted, insulting them with the last of her insults. Gumball apologizes to Penny, but the fairy angrily says "I'll think about it."

Gumball remarks to Darwin that he was disappointed with the bus ending, to which Darwin agrees and they both go to sleep. It is revealed that the bus crashed on top of the house as the episode ends.


Main Characters[]


  • This is Penny's thirteenth and final major role. The other twelve were "The Pressure," "The Party," "The Date," "The Knights," "The Flower," "The Dream," "The Shell," "The Bros," "The Romantic," "The Misunderstandings," "The Ex," and "The Transformation."
    • This is Polly's second major role. The first time was "The Transformation."
  • This is the seventh time Penny shapeshifts. The first six were "The Shell," "The Bros," "The Mirror," "The Romantic," "The Blame," and "The Transformation."
    • This is the third time Penny shapeshifts into her minotaur form. The first two were "The Shell" and "The Bros."
  • Gumball and Darwin's eyes throughout the episode are first seen briefly in "The Web."


Other Images[]


  • It was revealed in this episode that Polly is allergic to nuts and mold spores.
  • The fourth wall is broken when Gumball says their lives feel as though they are being edited by a thirteen-year-old vlogger, upon which the episode is edited in an eccentric manner.
  • Running gags: The screen fading to black every time Gumball and Darwin blink or close their eyes.

Cultural references[]

  • Penny sarcastically remarks that Polly "used the Force to appear to Gumball as a hologram," which is a reference to the Force and Force Ghosts in Star Wars. She also mentions a hologram, which is a reference to a common form of transmission in the franchise.
  • When Tina roars at Gumball, the sound is the same as the T. rex's roar from the Jurassic Park franchise.