SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

King Neptune is the ruler of the entire ocean. Everyone fears him greatly. He has powers that can zap anyone, destroy anything, transform one thing into another, etc. He has a different look in the movie, probably because that is an older version of him. Neptune has two children, Prince Triton and Princess Mindy, and a wife named Queen Amphitrite. To him, being the king of the sea is nothing more than the love for his family. He is voiced by John O'Hurley.



Neptune's Spatula

SpongeBob vs. The Patty Gadget

The Clash of Triton


SpongeGod and Triton

Triton and the Siren

Triton 'n Love

Mr. Zink Breaks Out of Jail!


Bad Flower Power

Triton, SpongeBob, and the Worm

Tritons' New Ball

SpongeBob and the Long Lost Princess

File:Caribbean Cruise '09.jpg

King Neptune

Another Clip Show


Esa's a Human!

Tail Over Feet

Tail Over Feet (Part Two)

A Not So Fin-tastic Wedding


Queen Amphitrite (wife)

Prince Triton (son)

Princess Mindy (daughter)

Prince Avery (Son)

King Jupiter (brother)

Queen Hera (sister)

Apollo (nephew)

Esa (ex-daughter-in-law)

Dawn (granddaughter)

Savantia (current daughter-in-law)

Pallas (granddaughter)

Anasterian (grandson)

Anastasia (granddaughter)

Khepu (Grandson)


  • He is short-tempered and gets mad real easy if someone messes with him.
  • He is sometimes harsh to his family, but loves them otherwise.
  • After the events of The Esa Chronicles, Neptune grew to despise Esa and her daughter, unable to consider the latter his granddaughter until Loss of Mind, where he and Dawn grew a mutual respect for each other.
  • Neptune gives Dawn a trident for her birthday, claiming that he trusts her with it and its great power. He later clarifies that the trident may cause anyone without the mentality similar to Dawn will overpower them, causing tremendous damage (his proof being Triton's use of the trident on Sariel).
  • After the events of Speak Up or Fight and Do You Remember?, Neptune holds great disappointment in his son's actions and shock at Savantia's affair with Esa.


(A Few Pointers)

Neptune: I know Dawn doesn't seem ready, but the trident holds a great power that only she could maintain with her will to protect and her perseverance. I trust her with it... and Pallas, but she is too young for a trident that size.

(Father Be Gone)

Neptune: (holding unto her shoulders) Dawn, listen to me. I trusted you with that trident for a reason. You never would let the thoughts of revenge and bloodshed cross your mind, and instead focus on using it to protect the ones you love. That is why you need to make sure that what happened tonight never happens again.

                 Poseidon VII
                 Neptune VII
                 Neptune VIII
                 Neptune IX
                 Neptune X
                 Neptune XI
       |             |                                                                            |
   Neptune XII     Triton === Raika                                                           Thalassa
  (1807-1854)    (1811-1887) | (1790-200                                                      (1814-1880)
                            |                                                                      |
                            |                                                                      |
                        Glaucus III                                                           Amoeba I === Mildew
                       (1851-1914)                                                         (1838-1911)  |  (1848-1906)
                            |                                                            ---------------^-----------------------
                            |                                                            |           |           |             |
                       Poseidon VIII                                       Yorick ==== Tulsa      Callows       Carl         Dogus
                      (1893-1951)                                      (1865-1914) | (1871-1933)  (1873-1910)  (1875-1921)   (1879-1924)
                     |-------------------------------------------                         |   
                     |                                          |                         |
                Neptune XIII                                 Glaucus                    Maw Titter === Billy Bob Star
                (1926-1976)                                                            (1911-1967)  |  (1907-1972)
                     |-----------------------------|                                       ---------^---------
                     |                             |                                       |                 |
                Neptune XIV === Amphitrite      Triton II                                Sluggo           Herb Star === Margie Star
                (1948-2021)  |  (1950-2018)    (1951-2000)                             (1952-1990)          (1955)   |  (1958)
                     --------^--------             |                                       |                         |
                     |               |             |                                       |                         |
                  Triton III       Neptuna       Neptune V                               Gary I        Sam Star -----^----- Patrick Star I
                 (1984-2040)     (1989-2059)    (1990)                                   (1988)         (1980)                  (1986)