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The King of Ooo, sometimes abbreviated as KOO and later known as the Waxman of Ooo, is a major antagonist of the 2010-2018 Cartoon Network series Adventure Time.

He is a waxman of supposed royalty within the land of Ooo, as well as a very controversial figure with an almost cult-like following. He is soon revealed to be a petty criminal, thief and con artist who exploits others for his own gain. He's also one of the two archenemies (alongside Uncle Gumbald) of Princess Bubblegum.

He was voiced by Andy Daly, who also played Principal Dwight in Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life, Two-Face in Harley Quinn and Mayor Brown in Yogi Bear.


The King of Ooo makes his debut in "Apple Wedding" where he is hired by Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig to be the priest of their wedding. This infuriates Princess Bubblegum who acknowledges the "king" for the fraud he really is. As the wedding goes ahead, the Princess breaks into the King's zeppelin to see if she could find anything unlawful or incriminating on him. The King proceeds to marry them both while also slipping into the clause that Pig and Tree Trunks would be performing labor tasks at his gated mountain compound for the next five years. Before she says "I do", Princess Bubblegum appears and announces the wedding to be a "criminal farce" (amidst Lumpy Space Princess who Finn had been trying to stop from crashing the wedding), the princess shows the King's outdated wedding officiant license. The King however, pulls out his up-to-date paperwork giving him the position and is about to accuse the Princess of breaking into his zeppelin. Princess Bubblegum silences him by placing him under arrest and incarcerating him, doing the same to the entire wedding party when they resist her authority. The King is freed with the other guests once the Princess orders the Banana Guards to let them go, in which they unlock the dungeon doors and everyone flees.

The King makes his next major appearance in "Gold Stars", where he appears alongside his partner-in-crime Toronto. The King appears to have lost whatever political power he once had, as both him and Toronto reside in the slums of the Candy Kingdom. They both come across Sweet P, who they convince to skip school to dance for passerbys in front of the Candy Tavern. While said passerbys laugh uncontrollably, the King and Toronto rob them of their valuables. Afterwards, the King rewards Sweet P with a gold star, only telling him not to say how he got it. The two criminals continue to manipulate Sweet P to dance so they can pickpocket candy people for the following few weeks.

When Sweet P goes back to them however, planning to ask for one more gold star to fill the refrigerator so he could surprise his parents. He finds both the King and Toronto making gold stars out of scrap metal, they talk about how great help Sweet P has been helping them rob and pickpocket people, but also mention that they'd have to "take care" of him should he find out the truth. Sweet P accidentally snaps a twig while stepping back, which alerts the two to the giant child's presence. They confront and agree to have to "take care of" Sweet P, which scares him back to his house. The King of Ooo and Toronto soon confront Sweet P at their parents' orchard, saying that they won't take care of him but will burn it down if Sweet P doesn't agree to come with them and dance forever. As the two proceed ahead with it and taunt Sweet P however, the fire reawakens the Lich inside of him, who then shows the King and Toronto horrific visions of monsters. This scares the thieves both off running as they drop the money and valuables that Sweet P (unintentionally) helped them steal, who later chooses to give it to his parents.

The King of Ooo then makes his next major appearance in "Hot Diggity Doom" where he runs a campaign to become the new princess of the Candy Kingdom in a "barely yet fully legal" election. Princess Bubblegum, who is too occupied by monitoring the catalyst comet, is confident that the Candy people will vote for her given that she created them all. The King of Ooo listens to James' mother, Mrs James, who tells the crowd that her son was turned into a monster and exiled from the kingdom by Princess Bubblegum. When a candy citizen brings up King of Ooo nearly burning down his mother's orchard, the King says that like an animal; "I know not what thy doone". None the wiser, Sweet P forgives the King, picks him up and kisses him.

When the voting is done, the King of Ooo is elected the new princess of the Candy Kingdom, with the candy people too unintelligent to know between a good ruler and a bad one. Princess Bubblegum then takes her leave as the King becomes the new princess. It is revealed that the King's benefactor "Mr. X" was actually Orgalorg who wanted to use the princess' spaceship to reach the comet.

After the Stakes miniseries however, the Candy people realise what a bad ruler the King was and proceed to usurp him from his position.


The King of Ooo generally acts with a benign, humble and kind manner around his "subjects", as shown at Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig's wedding. Although this is just a façade to deceive others in order to exploit them for his own gain. In reality, the supposed King of Ooo is a scheming, duplicitous and despicable man, as well as a liar and a thief to nearly everyone he rallies. Clearly taking advantage of the Candy People's lack of intelligence and Sweet P's innocent nature.

The King shows just how cruel he truly is in "Gold Stars", where he's willing to exploit Sweet P, a child, into dancing and humiliating himself so him and Toronto could pickpocket and steal from candy people. He later points out on how people love to laugh at Sweet P, and calls him a "big weird baby-man". To add insult to injury, he was able to convince the child to forgive him with a clearly dishonest apology in another episode.

v - e Crossover Time & SMG4 characters