“ | ” | —Leona after cheering Chip Chip up, SMG4: Mario Does His Laundry |
Leona Lindner is a modern recurring character in the Crossover Time series, debuting in The Cinema Camera. She is an anthropomorphic fish who works at Costa Coffee as a barista, and in later appearances works as a clerk in various stores throughout the New York City.
Leona is a teal fish and has dark blue hair, light cyan fins, and pale azure lips. She wearing Costa Coffee-like uniform with a dark red pole shirt and an dark red cap and grayish blue apron with her name tag. She wears dark gray leggings with black shoes, and also has a magenta headband on her hair.
In her normal clothes, Leona wears only the dark red pole shirt along with her dark gray leggings and black shoes. She speaks with a stereotypical New England accent.
The Cinema Camera[]
She working as a barista at a local Costa Coffee. She gets annoyed by K.O. and Sprig sneaking around her and scared him away with her shotgun. She is then seen again trying to get K.O. and Sprig off the store for trying to camp outside of Sundays but was kicked in the face. She would later send him and his tent to a garbage dump.
Mario Can't Play With You Anymore...[]
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Goodbye, SMG4[]
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War Of The Fat Italians 2022[]
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How To Train Your Mario[]
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We Must Kill Mario[]
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Behind the scenes[]
Leona is voiced by Lori Alan. Her voice is patterned after Terri Powroznik, best known to the modern generation as the voice of Disgust from Movieunleashers' Outside In.
Leona debuted in "The Cinema Camera".
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- Several fans had compared her to Bertha, from Animal Crossing. FM had to point out that she was designed far before Animal Crossing: New Horizons came about.
- Her name was inspired by the latin word term "Leona" Which is a term for people perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The term is often portrayed in memes depicting rude women who use their perceived power to demand their own way. Depictions may include demanding to "speak to the manager" or sporting a particular bob cut hairstyle (The notable examples are: Sapphire and High Heel Princess).
- She shares some similarities with Gloria Sato from the animated Disney Channel series Big City Greens, both characters having a job at a local barista & always putting up with shenanigans from the main protagonist (K.O. and Sprig/Cricket Green).
- She said she has 1000 children in SMG4: Mario Does His Laundry. However, In SMG4: How To Train Your Mario, in biological terms she has only 3 children. It is likely that she might have a babysitter job and/or she said it metaphorically since Karen is stressed of taking care of them. She feels like taking care of 1000 children despite the fact that she's actually taking care of 3 of her own.
- Leona's hairstyle bears a resemblance to those of Sapphires, the species that Sapphire are part of.
- She's likely one of the strongest characters in the series in terms of physical power. She is also shown to be able to handle weapons proficiently, owning a collection of them. Both of these qualities are likely attributed to her possible assassin past.
- It is unknown that her surname is her husband's or her maiden's.