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SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

Mega Football Baby is a giant, genetically enhanced baby that was spawned as the result of a botched government experiment done to try and create the best football player. Mega Football Baby has the maturity of an ordinary baby but the football knowledge of a pro. He, Bell Beefer, and Rad are part of "The Rad Squad." His first appearance was in the pilot "Lakewood Plaza Turbo".

Physical Appearance[]

Mega Football Baby has a yellow and with a green line helmet, in which a small part of hair sticks out. A purple suit, white diaper, and blue boots.


Being a baby, Mega Football Baby is immature in the way he acts. Despite this, he is an exceptional athlete, and is also shown to be very competitive in "Plazalympics".

Abilities and Powers[]

  • Spiral toss
  • End zone spike
  • Teething


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Commander Keen

  • Mega Football Baby's design could be inspired by the character Billy Blaze, aka "Commander Keen," from the game series Commander Keen.
    • This may be further backed by the appearance of the Dopefish from the same series appearing on a TV near him in the pilot.
    • Though his production art depicts him with a more vibrant skin tone, every appearance in the series shows him with far paler skin – again, similar to Keen's in-game appearance.
  • He resembles the main character from Clarence.
  • His weakness is if he sees a football, he instantly tries to put it in his mouth.[1]
  • He carries a baby bottle full of sports drink.


v - e Crossover Time & SMG4 characters