SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
Sad Wendy in The Hobbit This series has now ended.
If the author chooses to revive it in the future, they should ask one of the administrators to unlock the page for them. Should someone else wish to continue this series, they should ask the author on their message wall.

Mr. Beans is a spin-off of MY LEG! NETWORK about this starfish called Mr. Beans. It was made by CartoonGuy277 and premiered April 11, 2019. It was cancelled on April 27, 2019 for the following reasons:The episodes weren't popular, CartoonGuy ran out of ideas and he just got tired of the show.

Main Characters[]

  • Mr. Beans


Season 1

Title Card # Title Writer(s) Airdate

"I WANT TO SLEEP!" CartoonGuy277 April 11, 2019
Mr. Beans tries to sleep.

"No Mayonnaise!" CartoonGuy277 April 12, 2019
Mr. Beans is constantly stopped from eating mayonnaise.

"Mr. Beans becomes a Murderer" CartoonGuy277 April 13, 2019
After losing his glasses, Mr. Beans becomes a murderer.

"Missing TV" CartoonGuy277 April 27, 2019
Mr. Beans' TV disappears.