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This young, loyal Rescue Pup is one of an elite breed of space dogs that's long served the Shepherd family. This is his first mission.

โ€ โ€”Oatchi's ID Badge description.

Oatchi is the deuteragonist of the 2023 real-time strategy game Pikmin 4. A young Rescue Pup enlisted as a member of the Rescue Corps, Oatchi is promoted to the game's second captain tasked with the mission of finding Olimar.


Oatchi is a small bipedal dog-like entity with yellow fur and orange spots. His muzzle and feet are tan, and his tail ends in a white cottonball-like growth that, in later portions of the game, turns into a leaf. Oatchi wears a collar with the Rescue Corps' color.

In general, Oatchi slightly resembles a member of the Grub-Dog family, who were named after their resemblance to Hocotatian dogs.


Described as a loyal companion, Oatchi is generally a helpful dog who always seems to be ready to jump at the call. When not working, he can be seen in cutscenes as a playful individual, letting Pikmin jump on his back like a trampoline.

It can be inferred that Oatchi is capable of some level of thought and that he wishes to rescue as many castaways as possible, seeing as his Pup Drive, Oatchi's willingness to learn new skills, increases the more castaways are rescued.


Prior to the start of the game, Oatchi was a servant of the Shepherd family, with Oatchi in particular being owned by Erma Shepherd, who grew an attachment for dogs after being saved by one in her youth. Eventually, Erma would leave her home planet of Giya to become the captain of the Rescue Corps, taking Oatchi, who was still a young pup at the time, along with her.

During what should have been Oatchi's first mission, a distress signal was sent out from the then-unmarked planet PNF-404, detailing how a man by the name of Captain Olimar crash landed on the planet. Hearing this call, the Rescue Corps, alongside numerous other space-faring travelers, decided to head over to PNF-404 in order to rescue the poor captain, but strangely, every single one of those spaceships crashed.

On the surface of this strange planet, the newest of the Rescue Corps runs into Oatchi, stranded in the middle of nowhere. The two team up to find the rest of the crew and get back home. The pair also discover strange creatures known as Pikmin, who are willing to do tasks for the duo and are instrumental to their success in this new world.

A few days after their arrival, Oatchi is hit with a growth spurt signaling that he is now a fully-grown dog, allowing him to carry out tasks and help the Pikmin with their tasks. Oatchi can also learn various skills from Erma, allowing him to grow stronger and more capable of completing tasks with enough Pup Drive, earned by rescuing the various castaways stranded on the planet.

During the course of the game, Oatchi and the rookie come across a strange red Pikmin-like entity known as a Leafling, alongside another space dog known as Moss. This Leafling has been kidnapping the stranded castaways and turning them into Leaflings.

After defeating the red Leafling, the team discovers that it was Captain Olimar, the one who sent the distress signal in the first place, the entire time. Curing the captain of his Leafification, the ship starts to launch itself into orbit, only for Oatchi to rapidly start to get sick after leaving the planet. As it turns out, Oatchi had grown a leaf on his tail, and is unable to be cured with the regular serum that cures the Leaflings. Due to this, the Rescue Corps decide to head back to look for a way to save the poor pup.

After a while, the team eventually tracks down traces of a giant dog-like creature nearby. Hoping that this creature could be a distant ancestor to Oatchi, the team tracks the dog down only for it to be revealed that it was controlled by Louie. While the team was unable to successfully contain the dog, known as the Ancient Sirehound, the collar it wore had enough traces of DNA in order to save Oatchi. With it, the team removes the leaf from Oatchi's tail, and he, the Rescue Corps, and all the castaways are able to safely retreat from PNF-404.


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  • Most NPCs in the game have special dialogue when talking to Oatchi alone.
  • When around enemies, Oatchi will squint his eyes and glare at them, similar to Moss' default facial expression.
v - e Crossover Time & SMG4 characters