Pizza Princess (first name Madeleine[2] and occasionally called PP) is the princess and ruler of the Pizza Kingdom, as well as Sharif's love interest. She is the second most recurring princess after Princess Bubblegum in "MP's Episodes." She was first introduced in "Gum N Sauce," as her kingdom was under attack by assassins. She afterwards befriends Sharif and Snicker.
Personality and traits[]
With a caring and outgoing front, Pizza Princess is fairly understandable and collected for the most part, contrasting Flame Princess' anger and quick-to-judge personality. She demonstrates to be empathetic for those around her, not wanting Finn to get involved in her own fights and battles, for his own safety. She shares an interest for adventuring and exploring with Sharif, as well as swordsmanship and combat.
Despite her roles in the earlier episodes, she was, at least, later shown to be quite reckless and rebellious, getting her and Flame Princess into trouble in "Carnival of Mayhem." She has been shown to be resentful whenever Sharif thinks she can't handle something on her own, reflecting her desire to figure things out her way without help. She also demonstrates slight ambivalence prior to her Kingdoms history, describing it as an "good thing" that she knows little about it.
In "Gum N Sauce," the two first meet and Sharif develops a mutual crush on her, after he saved her from an assassin. She befriends Sharif and Snicker, showing them around her kingdom. Later on in the episode when they visit her again, Sharif gives her flowers and invites her over o the tree fort. After having an unexpected battle with Flame Princess, Sharif confesses his feelings for her and decide to go on a date, but she turns him down for being too young. Near the end of the episode, after her and Phoebe make-up, she kisses him on the cheek.
Although the two only interacted in "Gum N Sauce," the seemingly appear on good terms. Snicker is approving of her and his brothers relationship, but often doesn't get involved with it.
Rock Princess[]
Cream Princess []
Pizza Princess has waist-length hair, composed out of cheese. She has black dot eyes, like most of the other characters, which are confirmed to be green in close-ups. Just like Flame Princess, her arms are also portrayed as thicker than the majority of characters. Her skin color is a slightly darker shade of yellow than her hair.
Her main outfit features a multi-colored cheese dress, with pepperoni straps, as the bottom part consist to be a pizza sliced skirt, with a rim that appears to be made out of crust. Her shoes are regular light red colored ones, likely made out of pepperoni.
Pizza Princess shows great skill in karate and martial arts, as well as in handling and weapon techniques. Using the pepperoni's on her skirt, she is able to transform them into shields or boomerangs, whenever in battle. She is also shown to withstand fire for a short amount of time (Possibly because she's made out pizza, and pizza can be cooked) without getting burned, as demonstrated in "Gum N Sauce" where Flame Princess whipped a fireball at her.
Major appearances[]
- "Gum N Sauce"
- "Crazy For You"
- "Heart of the Pizza Kingdom"
- "Carnival of Mayhem"
- "Pizza" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "First Date" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Food Wars I" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Food Wars II" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "How He Stole Christmas" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Sharif vs. Food" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Fountain of Youth" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Hell Date" (Always Adventure Time!)
Minor appearances[]
- "Song of Mystery I" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Song of Mystery II" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Dragon Fight!" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Riddle Me This" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Brother's Day" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "The Explorers" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Sharif vs. Pirates" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Snicker-In-The-Box" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Cookies" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Creepy Tales" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Reality or Virtuality?" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Fun Times With Daddy" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Snicker Time!"
- "Broken Trampoline" (Always Adventure Time!)
- "Sharif Bot" (Always Adventure Time!)
- The Kingdom Of Pizza VS. Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum
Video games[]
- "Adventure Time: Brawlout"
- "Adventure Time All-Stars Battle Royale"
- Main article: Pizza Princess/Quotes
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- Despite not appearing at the "Princess Day" event, according to the episode "Carnival of Mayhem" she is invited each year to the event, but chooses not to attend, meaning she is a registered princess.
- She has two separate rolls in two different series, one being "Adventure Time with Summer and Carla" and the other being "MP's Episodes". In "Adventure Time with Summer and Carla" she does not have many major appearances, but in "MP's Episodes" she has many more appearances.
- She is also a main character in "Always Adventure Time!"
- Ironically, her and Flame Princess both share the same voice actress, and both characters were close to Sharif at separate times.
- Her favorite color is yellow.
- She is a character created by Maple Panda.
- She used to be a recurring character in "Always Adventure Time!," but as of season 3 she got promoted to the main cast.
- Pizza Princess was originally going to have a very complex design, but the concept was dropped to a more simple one, as it would have been to hard to animate for "Gum N Sauce."