SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

Princess Mindy is a mermaid who originally appeared in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. She is King Neptune and Queen Amphitrite's daughter and is Triton's 'little' sister. Patrick seems to like her. In Tiny Sponge Adventures her young relative is Mary Mermaid & she appears as one of the teachers in the series. In SpongeBob: After The Film, she is releated to the ex mermaid/now mortal. Adele "Allua".


Mindy has dark-blue hair, glasses, a light-green tail and a yellow hair bow. She has light-green skin and wears a golden bracelet. She also wears a pink top with a red heart in the middle. Patrick always describes her to be pretty or hot.


King Neptune (father)

Queen Amphitrite (mother)

Prince Triton (brother)

Princess Neptuna (sister)


  • Mindy's full name is Miranda Janet Neptune.


  • "Daddy, stop it!"
  • "NO!"
  • "Woah. Say THAT 10 times fast."