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Punching Judy has the heart of a fighter. She always punches first and never asks questions as she hates questions. She is K.O.'s babysitter. She made her first appearance in "Let's Work Together".

Physical Appearance[]

Judy has the same height as Enid. She has a vibrant green hair that goes down to her waist and a somewhat dark tan skin. She wears a black full piece bodysuit and boots and wears big red boxing gloves, which she is born with on her fists.[2] Unlike the rest of her family, she has very huge legs and very thin arms.


Judy has shown to be dedicated to her pugilist family trait. She trains and fights in tournaments to be great. However, her repeated defeats against her sister made her discouraged. Gar's motivation and advice gave her the confidence and strategic edge to defeat her sister Punching Trudy.

Abilities and Powers[]

Judy has a power level of 3. K.O. said in "Let's Be Heroes" that she's the toughest fighter of his neighborhood.

Fighting Powers[]

Judy is a well-known boxer, and all her fighting techniques consist of boxing moves, like jabs and hooks. Her punches are strong enough to defeat opponents like Bell Beefer and Big Bull Demon.

She has good reflexes as shown when she extemporaneously had a orange thrown at her and she kicked it.

Judy has great lower body strength that gives her strong stability, and it makes her hard to take down. She was also able to put cracks in a fighting ring using her feet. Judy was also nimble enough to avoid attacks from her brawny sister, Punching Trudy.[2]


  • Quick Jab
  • Heavy Jab
  • Tornado Uppercut
  • Shield Breaker


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  • Her weakness is that she cannot kick.
  • Her name could be a reference to the children's puppet show duo Punch and Judy.
  • It is possible that Punching Judy was inspired by the Punch-Out!! franchise, as her personality and special moves are extremely similar to Little Mac's.
    • Similarly, she may take loose inspiration from the Street Fighter characters of Balrog and Dudley as both characters exclusively use their upper bodies to battle.
  • Her design may also have been inspired by a similar character from Bee and PuppyCat named Toast. Though their personalities and abilities greatly differ, the two share a similar appearance.
  • Judy's design also may have been inspired by the "Justin Bailey" sprite from the game Metroid (green hair, leotard, and boots).


v - e Crossover Time & SMG4 characters