SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
Rock Bottom
Release Date January 25, 2010
Season Various
Writers Various
Directors Various
Running Time 99 minutes
Cast Various
Audio English

Rock Bottom is a Fan-Fiction DVD that is set to be released in January 25, 2010.


  1. Rock Bottom
  2. The Patrick Shuffle
  3. Shell Shocked
  4. The Ring
  5. Born To Be Wild
  6. Best Frenemies
  7. The Pink Purloiner
  8. Ghosts R'Us
  9. Obsession For Pat
  10. Krusty Dogs
  11. The Tresure Of The Mona Lisa
  12. Shadow
  13. Fear Of A Krabby Patty
  14. Back To The Past
  15. Wakiki Wabbit
  16. Out Of Picture