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The Soldier is one of the nine playable classes in Team Fortress 2. Hired by RED Team to fight against BLU Team, the Soldier wields a Rocket Launcher and entrenching Shovel into battle. The Soldier is verifiably insane, and collects both the heads of his enemies and their hats.


If Mario was in... Team Fortress 2[]

Soldiers appear on both RED and BLU, fighting the other team for the intelligence on 2Fort. When Mario first arrives in RED's locker room, the Soldier immediately offers to trade with Mario for his iconic red cap, which Mario declines. Throughout the episode, the Soldier and a RED Demoman argue and duel to the death over who gets to trade Mario for his hat, while Mario still declines and moves to avoid their brawl. Eventually, while Mario is chasing down the BLU Pyro for the intelligence, the Soldier and Demoman crash through the wall of BLU Base, and Soldier is given a surprise buttsecks attack by the BLU Spy. The Soldier defends himself, as Mario escapes from the fighting once more. Finally, the Soldier appears again with the Demoman after getting tossed into the BLU Engineer's Sentry Gun in BLU's intelligence room and destroying it, saving Mario in the process. He begins to dance, taunting the Demoman to fight him. The Demoman tackles the Soldier, dropping the BOMBINOMICON! in the process, which leads to the climax of the episode. Merasmus the Magician hexes 2Fort, seemingly killing the Soldier in the process. After Heavy tosses Mario back to the city streets of the Mushroom Kingdom, the Soldier is revealed to have survived the cataclysm and tagged along to ask Mario for his hat one more time.

Stupid Mario Odyssey[]

The Soldier appears in Stupid Mario Odyssey when Mario uses Cappy to transform into the RED Heavy. As in his debut, Soldier wants Mario's hat. After Mario-Heavy declines again, a whole flock of RED Soldiers rushes down Heavy, while Mario uncap-tures the Heavy and flees.

War of the Fat Italians: 2017[]

The Soldier is the major conflict of one of the recommended challenges: "Who can keep their hat around Soldier the longest?" by Ender41948. Soldier immediately starts to harass SMG4 for his hat, crawling through the toilet in the bathroom SMG4 locked himself in. He then chases down Mario as he purchases some items to protect himself from, killing the koopa cashier and demanding Mario give him his hat. Mario sets the Soldier on fire as he flees. SMG4 then uses this opportunity to call for help, but the Soldier has already 'disguised' himself as a telephone. SMG4 kicks him in the crotch as he walks away. Finally, the Soldier disguises himself as Princess Peach to trick Mario into approaching, and steals his hat. Afterwards, he then proceeds to tackle SMG4 for his hat as well.


Like the other Mercenaries from Team Fortress 2, the Soldier's personality remains mostly accurate to his canon personality. Soldier is an insane, America-crazed maniac who has a love of war and hats. In SMG4, the Soldier particularly loves Mario's cap, and will stop at nothing to add it to his collection. He also has a fondness for SMG4's hat, and will also willingly attack him for it.


  • If Mario was in...Team Fortress 2 debut
  • SMG4: Stupid Mario Odyssey
  • SMG4: War of the Fat Italians 2017
  • SMG4: Mario University minor
  • SMG4: A Day In The Life Of Everyone (Head)
  • SMG4: Mario Raids Area 51
  • SMG4: Mario's Magical TV Cameo
  • SMG4: The E G G
  • SMG4: SMG4 🅴🆇🅿🅰🅽🅳🆂 His Brain Cameo
  • SMG4: Mario Goes To College Cameo
  • SMG4 Christmas Special 2021 Cameo
  • Mario Plays TF2 (ft. Marty) In-game
  • SMG4: CEO OF RIZZ Cameo
  • REMASTERED64: Stupid Mario Kart Cameo/In Peach's inventory


  • Coincidentally, there is a hat in Team Fortress 2 that is a reference to Mario's cap, the Plumber's Cap. However, the hat can only be worn by the Engineer.

See Also[]

Soldier on the Official Team Fortress Wiki.

v - e Crossover Time & SMG4 characters