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My wisdom is both a blessing, and a curse.

—Soos Ramirez to Dipper Pines in "Tourist Trapped".


Soos is the handyman at the Mystery Shack. He often accompanies Dipper and Mabel on their adventures. Later, it is revealed in the finale that Soos represents the question mark on the Zodiac.


Soos is a amicable and lovable employee whose desire to be where the action is makes him a reliable source for the twins when they need a ride around town. Aside from the twins, he is one of the only people around who sees and believes all the strange things happening in Gravity Falls, seen in "Tourist Trapped," when he says he is always noticing weird stuff in Gravity Falls, an assertion he makes in other episodes. Soos hates celebrating his birthday as it reminds him of his father not being there for him when he was a kid as shown in "Blendin's Game". While he is generally rather dim-witted, he is also shown to be quite knowledgeable and intelligent when it comes to certain topics. Additionally, while he is also usually pretty childish and naïve, he also knows when it's appropriate to take things more seriously. To summarize, despite now always being super reliable because of his lack of intelligence and immaturity, he is easily one of the most consistently kind-hearted characters on the show, and he normally comes through for others when it really matters thanks to his hidden depths.


Soos is a young Caucasian-Hispanic man who has a pudgy build. He wears a light brown cap, has light skin complexion, and buck teeth, similar to those of a beaver. He's stocky and wears dark brown shoes, beige shorts and a jade green-ish gray shirt with a big dark green poorly painted question mark on the front. Soos has several strands of facial hair on his face which are glued on as he has an inability to grow them naturally.


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  • According to the show's creator, Alex Hirsch, Soos was based off of an old college buddy of his who was also named Jesus, and who like Soos was a unique blend of being incompetent yet handy.
  • His Italian voice actor, Luca Ghignone, also voiced Robbie in the same show.
  • In Blendin's Game, Soos receives a keyboard from his abuelita on his 10th birthday which he uses in Headhunters during Stan's reopening of the Wax Museum.
  • In the thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com ARG, several facts are revealed about Soos:
    • Dialogue from the repair screens of the website reveal that Soos and Melody are now married and that she might be pregnant with his children.
    • Additionally, codes from the website and Bill's own remarks reveal that Soos is far too pure for Bill to entice in any way, forcing the dream demon to briefly possess him in order to halt the website's repair.
    • It's also revealed that shortly after taking over management of the Mystery Shack, Soos has installed laser tag, a mini-train track through the forest and has also taken up the role of Questiony the Question Mark once again, though his outfit now is much less revealing.
    • Soos tried to get Ford to make an amiibo of Stan to no avail as Ford had no idea what an amiibo is.
    • Soos once volunteered to help Stan taste-test a homemade soda: the Drippy Stanley, made mostly of inedible and toxic ingredients. As a result, Soos would lose all his memories of the year 2000, likely a callback to him believing 2000 was still in the future in Soos and the Real Girl.
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