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SpongeBob's Quirky Behaviour is the pilot episode of The Life Of Gary The Snail.


Gary was slithering around the house, as usual, when he noticed something, SpongeBob was nowhere to be seen. He thought nothing of it at first but, after a few hours it got a bit worrying. Gary played it cool and went upstairs to find SpongeBob in his roomwith his hands behind his back. "Hehe, GarBar, what'cha doing?" "Meow (Nothing much.)" Gary replied, only for SpongeBob to not understand him. "That's so exciting! Were there planes, fighter jets, TANKS?!" SpongeBob raised his voice, although not in an angry fashion. Gary roared back as a way of telling SpongeBob to shut up.

SpongeBob went pale in the face for a second, trying to hold back tears. Gary really didn't care if SpongeBob was crying or not, as he didn't think what he did was that harsh. "Meow.. (What a baby)" Gary mumbled. Gary went back to roaming the house for a few minutes, finding things to do.

He stumbled across a postcard he'd meant to send to Snelly, Squidward's snail, a while back. The postcard was a picture of her and Gary was entranced in her beauty. An extreme close up gag would actually reveal that Snelly was growing a small mustache and had more pimples than four-hundred teenagers. Gary didn't see this however.

Next, he stumbled across SpongeBob ready to hand him something. "Gary, I got you a gift! It's a miniature version of you! The statue was only half an inch tall and Gary smirked and said "Meow. (Sure is miniature, alright.)"


  • When Gary exits SpongeBob's room, there is a picture of The Terrible Travis on SpongeBob's door, with multiple darts thrown at it and a picture of Tyce that's even worse for ware.
  • In the original version, most of the episode was not broadcasted, in it's official premiere, it aired full and uncut.