SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

SpongeBob's Spooktober is a show entirely created and written by Purple133. It was a special spin-off created only for Halloween, and aired one single season in 2018. The logo was made by Purple133. However it was merged with SpongeBob's Seasonal Shenanigans in a deal with Parad0xGamerYT. It became season zero.


Purple133 was joking one day and claimed he would make a special spin-off for Halloween 2018 only. At first it was a joke, but here he is.


The show was picked up for 10 episodes, slated to air from October 27, 2018 to October 31, 2018. Every episode was written and directed by Purple133.

Musical Soundtrack[]

Each episode featured a unique spooky song, written by CobblePirate and Purple133. This made the show more unique then it already was.

Episode Guide[]

Season No. of Episodes First Aired Last Aired
0 5 October 27, 2018 October 31, 2018

Season One[]

No. Title Writer Airdate
1 Thrift Store Adventures! Purple133 October 27, 2018
2 Welcome to the Patch, The Pumpkin Patch October 28, 2018
3 Death to All (Pumpkins) October 29, 2018
4 Halloween, Part One October 30, 2018
5 Halloween, Part Two October 31, 2018

