SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

SpongeBuck SquarePants is SpongeBob and Tina's 15th Greats Grandfather and Dead Eye Plankton's former enemy.


He was born in a wealthy family with a sister. He was rapped in a brown towel with SquarePants logo on it, he described it when he was older like a fake/substitute SquarePants even though it was soft, and had soft brown hair.

He moved to Dead Eye Bottom(formerly Dead Eye Gulch until he saved it) at the age of 23, he asked for a job as a worker at Krusty Kantina but was made into being a sheriff. One day, him and Dead Eye Plankton had a fight and SpongeBuck won.

After he won the battle, he became mayor of Dead Eye Bottom until his son gave it to a man and gone in a differenet generation. SpongeBuck met a pretty sponge called Kathy and got married at age 37, he later had a boy called SpongeWilliam.


  • He had a pet snail called Buckin' Bullsnail, who is the ancestor of Gary.