SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
File:Sponge 5 season.png

This DVD contains season 5 of SpongeTwins.

Disc 1:

81:Conscience: Bob finds his conscience,but its annoying him like CRAP! Can he get rid of it?

82:The Mighty Race!(One Hour Special): The 4 set an allout race winner gets 100,000,000,000,000 dollars!Who will win?

83:Fallout Sponge:The entire ocean gets hit with a nuclear bomb,SpongeBob and Patrick dies,and Jake and Tap's cells are broken!Can the 4 survive?(Non-Canon)

84:Riddle Phil:Phil Eggtree(from jonbro's "RIddle School")visits Bikini Bottom and wants to get out.Will he?

85:The Sitcom:The Show gets turned into a sitcom!Can they turn it back to a cartoon? (Well, animated sitcoms exist.)

86:Dance Pants Revolution 2:SpongeBob and Bob get into a fight to see who's to see who's the best dancer.So they play Dance Dance Revolution.Who will win?

87:A Starfish-Related Episode:Patrick and Patty make an episode because most of them are about the sponges

88:Atlantis Again(TV Movie):They visit Atlantis.Will it turn out?

89:Squiddy:Squidwards twin,Squiddy comes to town.

90:Happy B-Day,Twins!:It's Bob and SpongeBob's birthday!Will it turn out DECENT,at least?

Disc 2:

91:Jake and Tap return:When the 4 release Jake and Tap.But then they go in an all-out rampage!WIll the 4 stop them,and/or figure out why there on a rampage?

92:lolol 4:even MORE random things happen!

93:Big Blob:The 4 turn into blobs!Will they return to normal?

94:That Cheesy Episode:This episode is a cheesy version of "The Visit(SpongeTwins episode #1)"

95:That Immature Episode:This episode is an immature version of "The Visit(SpongeTwins episode #1)"

96:I Won!:Patty has won a trophy and Patrick gets jelous and wants to destrot it.Will he?

97:this episode was rushed:the 4 rush there day

98:The CD-i:The 4 find a CD-i in a bad mood.uh-oh

99:Phun-remastered:A different version of SpongeTwins episode #2:phun.

100:The 100th Episode Spectacular!:The 4 make the best episode ever!
