“ |
♫ I will fight to be everything that everybody wants me to be when I'm grown!♫ |
” | —Steven singing about his reason for protecting the Earth. |
“ |
But this is my home, and you're all my family! I'm... I'M A CRYSTAL GEM... TOO! |
” | —Steven in "The Return". |
“ |
I changed. That's the final piece. All those struggles, I learned from them, and I grew! Oh my gosh! It's not just my Gem powers I've forgotten! All this "Happily Ever After" stuff has made me forget the first power I ever had! The power to change! |
” | —Steven in Steven Universe: The Movie. |
“ |
I think maybe Cookie Cat had run out of ways to grow on his home planet. And even though it must’ve been hard, and he loved his family so, so much, maybe he had to leave to keep moving forward. |
” | —Steven describing his journey and motivations through the perspective of Cookie Cat in "The Future". |
“ |
I love you too. |
” | —Steven to the Gems before leaving Beach City to start a new life in "The Future". |
Steven Quartz Universe (born August 15th) is the titular main protagonist of the TV series of the same name, the film based on it, and its epilogue series.
He is a member of The Crystal Gems and the son of former musician Greg Universe and Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond, the late founder and original leader of the Crystal Gems and a former matriarch of the Great Diamond Authority. He is also the boyfriend and romantic interest of Connie Maheswaran.
He is voiced by Zach Callison, who also portrayed Shazam, Winger, and Prince James. In the Japanese dub from the series, he is voiced by Yu Hayashi.
According to Pearl and Vidalia, Steven takes after his parents. He is relatively short with a thick, stocky build. He has curly black hair and full black irises.
From "Gem Glow" to "Change Your Mind" he wears a salmon-pink T-shirt with a yellow star in the center of it. He also wears cuffed blue jeans with and salmon-pink flip-flop sandals. His gemstone, a Pink Diamond, which he inherited from his mother, is where his navel should be.
In Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven, who is now a 16-year-old, is now slightly taller and wears a sky-blue T-shirt with a yellow star in the center, and a pink varsity jacket with trims in place of his old pink shirt. However, he keeps his blue jeans and salmon-pink sandals.
In Steven Universe Future, Steven retains his clothing from the movie, except his sky-blue shirt with a yellow star in the center is now black (similar to Greg's old Mr. Universe shirts).
In "I Am My Monster", Steven's clothing completely rips off and he turns into a giant pink monster with white spikes, turning into a form known as Monster Steven.
Powers and Abilities[]
Being a human/Gem hybrid, Steven is capable of using magic, though it is unknown if he possesses all the abilities of a pure Gem, such as retreating to their gemstone when taking fatal damage. As associated with his gemstone, Steven's powers are maternal and the control of his gemstone is based on emotional clarity.
Steven has shown to have some abilities of a regular Gem, but sometimes has little control of them due to not receiving enough training. He can warp using the Warp Pads and bubble objects and gemstones to be teleported to the Temple with seemingly full control. He is not strictly oxygen-dependent and is vacuum-resistant as shown in "Ocean Gem" and "Space Race".
He also shows that he can fuse, as he can fuse with Connie to form Stevonnie. While in the beginning, they tend to fuse spontaneously when they dance and while thinking about each other, by "Beach City Drift" they fuse and re-fuse into Stevonnie at will. Furthermore, he has also been shown to be able to fuse with other Gems as well, as he first fused with Amethyst to form Smoky Quartz in "Earthlings". Steven is also capable of shapeshifting, but he has not yet learned to fully control it. His first attempt in "Cat Fingers" was disastrous, temporarily turning him into a cat monster.
He has not been able to change his form entirely, but can freely shapeshift parts of his body as seen in "Too Short to Ride". His greatest feat in shapeshifting is seen in "Steven's Birthday", where he can use shapeshifting to make himself appear older. Despite his happy-go-lucky and cheerful attitude, he shows himself to be a competent shield fighter and can hold his own in most situations with his skill consistently increasing due to practice.
Despite being educated in an isolated environment and never attending conventional school, he possesses a good deal of knowledge not only on general topics, but also in scientific and technical fields like physics, chemistry, and geography due to being educated by the highly intellectual Pearl. However, due to the Crystal Gems' obliviousness about some human activities, he is quite oblivious about some social terms, like "nuclear family".
The prime example is during his conversation with Connie about a family gathering in which Connie mentions the concept of a nuclear family, which makes Steven think that she thinks the Crystal Gems are radioactive. Another example is that when Connie introduces Steven to her favorite novel series, Steven had no idea about the order of the books in the series and was reading them out of order.
- When fused with Connie, they form Stevonnie.
- When fused with Greg, they form Steg.
- When fused with Amethyst, they form Smoky Quartz.
- When fused with Pearl, they form Rainbow Quartz 2.0.
- When fused with Ruby and Sapphire (or Garnet), they form Sunstone.
- When fused with Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, and Pearl, they form Obsidian.
- Steven could also form Obsidian by fusing with Alexandrite, or Pearl and Sugilite; or Amethyst and Sardonyx; or Ruby and Sapphire (or Garnet) and Opal.
Natural Abilities[]
- Fluctuating Age: As revealed in the episode "So Many Birthdays", Steven can manipulate his age through his state of mind. Steven's age depends solely on how old he thinks he is. Uncontrollable age changes could also potentially be caused by his emotions like most of his powers.
- Shapeshifting: Steven possesses the natural shapeshifting abilities of Gems, which he first displayed in "Cat Fingers", when he shapeshifts his hands to have cats for fingers, but then lost control rather quickly. As of "Too Short to Ride", however, he is shown to be much better at using this ability, being able to stretch various parts of his body at will repeatedly, though as with Amethyst he can only do this for a certain amount of time and his half-human nature puts more of a strain on his body than it would a Gem.
- Superhuman Strength: Steven occasionally performs feats of strength that would be impossible for a human boy his age - or even a grown man. In "Together Breakfast", Steven can lift and force the Together Breakfast in its mutated state into the lava pool in the Burning Room without the other Crystal Gems' abetment. He also displays a large amount of strength in "Arcade Mania" when he rips off the top of the Meat Beat Mania arcade game to break Garnet from her trance,or in the movie,he is able to lift the ship, even when he was weakened.
He displays an even further amount of strength in "The Return" when he smashes Greg's van's dashboard with a single punch, apparently hard enough to both shatter it and activate the airbags. In "Joy Ride" he can move Jenny away from the Escape Pod with little effort. Later on in "Friend Ship", he is shown to be strong enough to throw his shield hard enough to stun Peridot. When Peridot is unable to open the lid to the power grid in "When It Rains", Steven can open it with little effort. He can rip off the control panel from the drill machine when it malfunctions in "Too Far". In "Drop Beat Dad" he easily lifts a crate of musical gear, a task that requires two adult humans to achieve.
As Gems are much stronger and durable than their appearance would indicate, Steven's superhuman strength is most likely passed down to him from his mother. In even more recent episodes, his strength is even more evident, as he was able to throw a large stone statue back at Bismuth, hurl a large rock at Amethyst, and throw Peridot into the air like a ragdoll. As seen in "Future Boy Zoltron", Steven's strength is underestimated and unintentional in situations by even himself, as tapping the Zoltron robot made it fall over and shatter into pieces. In "The Zoo", he punched his father with enough force to knock him back several feet and easily carried him overhead as he ran from the Zoomen.
Steven's strength was further demonstrated in "Tiger Philanthropist", when he managed to fight off several conditioned adult men without tiring, including being able to lift an adult male human above his head and throw him a considerable distance. In "Lars' Head", he is shown to fairly easily push a boulder that both the Rutile Twins and Rhodonite (a fusion) combined were unable to move, causing the twins to even remark "Woah, strong." while all three Gems stared at him in awe. In "Back to the Kindergarten", Steven carried a rock stack that was at least a few times taller than himself while showing no strain.
- Martial Arts: Steven has been shown to exhibit martial arts moves while wrestling during "Tiger Philanthropist". Due to his superhuman strength, these moves can easily injure or knockout other humans when used by Steven.
- Superhuman Speed: As shown in "Greg the Babysitter", Steven has the power to travel faster than any normal human.
- Superhuman Durability: As shown in "Steven vs. Amethyst" and "Bismuth", Steven is more durable than what his human physiology and stature would lead one to believe. Befitting his nature as a half-quartz Gem, his body can take a great amount of punishment, as seen when Amethyst swings him down from the air and into the floor of the Ancient Sky Arena, he can stand up and continue fighting despite being seen with torn clothes, scratches, and bruises. In "Bismuth", when Bismuth tossed a training statue at Steven and slammed him into a wall during their fight, he emerged with several scratches yet was not badly injured. In "Adventures in Light Distortion", Steven's durability allowed him to handle the full force of faster-than-light space travel. Whereas a normal human would have likely been crushed by the pressure and the other Crystal Gems were unable to hold their physical forms together, Steven was not only able to survive, but also show no sign of internal or external injuries.
- Gem Weaponry Resistance: Because Steven is half-human, he is resistant to anti-Gem weaponry. He can pass through the yellow destabilization fields used in the Gem Warship and can grab the live end of a Gem Destabilizer with only mild discomfort. It is unknown what long-term exposure would do to him.
- Intelligence: Though never directly stated, Steven is shown to be extremely intelligent in his own right. He is a natural problem solver, as most of his early adventures relied on him using intelligence and creativity to get himself out of trouble without the use of his powers. He is also able to converse with the highly intelligent Connie on an equal footing since they first met. For much of the early series, his intelligence was overshadowed by his immaturity, something that has faded as he has matured and shown how deeply he thinks about things, particularly what he has learned about Rose Quartz, even though he actively tries not to.
Unique Abilities[]
Due to having his mother's gemstone, he shares most of his unique abilities with her.
- Shield Proficiency: Due to possessing his mother's gemstone, Steven can summon Rose's shield. Because Steven's powers are maternal, he is required to feel a strong need to protect and help others to call his shield out. Early on, he has little to no control over how to summon it, only calling it forth by chance or when in mortal danger. As of "Sworn to the Sword", Steven is now able to not only summon his shield with little effort but also increase its size at will. He appears to have become quite skilled in wielding it as he was able to use it in conjunction with his protective bubble and defend against Pearl's strikes. Unlike some other Gems, instead of "pulling" his shield out of his gemstone, it appears over his arms similar to Garnet's gauntlets appearing over her hands. As of "Friend Ship", he has become completely capable of summoning his shield at any moment he requires it, even being able to scale his shield large enough to defend the Crystal Gems. It should be noted, however, that overuse of his shield exhausts Steven (such as using it three times in one day). The shield is remarkably durable. The greatest testament of its durability is shown in "The Return" when it was able to withstand a charged shot from the Gem Warship. As of "Crack the Whip" Steven can summon his Shield as many times as he wants without tiring, even summoning more than one. This shows that his exhaustion was possibly due to inexperience.
- Projectile Shield: Steven, when in great excitement, can throw his shield as a projectile with great speed and power. In "Friend Ship", he weaponizes it as a ranged attack against Peridot, hitting her in the head with enough accuracy to temporarily stun her. In "Crack the Whip" Steven throws two shields at once in a sparring match with Connie. As seen in "Steven vs. Amethyst", Steven can boomerang his shield off of several targets, causing it to return to his hand. His shield also has razor-sharp edges and can cut through substances as tough as a solid rock before returning to him, hitting Amethyst in the process, showing Steven's growing skill in this technique.
- Shield Vibration: On certain occasions when Steven's shield is hit, it emits an audible vibration that disables magical constructs. In "Ocean Gem", it destabilizes Lapis Lazuli's water clones when a ball of water hit Steven's shield. It also seems to play a brief role in "Sworn to the Sword", when a Holo-Pearl attacks his shield, and it promptly deactivates (the same sound in the former episode can be heard as it does).
- Tag-team Combat: Due to the close bond they share, Steven can coordinate his shield techniques perfectly with Connie's swordplay, such as fighting back-to-back to defend and attack simultaneously or catapulting Connie from his shield for a powerful lunge attack.
- Dual Wielding: As seen in "Crack the Whip", Steven can manifest more than one shield.
- Healing: Steven's saliva has the power to heal the injuries of both humans and Gems and even inanimate objects. Steven's healing capabilities have not yet been seen to the full extent of his power, but he is shown to be capable of healing cracked gemstones as seen when he healed Lapis Lazuli in "Ocean Gem". He can also heal common human injuries and conditions, seen when he healed Connie's eyesight in "An Indirect Kiss" and Greg's broken leg in "House Guest". During the end of "House Guest", the duct tape used to fix the Geode has the same sparkle effect as his saliva, and it is speculated that the duct tape replaced his spit, although the shine could've been used as an effect. In "The Test", Pearl remarks to the other Crystal Gems that he has lost his healing ability and that their test should hopefully increase his confidence and therefore prevent him from losing any other abilities. His loss of healing abilities could be purely psychosomatic. Peridot asked Steven to fix the Homeworld Warp with his saliva in "Catch and Release", suggesting it can be used to heal more than just Gems or humans. In "Monster Reunion", Steven's healing abilities came back to heal MC Bear Bear, showing conclusively that his powers affect inanimate objects, and can partially heal the Centipeetle Mother. In "Earthlings", Steven attempted to heal Jasper of her creeping corruption but was thrown back. In "Bubbled", Steven successfully heals Eyeball's cracked gem.
- Resurrection: Like his mother, Steven possesses the ability to resurrect the dead with his magic tears. The recipient turns pink and gains special abilities, such as the ability to grant access to Lion's Dimension through their hair. Two known cases of this are Lion and Lars.
- Corruption Reversal: As demonstrated on Centipeetle in "Legs From Here to Homeworld", Steven, along with Blue Diamond, Yellow Diamond, and presumably White Diamond, can temporarily reverse the effects of the Corrupting Light on Gems. And it's shown in "Change Your Mind" that they can heal the effects permanently when all four diamonds sit in Rose's Fountain together with the corrupted Gems.
- Phytokinesis: Using his healing saliva, Steven can grow sentient flora by licking plant seeds. In "Watermelon Steven", Steven discovers he can grow watermelons shaped like himself. They acted as his bodyguards, but they are not directly under his control, and the Watermelon Stevens ignores his orders and attack whoever they think is threatening him, suggesting that he does not have full mastery of this ability thus far. It seems that this has changed, as once the Pumpkin dog was brought to life it was completely non-hostile and possessed its own opinions of others. It is also possible that in the case of Pumpkin, Steven had full knowledge of the ability and thus control over it, whereas in the case of the Watermelon Stevens it was accidental.
- Pebble Animation: As demonstrated in "Familiar", Steven's sweat can turn inanimate pebbles into living Pebbles.
- Bubble Shield: Steven can summon an incredibly durable bubble, as shown in "Bubble Buddies". The bubble encases him and others that he is protecting. In "Sworn to the Sword," it is shown that Steven is capable of summoning it reflexively, as he instinctively summons his bubble to protect himself and Connie due to his wariness of Holo-Pearls as a result of the events in "Steven the Sword Fighter". In "Nightmare Hospital", it is shown that Steven can expand his bubble to push away enemies. In "Bubble Buddies" and "Bubbled", it is implied that the bubble can generate its internal atmosphere, as Steven and Connie could survive in the bubble for hours despite it being air-tight, and would even allow Steven to breathe inside one he had just generated in the vacuum of space.
- Spike Bubble: As shown in "Steven vs. Amethyst", Steven can morph his bubble in such a way that sharp spikes appear along its surface.
- Long-Range Bubble: Steven can stretch a side of his bubble into a small tunnel that connects it to another bubble.
- Expand and Shrink: Besides the bubble offensively popping in "Nightmare Hospital", it has shown the ability to grow larger and smaller in "Bubbled".
- Popping: Steven can "pop" his bubble to knock surrounding enemies back, as seen in "Nightmare Hospital", where he knocked much larger gem mutants back by popping his bubble. His bubble will also pop if he is startled, as seen in "Sworn To The Sword", when Pearl startles Steven, or if immense pressure is applied to the bubble, as seen in "Gem Hunt" when the Snow Monster popped Steven's bubble by stomping on it.
- Steven's bubble is incredibly durable, however, it is better capable of withstanding short, narrow bursts of pressure, such as being hit with a harpoon, than a large amount of pressure constantly being applied over a large area of the bubble, such as in "Nightmare Hospital", when the Gem Mutants hit Steven's bubble, the pressure causes little ripples to spread across the bubble, and in "Gem Hunt", when the Snow Monster stomped on his bubble with enough force to cause it to lose its circular shape and pop.
- The extent of the bubble's durability is unknown, although it has survived most of the following:
- The tremendous pressure of an ocean trench ("Bubble Buddies").
- Being crushed by a falling Injector ("On the Run").
- A shot from a death ray at point-blank range ("Say Uncle", non-canon).
- A spaceship crash ("Jail Break").
- The vacuum of space ("Bubbled").
- Empathic Telepathy: In "Horror Club", Steven can sense the Lighthouse Gem Monster's presence as well as its emotional state. In the episode "Chille Tid", it is shown that Steven can communicate with Gems through his dreams. Steven talks to Lapis Lazuli mentally as he was dreaming. He also saw Jasper and Malachite in the same dream at Malachite's Realm and they noticed him as well. Steven was later shown in "Gem Drill" to be able to communicate with a distressed Cluster while it was struggling to form. In "Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service" he helps Kiki battle her inner demons in her dreams. This ability has primarily come to light while other beings are under emotional turmoil. "Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service" shows with Kiki Pizza that Steven can also enter the dreams of other humans, but also that repeated use of this power can physically exhaust him, as sleeping in this state seems to provide no restful benefit that would otherwise be gained from typical sleep. In "Steven's Dream" he shows a strange development of this ability, in being able to subconsciously see through the eyes of Blue Diamond while crying her tears. This can even happen when he is awake, if in close enough proximity to her, though this may be a result of Blue Diamond's empathetic powers seen in "The Trial". In "Together Alone", in Steven's dream that his mother juggled then coughed up was the hair of Rose Quartz that the nightmare was made by White Diamond who can see in his dreams and "Change Your Mind", another nightmare that the Diamonds direct attack on Steven which the light flickers him between himself, Rose Quartz, and Pink Diamond and again by White.
- Mind Transfer: First shown in "Super Watermelon Island", when he can take control of a Watermelon Steven, Steven can transfer his consciousness into another living being he has a connection with while his own body is asleep. The true mind of the host body lays dormant while he is in control of it. The full extent of this ability is unknown. In "The New Lars" Steven has shown to be able to possess someone (in this instance Lars) he thinks about while he sleeps.
- Mind Link: First shown in "Steven's Dream", Steven can link his mind with another being. This power allows Steven to feel the target's emotions and see the world through their eyes. For example, if the target is crying, Steven will cry as well, regardless of his current emotional state. When Steven sleeps, his dream will be whatever the target is looking at. Steven does not have to willingly link minds with a person for this power to work since he did not originally know his mind was linked with Blue Diamond.
- Psychometry/Retrocognition: First shown in "Jungle Moon", when fused with Connie as Stevonnie. He can relive moments experienced by his mother Pink Diamond, either as an observer or as Pink Diamond herself. This has only occurred when he is sleeping somewhere of great significance to his mother. When fused, the subjects of these memories can appear as amalgamations of figures both components consider to be similar. Steven was unaware of the nature of the memories at first, and it can sometimes take him a while to realize he's reliving Pink Diamond's experiences.
- Astral Projection: It is shown in "Reunited" that if Steven is knocked out hard enough, his mind will go into an astral dimension while his body remains comatose. While in this state, he cannot interact or communicate with anyone in the physical world unless he phases through them. It is unknown how Steven can return to the physical world on his own. Steven used this new ability to inspire his teammates to keep fighting and convince the Diamonds to halt their attack.
- Aura Projection: In the episode "Reunited", while his mind was linked to Blue and Yellow Diamond, Steven was able to manifest and project a powerful pink aura, which in turn convinced them that he was truly Pink Diamond reincarnated. This is something only a Diamond can do.
- Mind Link: First shown in "Steven's Dream", Steven can link his mind with another being. This power allows Steven to feel the target's emotions and see the world through their eyes. For example, if the target is crying, Steven will cry as well, regardless of his current emotional state. When Steven sleeps, his dream will be whatever the target is looking at. Steven does not have to willingly link minds with a person for this power to work since he did not originally know his mind was linked with Blue Diamond.
- Speed of Descent Regulation: As shown in "Steven Floats", Steven, like Rose, can levitate his body and even manipulate its gravity based on his emotions. When he thinks happy thoughts, he floats slowly to the ground, while when he is sad or angry, he descents much quicker. While floating slowly, anything he touches will also float just as slow, no matter how large. This also allows him to jump higher than normal, having been able to jump up to the temple's face and even above the clouds. It was first seen in "Rose's Scabbard" as Steven leaps to a floating land island to reach Pearl, however, her turning to suddenly look at him causes him to break in concentration and fall to catch himself on the island's roots. Steven is shown to have some control over his powers in "Steven vs. Amethyst" and in "Monster Reunion" when he easily leaps up to get to Centipeetle's bubble and safely descend again. He displays his ability to jump extreme distances again in Steven's Dream, when attempting to catch Blue Diamond's ship, but is blasted back by the ship taking off.
- Electrical Interference: In "Maximum Capacity", Steven appeared to be able to control Greg's TV-based upon his emotion. For instance, when he was shocked, the television went to static. However, like Rose, it is unknown if this is an ability or if this was for dramatic effect.
Attack the Light[]
Steven acts as the support character in Steven Universe: Attack the Light. He is unable to be damaged and carries the items for the team. He sports the most moves in the whole team. However, none of his moves cause damage, unless you count the counter for Bubble Shield.
- Encourage: A move Steven has from the start. Steven encourages one of the Crystal Gems, healing them by 10 Harmony. Upgrades to this move increase the healing amount by 5 each time, ending up as a maximum of 30 Harmony. This move takes 2 Star Points and is best used as a substitute in a battle for items.
- Bubble Shield: Steven uses his bubble shield to encase a Gem in it, protecting them from 1 hit. When the counter in the bubble, the enemy that is attacking takes damage, provided that the strike was a melee. Upgrades to this move decrease the Star Point cost from 2 to 1.
- Escape: The name says it all. This move costs 4 Star Points and gives the Gems a chance to escape. Upgrades to this move increase escape chances and reduce the cost to 3 Star Points. Use only in dire circumstances.
- Ukulele: Steven uses his ukulele to play a song that has a variety of effects depending on the song. Each one must be unlocked separately.
- Cure Song: Costs 3 Star Points and cures everyone's status conditions. Best used if everyone is afflicted with status and you do not have a Feel great Tea.
- Defense Song: Boosts everyone's Defense. Costs 3 Star Points.
- Strong Song: Buffs everyone's Attack. Costs 5 Star Points. It is better to use the Get Beefy Song unless everyone is fully healed and you do not have enough Star Points.
- Lucky Song: Buffs everyone's Luck and costs 4 Star Points.
- Get Beefy Song: The best song. It boosts everyone's Attack and heals everyone fully. Costs 7 Star Points.
- Cheeseburger Backpack: Where Steven stores the items. Steven has this from the start but it is unusable until you get an item. Steven uses an item that does an effect depending on which item it is. Certain items, like Gemstones and Level Up Charms, cannot be used in battle. This move costs 0 Star Points but can only be used once per turn.
Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers[]
Steven is the most durable character in Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers. However, he is one of the slowest and cannot jump high. He is unlocked on the first level and will gradually gain more abilities as he levels up.
- Shield: Steven can summon his shield for protection from enemy attacks. It surrounds his body until the special meter runs out.
- Laser Light Cannon: This is Steven's most powerful attack. Steven summons the Laser Light Cannon and fires it in the direction he is facing for a powerful long-range attack. This attack consumes energy from the special meter, however.
- Super Move: When Steven gets a Walky Talky power-up, he can summon Alexandrite to shoot a beam of energy, damaging all enemies on screen.
- Limited Invincibility: When Steven grabs a Cookie Cat power-up, he will be invincible to all enemy attacks for a short amount of time.
Save the Light[]
In "Save the Light", Steven retains all of his abilities in Attack the Light (Minus the Escape option) and has some new abilities. In this game, he can take battle damage and get knocked out, but now, he can actually fight and has 2 damaging attacks: the Shield Dash is his basic attack where he dashes toward his target with his shield over his arm, damaging enemies in his path and knocking them back, and the Super Duper Shield Dash, a stronger version of the regular Shield Dash that does higher damage, double knockback, and is GUARANTEED to give lucky strikes!
As a Gem Monster[]
Monster Steven proves to be a dangerous enemy having put in trouble The Crystal Gems and even The Great Diamond Authority. According to Peridot, Monster Steven is stronger than The Cluster. It could be speculated that it has all the original abilities of his original self such as enhanced condition, the ability to change his age, and fuse with gems or humans. However, due to being a Diamond and transforming into a monster in his Pink State, his power is much bigger completely outclassing The Crystal Gems (and their fusions) and possibly overcome the power of the Diamonds making him one of the most powerful characters in the entire series.
- Superhuman Strength: He is able to destroy several parts of the Gem Temple by slamming with his head or feet and completely unfusing Alexandrite with just one hit. Even though he was restrained first by Lapis Lazuli water chains and then by The Cluster hand, his own abnormal strength allowed him to release himself very quickly.
- Immense Durability: He proves to have incredible durability since it resists several attacks without a scratch, such as Bismuth's ax hands.
- Resistance Against Diamond Power: Monster Steven is proven to be able to complete resist and even overpower the new powers from Yellow, Blue, and White Diamond (who are known to be the most powerful gems in the entire series). Yellow's Shapeshifting Manipulation only reduced his head before eventually returning to his original size, Blue's Happiness Inducement was sent back at her and White's Mimicry make her faint due to his fury. This ability could be attributed to Steven's own rage, PTSD, and self-loathing which allowed him to resist their powers.
- Sonic Roar: Monster Steven proves capable of letting a roar with such strength that manages to send everyone flying, to the point Garnet unfused into Ruby and Sapphire (although it is unknown is the roar was responsible for the unfusing theme or the situation cause Ruby and Sapphire to unfuse). The attack even manages to push the water of the ocean around himself, cracking the ground and even throwing out the Diamond Mech. This attack results in charging strength which results in his spikes and eyes glowing pink. This roar could be a much stronger version of the scream of Steven (in his Pink State) in the episode Volleyball.
- Shapeshifting: Since Monster Steven is the result of Steven shapeshifting into a kaiju-like monster, because of his thought of being one, it's clear that it keeps this ability. It appears that as time passed, Monster Steven decreases in size, this could be seen that after appearing she was as tall as the Gem Temple while at the climax looked like being only a few meters taller than his fellow Diamonds and how he returned to normality.
- Water-Walking: He proves to be capable of walk on water when charging against Connie, Lion, Greg, The Crystal Gems, The Great Diamond Authority, and Spinel. This ability is shared with Lion and the Diamonds
- Healing: After being embraced by his family and friends, Monster Steven crying causes the water around himself to start turning pink, which could be attributed to Steven's own ability to heal gems, resurrect dead ones and reverse corruption and shattered gems.
- Pink State: Since Steven transformed into a monster while in his Pink State, it's possible that it keeps all of his abilities of his Pink State. This state could be the reason that Monster Steven has incredible strength and durability that allowed him to challenge the diamonds and turn into a monster in the first place.
Despite having a lot of power, Steven isn't without weaknesses:
- Hybrid/Unique Physiology: Due to his parentage, Steven has the disadvantages of being both a Gem and a human being at the same time. This has been displayed and exploited on numerous occasions.
- Power and Control Loss: He often has little to no control over his magical abilities, which tend to fluctuate erratically from time to time, such as when his father faked his leg still being broken in "House Guest", which cost Steven the healing powers of his saliva until the events of "Monster Reunion", much to Pearl's anger and dismay. It is later learned that his abilities are tied to his mood: if happy, he generally has access to the majority of them, but if he is angry or depressed, these abilities will either malfunction or fail to work entirely.
- Immaturity: Throughout much of the series, Steven's greatest weakness was his immaturity. Despite being brave, caring, intelligent, and quick-thinking, he often let his youth, childish ego, and excitability get the better of him, causing problems or making problems worse. This has faded as he has matured, and has become stronger and less childishly excitable.
As a monster[]
- Intelligence: After becoming a monster, Steven seems to be reduced to a mindless creature who starts attacking and destroying everything that moves or stands in his way. This was shown how he attacked the gems recklessly, instead of formulating a plan on how to take care of them. This was also shown how he tends to make sounds of an animal and not of his true self. Another example could be how he doesn't use all of his original abilities.
- Love: Since Monster Steven is the result of Steven's thoughts of being a monster, along with his emotions of anger and self-loathing, it's clear that positive emotions such as love and happiness can work against him. This was used by all of Steven's friends to make him understand that since he was there for them, they will love him unconditionally and that they will all always be there for him no matter what, which resulted in Steven remembering everything and returning to normal.
When Steven's gemstone is removed from his body, he splits into two entities: one fully human, the other fully Gem. The two Stevens can fuse to re-create Steven's hybrid self. If the Stevens were kept apart, each would be focused only on seeking their other half and becoming whole again.[1]
“ | ”
Steven's human half is very physically weak without his gemstone, unable to stand unsupported, and he implies that he cannot survive for long without it. He possesses Steven's compassion, as shown when he demands his Gem counterpart to stop hurting White Diamond and the Gems under her control.
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Steven’s gemstone projects a form that looks like a pink-colored version of Steven's human body and speaks in Steven's voice. This "Pink Steven" is insistent that he is not Pink Diamond. He wields Steven’s Gem powers, and his shield and bubble have the appearance of pink gemstone facets. He expresses no emotion most of the time, but briefly emotes on a few occasions: he yells at White Diamond that Pink Diamond is gone, he frowns in concern for his human counterpart, and he laughs joyfully with the latter when they are reunited.
- The Crystal Gems
- Connie Maheswaran (girlfriend)
- Lars Barriga
- Sadie Miller
- Ronaldo Fryman
- Peedee Fryman
- Sour Cream
- Onion
- Buck Dewey
- Jenny Pizza
- Padparadscha
- Rhodonite
- Rutile Twins
- Fluorite
- Blue Diamond
- Blue Pearl
- Yellow Diamond
- Yellow Pearl
- Pebbles
- White Diamond
- Pink Pearl
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- Steven's name and appearance are based on Rebecca Sugar's brother, Steven Sugar, who is a background artist for the show.
- Steven's birthday is August 15; the same day Steven Sugar was born. Coincidentally, this means that Steven Universe's birthstone is Peridot, who is one of his closest friends.
- When viewed from the back, the bumps of Steven's hair form a rose shape. Though this is more visible on the Funko Pop figurines than in the show.
- In the transition from the pilot to the series, Steven underwent only one significant change: the removal of the gold ring around his gemstone.
- Steven is home-schooled by the Gems. According to the comics, Pearl and Garnet's education for Steven is so effective that he gets a near-perfect score on a conventional human school's standardized test despite being there just one day.
- In "Together Breakfast", he had a phone that resembles an iPhone but Garnet snatched it from him to destroy it after he took a picture of the Evil Spirit Scroll.
- However, in "House Guest", a new phone can be seen on his nightstand and again in "Full Disclosure" when he uses it.
- Steven is a musical prodigy.
- Steven was taught how to play the ukulele when he was only a toddler, as shown in the Extended Intro.
- In "Steven and the Stevens", it is shown that Steven does play not only the ukulele, but also the guitar, bass, and drums.
- He also plays the piano in "Mr. Greg".
- He also has a perfect pitch.
- This ability is shown explicitly on "It Could've Been Great".
- It is unknown if his skills are learned or if his half-gem physiology is a contributing factor.
- This ability is shown explicitly on "It Could've Been Great".
- It was revealed in "Monster Buddies" that Steven keeps a framed picture of Pearl on the side of his fridge. However, it was destroyed by the Centipeetle Mother.
- Steven seemingly can breathe in space, as shown in "Ocean Gem" when Lapis Lazuli confronts him at the top of her water tower, even though he has to hold his breath in Lion's Dimension in "Lion 3: Straight to Video".
- However, this could simply be a script error.
- In "Warp Tour", Steven is revealed to be allergic to pollen.
- Steven has successfully fused with a human (Connie), thus forming the first hybrid fusion, Stevonnie.
- This is because of his half-Gem, half-human biology allowing him to fuse with humans.
- In "House Guest", a Sailor Moon manga book can be seen on Steven's nightstand.
- Steven's voice noticeably matures throughout the series, especially noticeable when compared to the earliest episodes to the latest.
- In "Joy Ride", Steven reveals that he has become uncomfortable talking about his mom with the other Crystal Gems because he feels that they blame him for her not being around.
- This may be due to the events of "Rose's Scabbard".
- It is stated by Ian Jones-Quartey that Rose shapeshifted a womb for Steven to be born from.
- Steven has teddy bears, such as Master of Ceremonies Bear-Bear and Sir Bearington.
- Steven seems to like drawing, as is shown in the episodes "Tiger Millionaire" when he drew the poster of Purple Puma and Tiger Millionaire, "Shirt Club" when he drew Greg, "Open Book" when he drew a picture of Lisa and Archimicarus from The Spirit Morph Saga, when he drew the locations map in Attack the Light, and when he drew Lapis Lazuli and Peridot holding hands on an apology card in "Barn Mates".
- His style is considered crude by many characters and is a recurring running gag throughout the series.
- As shown in "Lion 2: The Movie", Steven is revealed to be ticklish.
- According to Rebecca Sugar, the Gem that Steven knows the least about is Pearl.
- Steven owns what appears to be a Nintendo 64, a Nintendo GameCube, and a Nintendo GameBoy (which he keeps in his bathroom). He also owns what appear to be copies of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Animal Crossing. He is also shown playing a fictional game "Golf Quest Mini" on his N64. Many times it is only visible in a few frames and the distance. The N64 has been shown in "Cheeseburger Backpack", "Steven the Sword Fighter", and "Rose's Room". The Gamecube has been shown in "Lion 3: Straight to Video", "Warp Tour", "Future Vision", "Open Book", "Shirt Club", "The Message", "Joy Ride", "Reformed", "Sworn to the Sword", "Chille Tid", "Cry for Help", "Keystone Motel", "Onion Friend", "Historical Friction", "Catch and Release", "When It Rains", "Back to the Barn", "Steven Floats", and "Steven vs. Amethyst". The GameBoy has been shown in "Catch and Release".
- Steven is referenced in another Cartoon Network series, Uncle Grandpa twice, first in the episode "Haunted RV", as a kid has a costume that resembles Steven's outfit, and second in "Pizza Eve" where he and the other Crystal Gems had a cameo, Steven himself even had a short line.
- In "Friend Ship", it is revealed that if Steven summons his shield multiple times he will become fatigued. This is possibly due to inexperience.
- Steven sometimes refers to himself in the third person. This is possibly a riff on the "Third Person Person" trope. This was most commonly used by young characters in media to sound cute or endearing.
- Joe Johnston revealed on his Tumblr that Steven is his favorite character from the show.
- Since Steven's biological age can be controlled by his state of mind, it is possible that Steven could live forever just like the other Crystal Gems if he learned how to control this ability.
- Steven is prone to motion sickness, particularly when quickly spinning.
- As seen in "Catch and Release", Steven polishes his gemstone.
- In "Say Uncle", Uncle Grandpa told Steven that he should polish his gemstone at least twice a year.
- Throughout the show, Steven is shown to have impressive cooking skills. He is shown to have cooked various complicated dishes like the together breakfast in "Together Breakfast" and his salmon sandwich in "Onion Friend" and is generally seen cooking alone. He was even able to create fries and pizza bagels that surpass Kofi Pizza and Mr. Fryman's products, forcing them to beg him not to make them for profit out of fear for their livelihoods. This is possibly out of necessity; since the Gems do not require food (nor does any of it have to be edible in Amethyst's case), Steven had to learn how to cook on his own.
- Steven is the only character who is present in every episode of the show, and every episode is entirely from his perspective.
- Steven has shown with both Connie and Amethyst that he does not need to dance to fuse, only requiring physical contact and an emotional connection to his partner.
- A common trait between his fusions is that they may fall apart under high amounts of stress or emotion.
- So far, all of his known fusions use "they/them" pronouns. This is since Steven has only fused with either a Gem, who uses "she/her" pronouns, or Connie, a human female.
- It is revealed in "Gem Heist" that Steven hates loincloths.
- On the Mohs Hardness Scale, Rose Quartz ranks 7.0, which is harder than steel. This is probably the reason behind Steven's enhanced durability and strength.
- It is shown in "Gem Heist" that Steven can speak at least a little bit of Spanish.
- Steven has appeared in every episode except "Jungle Moon", though in "Jungle Moon" he is fused as Stevonnie and a fusion involving him does appear.
- Steven's pink state is similar to the transformation of the Super Saiyans of the Dragon Ball franchise since both transformations inflict according to their emotions.
- Steven transforming into a pink monster is very similar to Saiyans transforming into Great Apes from Dragon Ball and Naruto with Kurama from the Naruto franchise.
- Steven's monster form bears a striking resemblance to Godzilla.
- There were several hints to him turning into a monster:
- The moment the monster opens his eyes there was a pink glow, which in the series is related to Pink Diamond. Also, during the intro, the monster had a purple color (due to having his full appearance in the shadows), which is very close to the color pink.
- Steven new power was said to have never seen before, which could be seen as a factor to his transformation.
- Steven growing into a larger version of himself (while in his pink state) is another factor to his transformation.
- Steven issues that lead to his transformation into a monster parallel the ones his friends have, which he helped them overcome:
- Garnet mentions how she fell apart and he was for her (and her components) in the episodes "Jail Break", "Keystone Motel", and during the Heart of the Crystal Gems arc. This represents how Steven's relationships with his loved ones started to strain.
- Amethyst mentions how she never loved herself, but Steven showed her that it's possible, during the episodes "On the Run", "Reformed", "Steven vs. Amethyst" and "Earthlings". This represents how Steven dislikes being compared to his mother, along with his self-loathing for his fight with his father, his fight that leads to shattering Jasper and attempting to do the same to White Diamond.
- Pearl mentions that she knows what it's like to keep part of yourself secret, referencing keeping the secret of Rose's true identity in the episodes "Rose's Scabbard" and "A Single Pale Rose". This represents how Steven start keeping his feeling in secret for his friends and family.
- Peridot mentions he never gave up on her, referencing about her role as an antagonist (and her attempts to kill him) from the episodes "Catch and Release" through "Message Received". This again represents Steven's actions against Jasper and White along with his feeling of being worse than his mother and a monster.
- Steven is the first character to speak in the entire Steven Universe franchise.
- According to Rebecca Sugar, Hellboy's Mike Mignola inspired Steven's star shirt.
- Steven fought Star Butterfly in an episode of DEATH BATTLE! and sadly lost.
- Steven is, at this point, the only character with a canonical size in the franchise, being from 5'6" (1.68m), this is shown in the episode ''Growing Pains''.