Supersponge is a Fanon wiki spin off of the original series created by sponge45. Supersponge is about a sponge sent to the oceans of Earth from the oceans of Krypton before it exploded. After landing in a coral field he was found by two other sponges, who took him in as their own and help him become the hero he's meant to be.
On the day of the destruction of Krypton, kryptonian Square-El, sent his son Sponge-El to Earth's oceans to save him from the explosion. He landed in a coral field near Bikini Bottom. On their way home two other sponges Herald and Margaret SquarePants (SpongeBob's parents from the real show) saw his space boat crash, during a meteor shower caused by Krypton's explosion. They found him and took him in as their own and renamed him SpongeBob. As SpongeBob grew up he gained special abilities such as super strength and super speed. His parents helped him control his abilities and he used them to fight crime. After years of trying to figure out who he really is and where he's from SpongeBob finds out and embraces his true destiny to save the world as the Sponge of Steel, Supersponge.
- Sponge-El/SpongeBob SquarePants/Supersponge- Born on Krypton, raised on Earth. He is seemingly a mild mannered frycook, but when there is a cry for help he's Supersponge, worlds greatest sponge.
- Herald and Margaret SquarePants- Parents of SpongeBob. They took him in as their own son to protect and helped him become the hero he was always meant to be.
- Patrick Star- He is the best friend of SpongeBob. He has always been trusted to keep SpongeBob's secret since he found out in the 5th episode.
- Sandy Cheeks- 2nd best friend to SpongeBob. After she secretly found out about SpongeBob's secret she waited until he was ready to tell her. When SpongeBob found that Sandy knew his secret she became the tech whiz of his team.
- Gary the snail- First used to rob banks by his original owners, while he was induced by a kryptonite serum that gave him kryptonian powers for a short time. After SpongeBob stopped his original owners, SpongeBob took him in as a pet. When they got home the serum wore off of Gary and Gary became a normal pet.
- Spongella Dian-
Season 1- This season is about SpongeBob learning how to use his powers. The season finale is 2 years after the pilot.
1. Pilot- Right before Krypton's destruction baby Sponge-El escaped to Earth on a space boat. Sponge-El is sent to Earth followed by a meteor shower that crashes in Bikini Bottom along with him. There he is found by sponge couple Margaret and Herald SquarePants who take him in as their own, naming him SpongeBob. 15 years later, a teenage SpongeBob must learn to hide his abilities from his friends and deal with the fact that he's not normal. In the morning, SpongeBob misses the bus, but super speeds to school, making Sandy and Patrick suspicious. SpongeBob tries to talk to Spongella, his crush, but gets weakened when he gets near her. While walking home from school, SpongeBob is hit by a car driven by Plankton, an undersea organism. They crash into the water and SpongeBob saves him. They quickly become friends and they talk at the Chum Bucket, Plankton's restaurant. When he gets home, SpongeBob is shown his ship by his father and learns he's not from Earth, enraged SpongeBob runs to the woods, only to find and befriend Spongella. Sandy learns of a regular fish that has gained powers to control fire from the meteor rocks and explains that there could be more people with different powers. It is revealed to SpongeBob that there is something that can hurt him after SpongeBob is brutally tied to a post with Spongella's meteor rock necklace by the football team and Jake, Spongella's boyfriend. As he gets close to the meteor rock his veins turn a sickly green color. Plankton finds him and saves him and finds the necklace, which has fallen off SpongeBob. Ray the fish meteor freak as Sandy called him threatens to scorch the school during a school dance, but SpongeBob shows up to stop him. Ray tries to burn him, but it does not affect him do to his invulnerability. SpongeBob grabs him throws him against a truck. Ray gets up and starts the truck and tries to hit SpongeBob, but the truck crashes on him. SpongeBob super speeds away, Ray jumps out of the car as SpongeBob super speeds behind him and with a single push Ray goes flying against the wall knocking him out. As everybody's about to walk out of the dance SpongeBob speeds away. Back at home, SpongeBob apologizes to his father for running away.
2. I can see right through you- While walking home from school, SpongeBob sees someone robbing a store, so he tries to stop him, but his head starts to hurt and SpongeBob sees his skeleton, which is glowing green. When the thief passes by SpongeBob, he throws him through a window. The thief disappears, when SpongeBob sees his skeleton revealing that the thief didn't disappear, he just turned invisible. At home SpongeBob tells his parents what happened with his sight and the thief. His parents tell him that he must be developing a new ability they called x-ray vision. At school, Jake confronts SpongeBob and tells him he needs the necklace. SpongeBob tells him he doesn't have it. Jake apologizes and sais it was just a prank. Plankton stops by to see Spongella and tells her that her boyfriend wasn't where he said he was Friday. The next morning at school, during P.E. SpongeBob and Patrick are running the track when SpongeBob's head starts to hurt again, Patrick checks to see if he's ok. his x-ray vision goes off and he sees Patrick's veins, muscles, and skull. Then he turns and sees the inside of the gym and locker rooms. During SpongeBob's, Patrick's, and Sandy's assistant lunch shifts that SpongeBob begged Sandy to be in, due to his love of cooking, Sandy tells them about a new meteor fish freak, Sam, the same one that robbed the bank. Spongella talks to Dash about Friday. At home SpongeBob's parents try to teach SpongeBob how to control his x-ray vision. SpongeBob tries to do it but, fails. The next day SpongeBob tries to look inside Sam's locker but, fails again. SpongeBob walks away as Sam walks up. SpongeBob talks to Sandy and Patrick about Sam and explains his bones could have some meteor rock. Sandy reveals that Sam has a grudge on Spongella because she turned him down every single time he asked her out. When everyone goes to class, SpongeBob tries again and succeeds. He sees bags and stacks of cash in Sam's locker. SpongeBob turns him in, making Sam mad. Plankton gives SpongeBob the necklace. Later, that night SpongeBob is blowing bubbles when out of nowhere he gets punched into the garage along with meteor rock. Weakened, SpongeBob is on the floor, when the ship blast the meteor rock taking out the toxic radiation and SpongeBob is free. Knowing that it's Sam, he uses his x-ray vision to see Sam's skeleton. Being able to see his skeleton SpongeBob super speeds to grab Sam ,but trip's and it is revealed that Sam has Spongella's necklace that is laced with meteor rock. Sam grabs SpongeBob, then SpongeBob rips off the necklace. With his strength back SpongeBob grabs Sam and throws him against a tree, causing the tree to fall, knocking Sam unconscious. SpongeBob finds out the necklace is really Spongella's Clark locks it in a lead box, which now revealed to be meteor proof. He tries to x-ray it finding out that he can't see through lead, but keeps staring at it thinking he's going to x-ray it, because SpongeBob is still not that smart in the Supersponge universe. Then, he secretly returns it.
3. Power outage- While, staying after school to finish up chili for lunch tomorrow, Sandy went to get a drink from the fountain but, while, she was heading back to the cafeteria the power went out. Back in the cafeteria all the equipment was destroyed. Suddenly, a giant strike of electricity struck Sandy against the wall and she fell unconscious. The next morning she wakes up, still in school, only to see SpongeBob. SpongeBob asks Sandy what happen. SpongeBob sais that it's probably another meteor fish freak. SpongeBob told Sandy to go home and get some rest. Sandy refuses and heads to class with SpongeBob and Patrick. While walking home Sandy was approached by an old friend, Jerry. She asks him where he has been all these years. He tells her that he moved to anchor achers, but came to visit his uncle because his house had a "power outage". While, walking home SpongeBob and Spongella run into Sandy and Jerry. Sandy introduces Jerry to her friends and then tells SpongeBob about the power outage at Jerry's house. still trying to find out who caused that electric strike. SpongeBob shows Sandy a list of fish that could have been given electrokenisis powers due to meteor rocks. On the list Sandy sees her name. SpongeBob is stupidly surprised, and telling Sandy that she could've done it. Sandy playfully calls SpongeBob an idiot. Jerry frowns at SpongeBob, because of SpongeBob's close relationship with Sandy. Later that night SpongeBob is taking out the trash when a bolt of electricity hits him, but it barely stings him. Jerry is in the shadows revealing that he is the meteor fish freak. Jerry, thinking SpongeBob is dead, goes to Sandy's dome to tell her that SpongeBob is out of the way of their relationship. Knowing what Jerry means, she runs to call the cops ,but Jerry takes the power out of the phone. Jerry zaps her unconscious. Jerry goes to strike her again ,but SpongeBob super speeds to Sandy's dome. Jerry's out of sight, so SpongeBob uses his x-ray vision to see inside Sandy's dome. He sees Jerry about to kill Sandy. Right before the bolt of electricity is about to hit Sandy, SpongeBob super speeds in and grabs her. With Sandy still unconscious, SpongeBob is able to use his abilities on Jerry. Jerry tries to strike him over and over again but, it doesn't work due to SpongeBob's invulnerability. SpongeBob throws him against a bunch of wires. With electricity flowing threw Jerry's hands, the electricity flows through the wires, so Jerry pushes out the electricity in the wires to SpongeBob. SpongeBob holds his hand out and the electricity bounces off his hand and onto Jerry. It strikes Jerry's forehead and zaps his memories, giving him amnesia. SpongeBob super speeds Jerry to Jerry's uncles house, because Jerry has no memory of his crimes. SpongeBob super speeds back to Sandy to check on her. Sandy wakes up, finding SpongeBob waiting by her bed to see if she's alright. Sandy tells SpongeBob that they live in a weird town. they both laugh as the episode ends.
4.Burn-The episode begins with SpongeBob and Patrick walking into their classroom, where Spongella and Sandy are talking. Their new attractive teacher, Ms. Dobby, tells them she will now be their teacher. All the guys, including SpongeBob, stares at her. She starts a history video. SpongeBob ,still staring at her, starts to burn up. Waves of heat blast from his eyes and burn the projector. As, everybody leaves, SpongeBob puts out the fire. Outside, Plankton drives up to the school and sees SpongeBob, he was really there to see his new fiancée, Ms. Dobby. Plankton invites SpongeBob to the wedding, at the Chum Bucket, as his best man. At home, SpongeBob explains to his parents what happened and tells them he might have started the fire. They tell him that he should probably stay home until they get a hold of it, but he explains he can't because of Plankton's wedding. The next day at the wedding, SpongeBob congratulates Plankton and they eat the cake. After the wedding, SpongeBob and Spongella hangout at the Mr. Bean's Coffee House, where Spongella works, which is closed for the night. With Spongella in the moonlight, waves of heat blast out of SpongeBob's eyes again, so he puts it out. The next morning, Harold finds SpongeBob in the basement and is wondering why he isn't in school. SpongeBob tells him he isn't going because another fire happened last night when he was with Spongella. His father explains that it may be happening when his hormones rise, so he helps him control his heat vision. At the Chum Bucket, Plankton figures out that Ms. Dobby only married him to inherit his technology, when she kills him. Sandy shows up at SpongeBob's house and tells him that Ms. Dobby was arrested for killing her ex-husband, to inherit his money. Now knowing she is power hungry, he figures Plankton is in trouble, so he super speeds away when Sandy isn't looking. Bach at the Chum Bucket, Ms. Dobby pulls out a gun and fires at Plankton. SpongeBob speeds in just in time and uses his heat vision to stop the bullet. Ms. Dobby tries to leave, but as she grabs the door knob, SpongeBob blast it with his heat vision, burning her hand. The cops arrive and arrest her. Plankton thanks SpongeBob for saving his life. At home, SpongeBob tells his parents what happened. Margaret tells them she's to tires to cook the steak, so SpongeBob heats it up with his heat vision as the episode ends.
5.secret- A strange man holding a disk that is the same size and shape as the missing piece of SpongeBob's spaceboat, sneaks in to SpongeBob's basement and puts in the ship, it turns on and zaps the man out of the house giving him amnesia. The ship crashes and flies out of the house during a storm. The ship gets zapped and the key falls out and the ship falls down in front of Patrick, who is driving home, Patrick loads it up on his boat and takes it to SpongeBob. SpongeBob is shocked and tells Patrick it's probably a movie prop, not wanting Patrick to know. SpongeBob wants to tell his dad, but Patrick doesn't want him to. At school, Patrick almost tells Sandy, but SpongeBob knows she will expose it, so he stops him and tells him not to tell Sandy, because if it turns out to be fake they will be a laughing stock. At night, SpongeBob and his dad go to get the ship, but it's gone and Patrick sees them leave. The next day, Patrick confronts SpongeBob about stealing the ship, but SpongeBob says he doesn't have it and can't explain why it's important to him. Patrick leaves angry. With SpongeBob hesitating, Patrick sees him in the mirror one second and gone the other and finds SpongeBob in front of him stopping the car with his bare hands, saying they need to talk. SpongeBob tells him he's an alien and doesn't know where he's from, but everyone he cares about is on Earth. The next day, Patrick is mad at SpongeBob for not trusting him with the secret. As, Patrick leaves school, he's captured. He is taken to an old barn filled with chemicals and SpongeBob's spaceboat. Patrick asks where he found it and the scientist, Dr. Barry, replies he found it in Patrick's garage. He also tells him he's dying and that Patrick knows who the ship belongs to. Patrick tell him he doesn't know and stupidly says it belongs to someone powerful. Sandy tells SpongeBob, Patrick is missing and has tracked his location to an old barn, while Sandy is turned around, SpongeBob speeds to the barn. The scientist threatens Patrick by threatening to kill him if he doesn't give up the ship's owner, but as a friend he refuses. SpongeBob runs in and throws the scientist against the wall and unties Patrick. SpongeBob starts to get weak, because some of the chemicals are made of meteor rock, Patrick asks SpongeBob what's wrong and SpongeBob replies by telling the meteor rocks make him sick. The scientist begins shaking, knowing he's dying SpongeBob tells Patrick to help him, but it was to late, so they get the ship and go. In the end SpongeBob's parents welcome him to the family now that he knows the secret. Patrick asks SpongeBob why he wanted to save the scientist even though he could've exposed his secret and SpongeBob replies by telling him that he couldn't let him die protecting his secret and he can' let anyone else die either.
6.Blind- SpongeBob and Spongella are walking, but SpongeBob leaves Spongella to buy his mother gift for her birthday. As he looks for a present a thief and a boy walks in. The boy screams, revealing he's a meteor freak with sonic scream. While everyone is covering their ears, SpongeBob shoots his heat vision at the thief's gun, but the sonic scream shatters a glass case holding meteor rock earrings. The earrings jump in the ear and heat vision reflects off it into his eyes, but he still manages to stop him. Spongella heard the scream and went back to the store and found SpongeBob on the floor. Spongella asked if he was ok. He replied " Spongella is that you." She asked if he was ok and he told her it was his eyes, he couldn't see. He was taken to the hospital and then home. Planktons visits SpongeBob to see if he's ok. Plankton leaves and SpongeBob walks into the house and his parents were worried, thought he shouldn't go to school, and said it could be permanent, but SpongeBob said it would be fine and he might just have to adjust to his blindness like he does with his abilities, but his heat and x ray vision aren't working. At school Patrick guides him to his locker. As Patrick opens SpongeBob's locker and takes off his lock SpongeBob starts hearing everything, he starts to hear the lock, footsteps, a pencil dropping, and phones ringing from across the school. He tells Patrick something's wrong and to take him home. At home, his parents tell him his body must be replacing his lack of sight with better hearing and because his body and sight is greater than normal people, his hearing must increase even more than normal blind people. When Patrick gets out of school he visits SpongeBob and asks him questions about the length of his powers, still curious and still new to his secret. The rumbling truck comes to the house and the boy with the sonic scream comes out and uses his abilities. Patrick covering his ears is kidnapped and thrown in the truck, SpongeBob is rolling on the ground covering his ears as hard as he can, because of his enhanced hearing it affects him more than Patrick. SpongeBob's parents help him and call the police. Patrick's mom goes to SpongeBob's house and tells them that the kidnapper is demanding they release the thief or else he will kill him. SpongeBob and his parents go inside to try to control his new power, by SpongeBob trying to listen to his father whispering while a bunch of loud stuff is on. As they have a bunch of loud stuff on, SpongeBob's father is lightly whispering "Can you hear me?" At first he can't, but then as his father asks again " Can you hear my voice?", SpongeBob replies by nodding. After, being able to control his new power, super hearing, SpongeBob regains some sight, but his heat vision and x ray vision aren't working, so his parents take him to get glasses. At, the courthouse SpongeBob sees the thief on the phone, so he uses his super hearing to hear the boy on the other line, he hears him saying he's at the junk yard and SpongeBob speed there. The boy throws Patrick in a car, on the crushing machine. SpongeBob arrives and finds the boy, but the boy uses his power to disable SpongeBob and he backs up into a stack of cars. Before they fall he speeds away, but they fall on the boy. SpongeBob uses his super hearing to hear Patrick and he saves him just in time. SpongeBob takes Patrick to the courthouse before they release the thief to show him the thief's accomplice cant kill Patrick so they don't need to release him. In the end SpongeBob tells his parents he'll be hearing a lot more clearly.
7.Red- SpongeBob and Patrick are waiting in line to get their "ruby" class rings. Spongella walks up showing the new girl, Hannah, around the school. Staring at SpongeBob, Hannah asks about him. After putting on his new "ruby" incrusted class ring, his veins and eyes glow red for a short moment. The principal shows up and tells Hannah her close are not school appropriate, but she ignores him. SpongeBob tells him she looks great, surprising his friends, because he's usually a goodie two shoe, boy scout. At a study session, SpongeBob tells his friends they should go out on a night on the town. Still confused on his sudden behavior, they tell him they need to study, boring him. He leaves telling them to call him when they're ready to have fun. The next morning, his parents wake up to a new electronics filled living room, filled with a bigger TV, a radio, a video game system with a bunch of games next to it, and a motorcycle. SpongeBob, is wearing a black leather jacket, a red shirt, and shades. His parents ask him where he got all this stuff. He replies he used their credit card. His parents get upset and he gets bored, so he super speeds away. On the way to school, SpongeBob lifts Hannah to school. Sandy, Spongella, and Patrick are again shocked at the new SpongeBob. Harold arrive at the school telling SpongeBob to come home with him. SpongeBob refuses telling him he's not his real father, he's just some guy he found him in a field and shoves him, pushing him to his boat. Patrick helps him up telling him there's something seriously wrong with SpongeBob, because he would never do that on purpose. At school, Sandy and Patrick find out that the rubies in the rings are really red meteor rock. Patrick rushes to tell the SquarePants about the rings. They all agree it's the ring. Margaret points out if green meteor rock effects him physically, than red effects him emotionally. SpongeBob tells Hannah they should leave town. She tells his father and he tells her to take a disc, worth millions, secretly. SpongeBob over hears with his super hearing and he takes the bag, Hannah runs and her father tries to shoot SpongeBob, but he dodges the bullets, not caring if his secret is revealed and finds out that the disc is not in the bag, but Hannah has it. SpongeBob stops Hannah and is about to kill her, when he gets weakened. He sees Patrick behind him with meteor rock, Harold shows up with a sledge hammer. He hits SpongeBob's hand shattering the ring, returning SpongeBob to normal. SpongeBob apologizes to his friends for the way he acted. At home, SpongeBob tells his parents sorry. They tell him it was just the ring. He admits that the ring didn't make those thoughts, but it brought out a personality he's always had and tells them everything he did while under red meteor rock, he's wanted to do.
8.Stolen- SpongeBob, Sandy, and Patrick are on a class field trip in the woods. They have a project to find certain rocks. While looking for rocks, SpongeBob runs into some meteor rocks, but Patrick helps him. Meanwhile, the teacher's son, Greg, was looking and showed his father a special bug he likes. His father, Mr. Popper, tells him to put it back and to be man. This upsets Greg and he leaves the class. A storm flies over, so the teacher tells them to get to the bus, but his son is missing, so SpongeBob goes to find him. Greg picks up a meteor rock. He picks up a meteor rock, and is about to throw it when a lightning strike heads for him. SpongeBob grabs him, but the strike hits them and absorbs the meteor rocks energy and they're both electrocuted. Shockingly, SpongeBob is hurt, but Greg is fine. In the morning, SpongeBob tries to speed to school, but his speed is gone. He tells his parents. They offer to give him a ride, and tells him to lift the boat out of the mud, but he cannot and his strength is gone to. At Greg's home, Greg walks downstairs, and to his surprise, he doesn't need his glasses. His father yells at him for wandering off and goes to backhand him, but Greg catches it with super speed, much to his and his fathers surprise. At school, SpongeBob tells Patrick and Patrick says maybe it was the meteor rock electrocution. SpongeBob asks Greg if he's alright. Greg tells him he feels great and sneaks into the bench room. He bench presses, over six hundred pounds. Meanwhile, Plankton, at anger management class, meets a woman named, Wendy Helen, and he asks her out on a date After school, SpongeBob, Sandy, and Patrick are walking home. A tall man steals Sandy's backpack, SpongeBob tries to catch him, but is too slow. Eric super speeds in front of the man, takes back the laptop, and by barely pushing, pushes him into a car. SpongeBob's parents suggest that Greg must have taken his powers. His mother tells him to have fun, because he doesn't have to hide anymore. At school, Jake invites SpongeBob to a game of basketball with him, Patrick, and Trent. Usually SpongeBob's parents don't let him play sports, incase he cant control his powers enough, but now he gladly accepts. Patrick and SpongeBob lose, but SpongeBob's happy he got to play. SpongeBob hangs out with Spongella, now being able to be around her, with her necklace. They see Greg is terrorizing people who bullied him and SpongeBob tries to stop him. Greg throws him against a car knocking him unconscious. At home, SpongeBob wakes up and tells them he needs to stop Greg. They ask how and SpongeBob suggest that if Greg has his powers, he should have his weakness. SpongeBob gets Spongella's necklace goes to confront Greg. Jake tells Spongella he's moving and they have a caring goodbye. Meanwhile, SpongeBob finds Greg at school and weakens him with the necklace. Without his powers, Greg grabs a wire and shocks SpongeBob. The combination of the shock and the meteor rock transfers SpongeBob's powers back to him. Jake and SpongeBob talk and Jake apologizes for what he did to him. SpongeBob returns Spongella's necklace in the lead box, saying it will protect her memories, as an excuse for her to stop wearing it. Plankton and Wendy are on their way to get coffee.
9.Breathe- SpongeBob starts working on the house where the ship crashed, in the episode Secret. As he fixes it, he starts to look sick, when he sneezes, blowing the whole wall off. SpongeBob goes inside and tells his parents. They're confused, because he's never been sick before. His mother said he's never even had so much as the sniffles. Elsewhere, Sandy is jogging, when the wall falls near her. Back at SpongeBob's home, Margaret explains that he's vulnerable around meteor rock and maybe he was exposed to a cold when he was weakened around the rocks. His parents tell him not to go to school, so SpongeBob goes to Patrick, during their lunch shift at school, for help. Patrick asks what's the big deal about a little cold. SpongeBob sneezes, blowing away all the kitchen tools. Patrick replies by saying," Oh, that's what." Patrick tells him he should go home. As SpongeBob leaves, he looks like he's about to sneeze, so Patrick ducks for cover, but SpongeBob was joking. At SpongeBob's house, Sandy visits and tells him what happened. He and his parents reply by saying that's weird. They tell her it probably fell off a plane, trying to cover up what happened. As she leaves Plankton walks up to see if SpongeBob's ok. Plankton tells SpongeBob he has a remedy that will help, he says it will make him sneeze a lot at first. SpongeBob and his parents yell "NO!", because of what happens when he sneezes. SpongeBob says that he'll be fine and he just needs some rest. As Plankton leaves, he's taken by two men and one of them drop a watch. Sandy tells SpongeBob what happened and that she found a silver watch, so he goes off to find him. His parents stop him and tell Sandy to let him rest. SpongeBob says he can't just sit around and do nothing. Meanwhile, in an abandoned warehouse, the two men demand a ransom or they'll kill him. Plankton refuses, so one of the men shoots a ray of green energy at a radio, vaporizing it, revealing he's a meteor fish freak, and asks him if he wants to rethink that answer. Sandy tells SpongeBob that two men escaped from an asylum last week and one of them owned a silver watch, the same one that Sandy found. She tells them their phones should be able to be tracked by the asylums computer. SpongeBob and Harold sneak into the asylum. SpongeBob X-rays the place and finds a hidden room with a huge computer, behind a steel wall. SpongeBob tries to break it off, but is still too sick. Harold tells him to sneeze and blow it off, but SpongeBob explains he can't sneeze on command. Harold tells him if he can't sneeze to blow and says to "Huff and Puff and blow the door down." SpongeBob breaths in a huge amount of air and then blows, blowing the door straight through the wall. Back at the warehouse, Plankton refuses again, so one of the men knocks him out. Harold pulls up the file and the tracker, so as soon as he sees the street, SpongeBob super speeds to help Plankton. As soon as the meteor fish is about to fire his beam at Plankton, SpongeBob arrives and throws him against the wall. The other one shoots him, to SpongeBob's surprise, because he didn't know he was bullet proof, it doesn't kill him, but still hurts him,. The first one gets up and blast SpongeBob. It doesn't vaporize him like it did the radio, but it still effects enough to blast him against the wall, revealing the ray is meteor rock. Part of the blast splattered everywhere turning the place on fire. SpongeBob knocks out the meteor fish and uses his super breath to blow out the fire, right as Plankton wakes up. Wendy walks in and Plankton introduces her to SpongeBob and they go to the Chum Bucket. Later that day, Margaret finds out SpongeBob has a bunch of bruises from the bullets and couldn't believe everyone of those bruises came from a bullet. After that, SpongeBob, Sandy, and Patrick are hanging out. SpongeBob and Patrick asks Sandy if she wants to go to the beach. Sandy looks up and sees storm clouds, sais no, and leaves. SpongeBob uses his super breath to blow the storm clouds away and asks Sandy if she's sure she doesn't want to go. At the beach, Margaret finds the key to the ship and hides it in a jar of flour.
10.Red- SpongeBob and Patrick are waiting in line to get their "ruby" class rings. Spongella walks up showing the new girl, Hannah, around the school. Staring at SpongeBob, Hannah asks about him. After putting on his new "ruby" incrusted class ring, his veins and eyes glow red for a short moment. The principal shows up and tells Hannah her close are not school appropriate, but she ignores him. SpongeBob tells him she looks great, surprising his friends, because he's usually a goodie two shoe, boy scout. At a study session, SpongeBob tells his friends they should go out on a night on the town. Still confused on his sudden behavior, they tell him they need to study, boring him. He leaves telling them to call him when they're ready to have fun. Meanwhile, Plankton goes to visit Wendy in the hospital. The next morning, SpongeBob's parents wake up to a new electronics filled living room, filled with a bigger TV, a radio, a video game system with a bunch of games next to it, and a motorcycle. SpongeBob, is wearing a black leather jacket, a red shirt, and shades. His parents ask him where he got all this stuff. He replies he used their credit card. His parents get upset and he gets bored, so he super speeds away. On the way to school, SpongeBob lifts Hannah to school. Sandy, Spongella, and Patrick are again shocked at the new SpongeBob. Harold arrive at the school telling SpongeBob to come home with him. SpongeBob refuses telling him he's not his real father, he's just some guy he found him in a field and shoves him, pushing him to his boat. Patrick helps him up telling him there's something seriously wrong with SpongeBob, because he would never do that on purpose. At school, Sandy and Patrick find out that the rubies in the rings are really red meteor rock. Patrick rushes to tell the SquarePants about the rings. They all agree it's the ring. Margaret points out if green meteor rock effects him physically, than red effects him emotionally. SpongeBob tells Hannah they should leave town. She tells his father and he tells her to take a disc, worth millions, secretly. SpongeBob over hears with his super hearing and he takes the bag, Hannah runs and her father tries to shoot SpongeBob, but he dodges the bullets, not caring if his secret is revealed and finds out that the disc is not in the bag, but Hannah has it. SpongeBob stops Hannah and is about to kill her, when he gets weakened. He sees Patrick behind him with meteor rock, Harold shows up with a sledge hammer. He hits SpongeBob's hand shattering the ring, returning SpongeBob to normal. SpongeBob apologizes to his friends for the way he acted. At home, SpongeBob tells his parents sorry. They tell him it was just the ring. He admits that the ring didn't make those thoughts, but it brought out a personality he's always had and tells them everything he did while under red meteor rock, he's wanted to do.
11.sick- Margaret hides the key in a bunch of dirt in the garage, which she hid in a flour jar when she found it in episode 9. Breathe. while digging, green dust jumps up and she inhales it. Later, Margaret is making dinner, when she passes out. SpongeBob and Herald rush her to the hospital. She is treated by Dr. Wendy Helen, Plankton's girlfriend. She informs Herald that she was exposed to some sort of toxin. Plankton walks in and takes Wendy outside and proposes to her. At school, SpongeBob's friends are sympathetic and concerned. After school, SpongeBob goes with Herald to the hospital to check on Margaret. There, the Disease Control Agency or D.C.A. inform them that the virus is not like anything they've ever seen and that their house needs to be quarantined and searched. SpongeBob super speed ahead to get the ship. While in the garage he inhales the green dust. He and Patrick drive it to Patrick's house. While driving, SpongeBob gets dizzy and drives the truck into a ditch. He tries to get it out, but his strength is gone, so Patrick has to help. While searching, the DCA find the key and question the SquarePants. SpongeBob tells his father about the strength loss. At the hospital, Margaret wakes up with Herald by her side and he questions her about the key. She tells him that she was afraid that if SpongeBob could activate the ship it would take him back to his planet. Meanwhile, Spongella visits SpongeBob. He tells her how worried he is, but she tells him there's nothing to worry about. Suddenly, he collapses down the stairs. She takes him inside, and Dr. Helen comes to take him to the hospital, but Herald refuses. To Heralds surprise, Dr. Helen was able to take a blood sample. He begs her to check the sample alone, and she agrees. In the lab, Dr. Helen checks the sample and is surprised at what she sees. The next day, Sandy, Spongella, and Patrick visit SpongeBob. Later that night, SpongeBob wakes up and tells his dad the ship might be able to heal them, Herald asks him what he's talking about. SpongeBob tells him when he was stuck in the basement with meteor rock, while fighting the invisible meteor fish, Sam, the ship neutralized the meteor rock. Herald goes off to get the key from the DCA. SpongeBob asks to come with him, but Herald makes him stay. He breaks into the facility, and gets the key, but is cornered by a guard. SpongeBob appears and knocks him out with a metal pole. The DCA tracks their boat, but when they look inside it's just Patrick. In Patrick's boat, SpongeBob and Herald rush to the hospital, with the ship in the trunk. When they get to the hospital they jump out and the key flies to the ship and in a bright flash of light, SpongeBob and Margaret are given a full recovery. The next day SpongeBob, his friends, and his parents celebrate. Plankton tells SpongeBob about the wedding and asks him to be his best man, SpongeBob gladly accepts. Dr. Helen tells Herald about the mysterious recovery and sais she won't show anyone SpongeBob's special blood. As Dr. Helen hangs up, SpongeBob tells Herald that the key's disappeared. A scientist is shown sneaking away with it.
12.Origin:Part 1- Leaving off from the last episode, SpongeBob and his parents look for the key, but can't find it. At night Spongella comes in and gives him his birthday present, but he said it's not his birthday, considering it's just the day he was adopted, She tells him it was the day he came into their lives and kisses him. At school, SpongeBob tells Patrick. When Spongella and Sandy come in, when suddenly, he hears a ringing in his ears and rushes off. Sandy and Spongella wonders where he's going. At his house, SpongeBob goes down to the ship and it's glowing, but it suddenly stops. He tells his parents not to worry and to get Planktons wedding present. He forgot he still has to get his best man speech ready. He goes to see Spongella and she tells him that last night was a mistake and she doesn't know if she's ready for a relationship with him, considering he's always keeping secrets. SpongeBob and his parents go to the wedding, along with Sandy, Patrick, and Spongella. At the wedding SpongeBob gives his speech ; "I've been looking through every book from Socrates to Shakespeare, trying to find someone who could put into words the way Plankton and Wendy feel about each other. But, I realized is, there are no words for what they have. And when you have it, you trust it, and you believe in it. Take a chance on it. And you're willing to sacrifice anything to keep it no matter what the cost. To Plankton and Wendy." this inspires Spongella to have a relationship with SpongeBob. Meanwhile, at the barn, the scientist puts in the key and the ship turns on and blast him. After the speech, SpongeBob hears the ringing again and speeds to the ship, SpongeBob sees the light from the ship and the scientist. The scientists tries to shoot him, but to SpongeBob's surprise, because in episode 9. Breath, bullets bruised him, but this bullet bounced off and hit a gas tank. it explodes and takes the room and the scientists with it, but SpongeBob is un-phased. Sees the light and walks in the Garage ending the episode. TO BE CONTINUED.
13.Origin: part 2-