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The Horror Movie is an episode of The Amazing World of Squidward. In this episode, Squidward Jr. challenges his dad to watch an horror movie.




Squidward:Son, what are you screaming about? Did you see a ladybug? Ha, ha, ha.

Junior:I saw a trailer for an horror movie!

Squidward:Hahaha, you're scared of that? I could watch an horror movie at 3 am with all the lights off and don't be scared!

Junior:Oh yeah? Then i challenge you to go watch that movie!

Squidward:You challenge me? You just got a ticket for LoserLand! Ha, ha, ha!

Junior:So do you accept?

Squidward:Of course i do! It will be easier than drinking water! Just tell me the name of the movie!

Junior:It's called:The Hash-Slinging Slasher!

Squidward:What a stupid name!

French Narrator:2 weeks later.......

Squidward:Let's see this movie! While everyone screams, i'll laugh! Ha, ha, ha!

French Narrator:2 and a half hours of screams later...

Squidward:*exits the movie theather still screaming* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH........AH!......Well, i'll just tell Junior that i won the challenge! After all, it's not like he can know the truth! *goes home*

Junior:Hi screaming queen!

Squidward:Screaming queen? Ha! I didn't scream! I laughed! Now i'll send you to LoserLand! Ha, ha, ha!

Junior:Really? Then what do you have to say about this? *shows him a YouTube video of him screaming*


Junior:I sended someone you know to the theather to record you "laughing"

Squilliam:Hi, Squidward! Ha, ha, ha!

Squidward:*melts on the floor*

Junior:Ha, ha, ha!
