SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki
Gumdrop Lasses in A Theatre Finn Unofficial name
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The Mechanic is a minor character that appears in the Guards N' R*tards series. He has appeared in a few videos and he has later revealed himself to be a part of the Gay Night Club.




  • Even though he is the same person in both episodes he appeared in, his voice and personality changed so he seems like a different person. In the Butt Ninja episode, he had a calm voice. But in swag party hostages, he had a happy and exciting voice.
  • The Mechanic is currently named this way because he installed rat killers in the air vents in the Butt Ninja episode.
  • The Mechanic's model is the "Russian Commandant" from GoldenEye 007 for the Nintendo 64.

Finn walk out to Peasant Both
"We paid nine dollars for this?"
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v - e Crossover Time & SMG4 characters