The SpongeBob SquarePants 138th Episode Spectacular! (uncut)
SpongeBob the Movie 50: Amy Rose the Hedgehog
Planet of the Jellyfish 2
Cloudy with a chance of Krabby Patties
SpongeBob Redecorates!
BBC One Underwater
Awkward, Octopus: An Awkward Movie!
Sandy Gets A Job
Bonus Features[]
Cheeks (episode)
SpongeBob's Title Card Maker!
Dr. Drain's Soda Design Shop
The master tape for Rock-a-Bye Bivalve was damaged, as the screen gets turned green and the audio gets messed up at random scenes during the episode. This was fixed in the canadian copy and the VHS version.
The DVD had been a flop in the sales, because critics disliked the errors in the DVD. More TBA.