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Viney is a recurring character in The Owl House. She is a student at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics, and while originally in the detention track with Jerbo and Barcus, she is now in the healing and beast keeping tracks.


Viney has brown hair with four bangs combed back and a disheveled bun held together with a dark orange hair ribbon. He wears a twist earring in one ear and has pointed ears, like other residents of the Boiling Islands. She has green eyes with one eyelash at the top and one eyelash at the bottom, however, unlike other characters, she and Jerbo do not have a white sparkle in their eyes. She wears a hood similar to the hood of other students, but her hood with a pattern is torn and fastened with a large stationery button. She is wearing a grey suit with sleeves and lighter grey leggings. Her skirt is torn on one side and tied.

After they choose their own classes, their sleeves and leggings turn blue and orange, respectively, to represent the class of healing and caring for animals.


Viney is a calm, laid-back teenager with a certain degree of leadership and self-confidence, as shown in "How She Apparently Takes Responsibility while in a Punishment class." She is the first to welcome Luz to this class and takes it upon herself to show her the Secret Quick Access Room. Like her cellmates, she really wants to continue studying magic and, moreover, combine two different types of magic. She also seems to love animals very much, so much so that she has a pet griffin, Puddles, and she insists that she will make a great doctor's assistant.

Viney also respects people who take responsibility and protect the oppressed, as was the case when Luz took responsibility to the teacher who supervised the detention. A direct consequence of this is that Viney can easily be offended by people who consider themselves better than her and her friends. She fired Luz from the group after hearing that Luz thinks she is superior to her cellmates. But her opinion again tilted in favor of Luz after the human girl convinced Viney, as well as Jerbo and Barcus to help in the school fight against the great basilisk, because even if others mistreated them, the punishment class was still priceless.


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v - e Crossover Time & SMG4 characters