War Of The Fat Italians 2024 is the thirty-ninth episode of Season 14 and the nine hundred and fifth overall to be uploaded on the Crossover Time & SMG4 channel.
It is the fourteenth installment of the War of the Fat Italians series and serves as the finale of the sixth chapter of the PUZZLEVISION Saga. It was first teased on September 14, 2024, where viewers were invited to submit a challenge on the WOTFI 2024 website. This event took place at Puzzle Park and the challenges are carnival-themed. It was aired on October 19, 2024.
WOTFI IS HEREEEE!!!!! And Mr. Puzzles has turned into a literal theme park... this WOTFI is gonna be pretty different.
Leggy advertises the upcoming opening of Puzzle Park, highlighting the bumper cars, hammer high striker, and her personal favorite, the Tunnel of Fun. Zooming into the tunnel, Mario and SMG4 awaken tied up on a boat going through the tunnel. Dozens of Mr Puzzles animatronics (his face on the body of FNAF characters) sing the Puzzle Park jingle.
Mr. Puzzles appears on a giant screen, narrating a re-enactment of his childhood with help from Leggy. He recalls how his first dream was to run his own theme park. After being rejected by his father, it led to him locking himself away and watching TV, starting his obsession with making 5-star movies. But with that dream ruined due to the SMG4 gang's rebellion, Mr. Puzzles has turned back to his first dream. And he's forcing Mario, SMG4 and his friends to help.
Luigi, Bob, SMG3, Tari, Boopkins, Melony, Saiko, and Karen appear in the tunnel, brainwashed and turned into mindless performers, all wearing spooky costumes. With no other option, SMG4 and Mario are compelled to go along with the act until they can find a way to stop Mr. Puzzles.
1. Blast off Fire (by Flopp): Mario and SMG4[]
Objective: Each contestant has a rocket strapped to them and they must defuse it before they soar into space.
SMG4 and Mario were are strapped to two rockets, each about to take off to space when Leggy lights the fuse. Both struggle to defuse it but SMG4 wants to snap Leggy into her old Meggy self since Meggy is somewhere inside her Leggy form. Mario has an "AMAZING" idea to get Meggy back but after SMG4 struggles to reason with Leggy, she refuses and summons Bob to speed up the process. Out of time, the boys try to ragdoll their way out but after the explosion when the rockets took off, only their top halves survived the blast, revealing they finally got free. Though failed, they both won the first challenge.
Winner: Mario and SMG4 Score: 1-0
2. Insult-2-Dunk (by NatePlaysGames): SMG4 vs SMG3, Bob, Karen and Boopkins[]
Objective: It’s one of those dunk the guy games but you insult them instead of throwing a ball at a target.
SMG4 sits over a dunking game with the water full of sharks. Initially, SMG4 weathers all sorts of insults thrown by SMG3, Bob, Karen, and Fishy Boopkins, given his past experiences with hate comments about his channel on YouTube. However, all it took was for Mario to insult him, noting that he's already "dead inside" and unable to talk to a girl other than his mother, for SMG4 to give up and fall into the water, getting killed by the sharks.
Winner: SMG3, Bob, Karen and Boopkins Score: 1-1
3. Slapbox (by Priest189): Mario vs Tari[]
Objective: Slap each other until one gets knocked out.
In this challenge, Mario refuses to fight Tari with big gloved hands to slap her. Tari insults Mario's hat and calls him mid. Pissed, Mario slaps Tari with all his power and wins. SMG4 and Leggy are shocked as Tari is disintegrated.
Winner: Mario Score: 2-1
4. Ferris Wheel Frenzy (by Tailsfan Productions): SMG4 vs Boopkins[]
Objective: Who can survive the longest on the Ferris wheel.
SMG4 and Boopkins must stay in the ferris wheel the longest. As it goes at a slow pace, Boopkins talks about his clown routine when SMG4 bails and jumps off the Ferris wheel, much to Boopkins' sadness.
Winner: Boopkins Score: 2-2
5. Fire Bonanza (by @rthurservice): Mario vs Bob[]
Objective: Who can do fire tricks the best?
Judged by Mr. Puzzles and SMG3, Bob puts on his trick "The Blazing Bob" by twirling two torches, but Mario wins with his trick "Arson" by burning Bob with a flamethrower. Mr. Puzzles and SMG3 applaud Mario for his destructive display.
Winner: Mario Score: 3-2
6. Tightrope Terror (by @ingrainmaker): SMG4 vs SMG3[]
Objective: Who can cross a 50 meter tightrope without falling?
SMG4 and SMG3 are each ordered to cross the tightrope while dodging cannonballs launched by Leggy, Bob and Boopkins from below. Mario cheers SMG4 on from the stands. As SMG3 shakes SMG4's tightrope, causing him to nearly fall, SMG4 tries to convince Leggy once more to snap out of her persona and return to being Meggy. Unfortunately, SMG4's request is denied as Mr. Puzzles fires a missile at him, while Leggy continues to assert her loyalty to the theme park owner. SMG4 lands in the stands. Mario asks if they can try his amazing idea, but SMG4 turns to dust before he can respond.
Winner: SMG3 Score: 3-3
7. Sword Showdown (by Astro350) Mario vs Bob[]
Objective: Who can beat Bob in a Jousting tournament? (Bob vs Mario)
Using the bumper cars from Puzzles Park, Bob and Mario charge towards each other, with the former eventually knocking the latter off his car using his weapons. Mario laughs, telling Bob he's hidden his full power. He extends his nose in an effort to impale Bob, only for it to touch him harmlessly as Bob chops off its tip. Mario screams in agony.
Winner: Bob Score: 3-4
8. Knife Throw (by peter tsotskos): SMG4 vs SMG3[]
Objective: Who can throw the most knives without hitting anyone?
SMG4 thinks the challenge is easy, only for Mr. Puzzles to reveal the second condition of not hitting a person on the target. Boopkins and Tari appear on the targets. Mr. Puzzles also adds the condition that they're both blindfolded. SMG4 uses his skills, honed from 20,000 hours of ragdolling in GMOD. He seemingly wins, not hitting Tari once, only for it revealed to be a play of perspective; Tari was on SMG3's target. He had successfully avoided hitting Tari, while Boopkins, who was on SMG4's target, was completely skewered by him.
Winner: SMG3 Score: 3-5
9. Balloon Blast (by GenesisRequiem475): Mario vs Luigi[]
Objective: Whoever comes up with the most creative balloon shape wins!
At first, Luigi has seemingly outsmarted Mario in terms of how he can craft elaborate objects out of his balloon. On the first attempt, Mario made a Hot Dog while Luigi made a fancy table balloon. On the second, Mario makes a flower balloon but Luigi makes a garden out of balloons. After two failed attempts to best his brother, Mario decides to instead mold himself into a balloon, knowing that Luigi cannot do the same with his own body. Luigi tries, breaking his fingers and exploding.
Winner: Mario Score: 4-5
10. Pie-a-ton! (by Airdaleishere): Mario vs Karen[]
Objective: Who can dodge more pies?
Mario and Karen are each tasked to dodge a series of pies launched by Leggy. Karen actively avoids and smashes some of the pies, while Mario casually sits on a table to eat spaghetti. But while dodging, Karen accidentally knocks one of them onto the spaghetti, making it fall over. Mario to grieve as its soul departs. Fueled by rage, Mario turns Super Saiyan 2 and sucks up the pies on the field so he can die and join the spaghetti in the afterlife, only for both souls to be sucked up by Mr. Puzzles.
Winner: Karen Score: 4-6
11. Touch Grass (by Cyberguy456): Mario and SMG4[]
Objective: Whoever makes it to the grass first and touches it wins.
SMG4 and Mario touch grass and dance their way to the exit, only for Mr. Puzzles to block it. Melony and Karen drag them away to the next challenge.
Winner: Mario and SMG4 Score: 5-6
12. Clowns Clowns Everywhere (by One-Up Filmz): SMG4 vs Bob[]
Objective: Try to survive a room full of clowns. Last one to survive wins!
Due to his physical strength, Bob knocks SMG4 aside and bolts for the exit, only to be distracted by an attractive female clown (Geiru Toneido) and subsequently stabbed and exploded via balloon sword. Meanwhile, SMG4 finds himself cornered by clowns, and in the process of trying to run away, only to trip over himself multiple times. The clowns proclaim SMG4 as their king, much to his non-amusement.
Winner: SMG4 Score: 6-6
13. Bomb Ski Ball (by Tybreon77): Mario vs Karen[]
Objective: Who can get the highest score before the bombs explode.
Mario and Karen have bombs around their waists. If they don’t win one point on their game, their bombs will blow up. Mario throws all the ski balls at once, but misses the holes entirely with his score remaining at 0. Not wanting Karen to win, he paints her ball to resemble yarn, causing her to start playing with it instead of scoring any holes. In the act of playing with the ball, Karen accidentally knocks it into a hole, scoring her a point and causing Mario to explode.
Winner: Karen Score: 6-7
14. Ducky Mania! (by Jas_TheGamer15): SMG4 vs Luigi[]
Objective: Two teams try to collect as many ducks as possible before time runs out. Whoever collects the most ducks wins!
Wanting to maximize his duck collection, Luigi gives up his fishing pole in favor of a vacuum cleaner, and after setting it to max power, he ends up attracting the Moon as the celestial body eventually crashes into the park on top of himself and SMG4. Even so, SMG4 comes out with one duck despite being flattened.
Winner: SMG4 Score: 7-7
15. Free-Fall Frenzy (by D-Money): Mario and SMG4 vs Melony[]
Objective: Jump off an incredibly tall platform and stick the landing like a boss! Whoever lands the best wins!
Mario, SMG4 and Melony were on an incredibly tall platform about to fall down to the target. When Leggy pushes them off, Saiko, Karen and SMG3 tried to kill them using their weapons of choice. When avoiding this and Melony's Deity God attacks, SMG4 tried to give Leggy one last time to make her remember herself as Meggy but Leggy demands more fun to the minigame. Mr. Puzzles agrees to this, adding spikes, fire and bombs around the target. Mario asks if they can try his idea which SMG4 quickly nods as Mario changes his trajectory and zooms towards Leggy, knocking her off her cloud.
After crashing, Mario bops Leggy on the head and turns her back into Meggy. Mr. Puzzles asks how they learned how to change her back, only for Mario to say "goomba", as Leggy is considered a kind of Goomba, and according to game logic, stomping her essentially defeats the Leggy form, returning her back to normal. Refusing this, Puzzles turns Meggy back to Leggy but when they were about to continue with the minigames, SMG4 and Mario had one minigame of their own around Leggy.
Winner: Draw Score:7-7
16. Whack a Leggy (by Shrimpynoir): Mario and SMG4 vs Leggy and Mr. Puzzles[]
Objective: Whack Leggy really hard to turn her back into Meggy and stop Mr. Puzzles’ “Creative Vision.”
The boys chased after Leggy in the park to return her to Meggy. Leggy hid in a crane machine, but the boys found her and tried to get her out. However, Mr. Puzzles defended her by putting his hand inside the machine while holding a sword. In response, SMG4 gave the claw hand its own sword, and the two began to duel, only for Leggy to break free.
Leggy then hid in a Whack-a-Mole machine, dodging Mario's hammer smacks. Mr. Puzzles altered the machine so it produced Monty Moles with bombs, which exploded and sent Mario and SMG4 flying.
SMG4 was curious about how Mr. Puzzles was responding so quickly to their movements. He noticed cameras installed all around the park and realized that Mr. Puzzles was watching them through these cameras, manipulating the park from the Engine Room. As Mario chased Leggy across the park, SMG4 gradually blocked each camera with a meme or a paper drawing of Mr. Puzzles.
When Leggy was finally cornered, SMG4 blocked the last camera, completely obscuring Mr. Puzzles' view. SMG4 shouted that this was Mario's chance, and Mario stomped on Leggy, finally transforming her back into her original self as Meggy.
Winner: Mario and SMG4 Score: 8-7
Interval: The Search for Mr. Puzzles[]
After returning Meggy back to her normal self, Mr. Puzzles goes on into an emotional breakdown after losing Leggy a second time including the add-to-insult of Mario stamping out Leggy's top hat resulting in Mr. Puzzles going on a full-on rampage. The park comes alive and ready to kill them; Meggy remembers the secret door that leads to the engine room and the trio escape though it before the Carousel ride could crush them.
They fall into a dark room till the light go on revealing Mr. Puzzles version of Peach Castle (Parodying the Cinderella Castle) along with the opening to the Rap Battle, set during their fight with Mr. Puzzles in the engine room before Meggy enters Mr. Puzzles' mind.
After Meggy successfully entered Mr. Puzzles' mind, she is transported into a white dimension of nothing, except for Kid Puzzles and a TV. Meggy tries to force Kid Puzzles to let her friends go but it only made him terrified and start crying. Using her Leggy form, she is able to befriend Kid Puzzles with him turning off the TV as Meggy got out of the engine core while separating herself from her Leggy form for good.
Afterward, the engine core is destroyed when the ceiling collapses, freeing the SMG4 Crew from Mr. Puzzles' control. Miraculously, Mr. Puzzles (having somehow survived) emerges from the rubble as a changed person. However, before he can finish sharing the lesson he's learned, Mario punches him in the face, and SMG4 immediately calls the police to have him arrested for all of his mostunforgivablecrimes. Mr. Puzzles is last seen imprisoned in an underground jail cell, strapped into a restraint jacket. He has let go of his ambitions for fame and now desires to pursue a new path in life with his doll, Leggy 2.0. Despite this change, he also expresses resentment toward the SMG4 Crew for putting him in jail, laughing maniacally as he completely loses his sanity.
Final Score: Mario and SMG4 8 - 7 Mr. Puzzles' Crew Winners: Mario and SMG4 + Meggy
Puzzle Park is permanently closed following Mr. Puzzles' arrest, and Didney has shut down as a result since Mr. Puzzles owned it after the incident involving Mickey Mouse. Meggy and Mario are conversing, relieved that it is all over. Meggy expresses hope that her actions inside Mr. Puzzles' mind will change him, allowing him to stop obsessing over fame and shows and become a better person. She also mentions that her Leggy persona is no longer present, as Leggy has moved on to a better place.
Suddenly, Meggy is interrupted when a bumper car accidentally bumps into her. Meanwhile, SMG4 is collecting the remaining rides from Puzzle Park, including the bumper cars, to take them to The Showgrounds for upgrades, bringing the episode to a wholesome end.
Main Characters[]
Mr. PuzzlesMain Antagonist, Physical debut of his child form
Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes But If He Laughs He Dies - The bombs around Mario and Karen's waist during the Bomb Ski Ball challenge is the same ones as from that challenge.
Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 14 ft. SMG4 - Mario and SMG4 ragdoll trying to escape the rockets they were tied to during the first challenge.
SMG4 Movie: IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT - In the movie, Peach's Castle was absorbed by the Eldritch Goo from the keyboard SMG4 bought. However, in WOTFI 2024, We can see Peach's Castle being fully renovated into Mr. Puzzles's colors, which makes SMG4 very anxious (Although this could be just a coincidence, as Glitch was well known for using assets from other games unintentionally).
SMG4 trying to bring back Meggy from Leggy with reasoning could also be from what he learned when SMG3 persuaded him out of it before SMG3, Meggy, and Mario were nearly "sacrificed."
During Mr. Puzzles' emotionnal breakdown after losing Leggy a second time, Demonic Goop is seen pooring out the TVs in the park.
After Puzzles was defeated, SMG4 immediately called the police on him for making him destroy Peach's Castle as well as his other crimes.
SMG4 Movie: WESTERN SPAGHETTI - Meggy still hates Mr. Puzzles after what he has donelast year, After Puzzles was defeated, SMG4 immediately called the police on him as initial payback for turning Wren into a psychopath and giving Meggy trauma.
SMG4: War Of The Fat Italians 2023 - Mr. Puzzles is sent to jail like Marty did during his defeat.
Interestingly enough, both WOTFI are part of the PUZZLEVISION Saga.
SMG4 Movie: PUZZLEVISION - Mr. Puzzles takes control of the SMG4 crew except Mario and SMG4, themselves so that they could test out the new "attractions" to appease and to be approved by Mr. Puzzles.
A Night At SMG4's…: Mario's idea is to bonk Leggy's head similar to what he did with a Mushroom instead.
On September 14, 2024, 3 hours before 12:00pm (EST): the typical time of when a new SMG4 video uploads, the header of the puzzlevision.tv site changed to WOTFI 2024, and the SMG4 symbol is displayed instead of the Puzzlevision logo and now /old-home is now /pv-archived1
On 21 minutes before the new video was uploaded, Cube replied to the leak, saying he just used the same website host for the upcoming event.
After 1 hour and 43 minutes since the upload of SMG4 and SMG3 come up with an episode, it was noticed that the website host for puzzlevision.tv has officially moved to wotfi2024.com.
On 3:00pm, the website officially debuted with a social post on SMG4's Instagram, Twitter (X), and the YouTube channel's Community tab, teasing both the event and the website publicly, where the WOTFI 2024.
On September 30, 2024, the website updated with puzzle pieces shattered altogether showing the previous edition of the website
Finally on October 5th, the site changed. Mr. Puzzles has now taken control and idea submissions have been reopened (Idea submissions had initially "closed" on September 30).
Note: All characters involved in these deaths are later revived, asides from Leggy.
SMG4 was mauled by sharks after collapsing from Mario's "insult" in Insult-2-Dunk challenge.
Tari was disintegrated after Mario's "powerful" slap in Slapbox challenge.
SMG4 jumps off the Ferris wheel in Ferris Wheel Frenzy challenge.
Mario burns Bob by flamethrower from his "Arson" trick in Fire Bonanza challenge.
SMG4 was shot by Mr. Puzzles' missile during the Tightrope Terror challenge. He later collapsed to ash.
Boopkins gets impaled numerous times during SMG4's "attempt" at the Knife Throw challenge.
Mario self-destructs himself by choking on too many pies in the Pie-a-Thon challenge. His spirit, alongside the spaghetti, were sucked by Mr. Puzzles not long after.
Bob gets attracted, & later impaled by Geiru Toneido in the Clowns Clowns Everywhere challenge.
Mario loses the Bomb Ski Ball challenge & explodes.
Luigi accidentally sucks the moon into crushing both himself & SMG4 during the Ducky Mania challenge.
Leggy got separated from Meggy to join Kid Puzzles in Mr. Puzzles' mind, sort of releasing her from existence.
On insult-2-Dunk and Fire Bonanza, SMG3 is subtitled as SMG4 wrongly. This error happens often in the series (possibly as a gag).
Mario mentions SMG4 having a mother despite coming from his Guardian Pod. This error also happens often as well since SMG4 Movie: Revelations.
A few minutes after the premiere ended, the thumbnail no longer showed its lightning bolts nor the dark, blue background. An hour later, this error was corrected.
Running Gags[]
SMG4 doesn't let Mario execute his "idea", that turned out being the best method to turn back Leggy into Meggy.
This is (sort of) most likely the last appearance of Leggy as she was separated from Meggy.
When Meggy uses her goggles to protect her eyes from dust instead of being decoration of her beanie.
This is the second time that Meggy can transform into Leggy without being scared or stamped, the first was SMG4: We Don't Talk About What Happened in the Elevator.
This episode considers of one of fewest episodes were Mario uses his IQ in the right way.
On the first version of the WOTFI 2024 website, SMG4 is posed like Mr. Monopoly.
On September 21, 30 and October 5th, the YouTube channel banner was changed in relation to this edition.
At the time of the episode not yet airing and was still waiting to be broadcast in YouTube premiere, if you go to the description and more precisely in the links associated with the video to the SMG4 Merch link it displayed a leak protection image.File:I wonder what is behind it.png
In fact, previously on this type of episode the SMG4 Merch link was already set in advance, however because YouTube displayed an illustration photo that this caused sometimes one or more articles specially created for the video to be leaked.
This Blooper was uploaded five years after Fast Food Fight (Ft. TheOdd1sOut & Arin Hanson) - Meta Runner Special
The beginning of the Rap Battle samples the Disney intro prior to 2023.
On October 22nd, Puzzle Park was officially released on music streaming services.
During the rap battle in WOTFI 2024; Mr. Puzzle screen switches between his face and Kid Puzzles looking like he trapped and scared. This may share some similarities when SMG0 being trapped inside his own mind while Niles took control. But this is most likely just a coincidence
The Frollo Show: The episode may have took inspiration from the webseries' five part saga, Frollo Beats Up Evil Residents, which also involves a theme park with brainwashed people in it, more particularly the final part. In the former's case, the citizens of Paris are turned into mindless zombies after the city was turned into CarnEvil by The Arabian Bros., while the latter has the SMG4 Crew turned into evil circus performers by Mr. Puzzles, similar to Leggy.
Undertale and Deltarune: Just like the previous episode, Mr. Puzzles' wire string form resembles Spamton NEO and Photoshop Flowey.
Vinesauce: The audio used when Mario wheezes after painting the ball into spaghetti comes from Vinny's 7th part of The Shit Show stream, particularly the Be My Master segment.
Super Mario Party + Jamboree: The Title Drop Scene and Poster of WOTFI 2024 is a reference to the cover art of the game.
Dragon Ball Z: Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 transformation is parodied when Mario's spaghetti dies. Mario also turns into SSJ2.
Super Smash Bros. Series: Sephiroth's reveal trailer for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is parodied when Mario attacks Bob with his nose (which was proven ineffective). The Master Hand Countdown from Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64 is used during the "3 2 1" countdown in the rap.
Steven Universe: The scene with Young Mr. Puzzles and Leggy spinning around in a hug was inspired by a scene from the finale of Steven Universe, Where Steven fuses back with his gem half.
Disney castle logo Fanfare: The intro of Puzzle Park uses the start of every Modern Disney (before the 100 Year Anniversary update) movie.
Disney+: Disney+ is mentioned again as Mr. Puzzle's ego version.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: The Ponyville map is used again when Mr. Puzzles imagine what he'll do with his new friend.
Windows 9 thru 11 error blue screen: One of Mr. Puzzles's glitched faces is the Windows 9 and 11 error blue screen. All the screens around the now closed park are them too.
Template:War Of The Fat Italians Episodes NavTemplate:PUZZLEVISION
The Cake Is a Lie! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Dreams (Gallery·Transcript) ·Flashbacks (Gallery·Transcript) ·Time Freeze (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Guide to Defeating Bowser (Gallery·Transcript) ·Blooper Problems (Gallery·Transcript) ·Just Like Any Other Day (Gallery·Transcript) ·Quest for a Console (Gallery·Transcript) ·Have you seen this Polygon? (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Painful Day in the Paper World (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 11 to 20
An Adventurous Drive (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Day Without Peach (Gallery·Transcript) ·Darkness Takes Over (Gallery·Transcript) ·Charming Peach (Gallery·Transcript) ·Luigi's Payback (Gallery·Transcript) ·Master of Fail Disguises (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Quits (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Random Day (Gallery·Transcript) ·Losing Your N64 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Bowser the Unhappy Fat Turtle (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 21 to 30
Enter X (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Land that Never Was (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Visitor (2011) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Account Loss (Gallery·Transcript) ·Restoring Normality (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario at the Olympic Games (Gallery·Transcript) ·Brother Wars (Gallery·Transcript) ·Italian Kidnapping (Gallery·Transcript) ·Time Travel Tells (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Blooper Competition (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 31 to 40
4 Clones 1 Italian (Gallery·Transcript) ·Crime Time (Gallery·Transcript) ·Scatman's Revenge (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Forgotten Door (Gallery·Transcript) ·Bloopception (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mission For Peach (Gallery·Transcript) ·Castle Jumping = Time Tavelling = Zombies (Gallery·Transcript) ·HALL 9000 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Hide and Seek (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mystery of the Chest (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 41 to 49
WEEGEE Disease (Gallery·Transcript) ·Race for Golden Overalls (Gallery·Transcript) ·Luigi and the Haunted Castle (Gallery·Transcript) ·Brother Battles (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Lost Gems Part 1 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Toad Gold (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Lost Gems Part 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Hello Kitty Rollercoaster Tea Party 2!!! (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Lost Gems Part 3 (Gallery·Transcript)
P-O-I-S-O-N-E-D Computer (Gallery·Transcript) ·How Mario was Born (Gallery·Transcript) ·Brother Love (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Mario 64 Halloween Special 2011 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Takes the Idiot Test (Gallery·Transcript) ·War of the Fat Italians 2011 (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 VS SMG3 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Operation G.A.Y (Gallery·Transcript) ·The SwitcherooOveralls (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mini Italians (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 60 to 69
Awkward Weddings (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Crazy Fighters (Gallery·Transcript) ·99% Idiot (Gallery·Transcript) ·Crystal Funhouse (Gallery·Transcript) ·Hunt for the Hero's Clothes (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Mario 64 Christmas Special 2011 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Bowser and the Nightmare Stone (Gallery·Transcript) ·Rich Glitch (Gallery·Transcript) ·Orbical Adventures (Gallery·Transcript) ·Wallets and Dinosaurs (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 70 to 79
Desert Head (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Babysitters (Gallery·Transcript) ·Breaking Walls (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mushroom Mafia (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mii Channel Teleport (Gallery·Transcript) ·Clone O' Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Thugger Hugger (Gallery·Transcript) ·The SMG4 Weight Losers (Gallery·Transcript) ·Peachosal Love (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Murder Without Peach (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 80 to 89
Party Rock Prisoners (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Warrior and the Hobo (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG3's plan to destory SMG4 cause he felt like it (Gallery·Transcript) ·World of Craftmine (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Guide to Defeating Bowser 2.0 (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Lie that was the Cake that is a Lie (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ (1,000 Subs) (Gallery·Transcript) ·0% of Spaghetti (Gallery·Transcript) ·▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░herobrine░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ (Gallery·Transcript) ·੮Һ૯ ૯Ն૯౮ค੮૦Ր (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 90 to 99
Join the Evil Side (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Joins the YTR (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Imposter (Gallery·Transcript) ·Starman3 Gets 5,000 Subs! (Gallery·Transcript) (Privated)·Chinese Elves and Gay Cashiers (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Nether (Gallery·Transcript) ·tђє ๓๏ภรtєг (Gallery·Transcript) ·My Best Friend Slenderman (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Pink Problem (Gallery·Transcript) ·Befriend the End (Gallery·Transcript)
§§ënmØÐnÅr 2 (100th vid) (Gallery·Transcript) ·War of the Fat Italians 2012 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Mario 64 Halloween Special 2012 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Plumber Academy for Idiots (Gallery·Transcript) ·Smart(ass) Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Sup' Bro? (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Adventures Of Mario And Luigi Ep 1 (Gallery·Transcript) ·President Toad Washington (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Mario 64 Christmas Thing 2012 (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Adventures Of Mario And Luigi Ep 2 (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 110 to 119
S.M.G Club (Gallery·Transcript) ·99.5% Crazy (Gallery·Transcript) ·§§ënmØÐnÅr 3 (10,000 subs :D) (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Adventures Of Mario And Luigi Ep 3 (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Lost Luigi (Gallery·Transcript) ·Two Evil Friends. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Like a bowser (like a boss parody) (Gallery·Transcript) ·A SM64 Fairytale Part 1 (Gallery·Transcript) ·How to Make Spaghetti (20,000 subs) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Taken (Like An Idiot) (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 120 to 129
A SM64 Fairytale Part 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Swap (Gallery·Transcript) ·ÐД gℓђ (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 4 (30,000 soobs) (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Welcome Invitation (Gallery·Transcript) ·Long Jump (Gallery·Transcript) ·A SM64 Fairytale Part 3 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Tale of a Bob-omb (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mystery Of The Missing White And Blue (Gallery·Transcript) ·Castle Creepers (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 130 to 139
A SM64 Fairytale Finale (Gallery·Transcript) ·Hotel Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Swag (Gallery·Transcript) ·Spaghetti Law. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Youtube Mario? (Gallery·Transcript) ·101 Ways for Mario to Die (The Right Way!) (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Trip to Teletubbie Land (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Goes Shopping (Gallery·Transcript) ·Bob-omache (Gallery·Transcript) ·Free Lunch for Mario (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 140 to 149
The (TOTALLY ACCURATE) Documentary of Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Mario 64: The Movie Trailer (Gallery·Transcript) ·Wario's Treasure Hunting Time (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 5 (WAT O O edition) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Happy Magical Fun Fun Island (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mineswap (Gallery·Transcript) ·Idiot karts 101 (Gallery·Transcript) ·War of the Fat Italians 2013 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Birthday Freakout. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Luigi's R*tarded Mansion (Gallery·Transcript)
Episodes 150 to 157
The Mario Parable (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mushroom Wars: That Space Series? Part 1 (Gallery·Transcript) ·The 1337 P0lice (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mushroom Wars: That Space Series? Part 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Fungus Among Us (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mushroom Wars: That Space Series? Part 3 THE DOWN OF THE WEEGEESTAR (Gallery·Transcript) ·The 12 Idiots of Christmas (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 6 (New years edition) (Gallery·Transcript)
2 Hands 1 Job (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Adventures Of Mario And Luigi Ep 4 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Bowser Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (Gallery·Transcript) ·How to Make a Blooper (According to SMG4) (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4'S CANDY VAN IS HERE! (t-shirts and stuff) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario and the r*tarded spaghetti factory (Gallery·Transcript) ·Two Great Friends! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Mario Attorney (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Butt Ninja (Gallery·Transcript) ·WELCOME TO SMG4'S MAGICAL LAND OF R*TARDEDNESS (Gallery·Transcript) (unlisted)
Overall Episodes 168 to 177
WELCOME TO POKEMANS! (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 6.64(100k special Qna Edition) (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Dose of Dr. Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·%99% Beroken (Gallery·Transcript) ·Bad Stars (Gallery·Transcript) ·APRIL FOOLS (Gallery·Transcript) ·Pointy Things (Gallery·Transcript) ·GYMS AND BADGES (Gallery·Transcript) ·Cooking with Bowser and Mario! (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Winning Ticket. (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 178 to 187
Mario Simulator (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Toadassass-ination (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 7 (TOAST edition) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Number 1 (Bob-omb Battlefield Remix) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Toadsworth's How to - Princess (Gallery·Transcript) ·Eggventure (GET IT!?) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meet the Mario. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Boil The Big Bully (Gallery·Transcript) ·Prisoners (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Spageti Delivary (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 188 to 197
SwagQuest (Gallery·Transcript) ·Legend of Steve (Gallery·Transcript) ·Yoshrooms. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Cooking with Bowser & Mario 2! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Spells n' Wiztards (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 8 (150k special) (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 VS ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario for Hire. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Who let the Chomp out? (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Evilness Of Eggman(?) (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 198 to 207
Money Mayhem (Gallery·Transcript) ·`•.¸¸.•´´¯`••. .• ( Tubbie TV ) •. .••`¯´´•.¸¸.•` (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario In Real Life!? (200 Vid Special) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Swag Party Hostages (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Visitor. (Gallery·Transcript) ·War of the Fat Italians 2014 (200k Special!) (Gallery·Transcript) ·HalloWeegee Special 2014 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Freddy's spaghettiria (Gallery·Transcript) ·Luigi Wants to Build a Snowman. (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 9 - Time travel edition (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 208 to 211
Problematic Pipe Problems (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meet the Steve (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Bowser That Stole Christmas. (Gallery·Transcript) ·The R*tardness of 2014 (Gallery·Transcript)
The Idea block. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Castle Royale (Gallery·Transcript) ·Son of a bowser. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Bad Star's Back! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Thwompin' and Whompin' (Gallery·Transcript) ·Love for Luigi. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Nature Channel (Gallery·Transcript) ·Smexy Soccer (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Item Brick (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 10 (350k apocalypse special) (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 222 to 231
Return to Freddy's Spaghettria (Gallery·Transcript) ·Le Train Breach (Gallery·Transcript) ·Golfing for Gold (Gallery·Transcript) ·Can the Villager come out to play? (Gallery·Transcript) ·The SMG4 QNA (400k Subs :D) (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Pirate Plumbers (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 plays Merio Nernterndoes (Gallery·Transcript) ·the Toad, the Fat and the Ugly. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Shoot to the Observatory in the Sky (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meet the Luigi (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 232 to 241
Princess Capturing Simulator. (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Hangover (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Big Thank You :D (500,000 Subscribers) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Simulator Interactive! (500k Subscribers) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Casino, Cards and Chaos (Gallery·Transcript) ·The weird ticking sound (parody) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Happy Fun Fun Gameshow (Gallery·Transcript) ·Revenge of Freddy's Spaghettria (Gallery·Transcript) ·Shy Guy Showdown (Gallery·Transcript) ·The BattleToads Justice Crew (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 242 to 251
Legendary Pokemon (Gallery·Transcript) ·Egg and Peach. (Gallery·Transcript) ·War of the Fat Italians 2015 (600k Special) (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Plays Merio Nernterndos 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Luigi Labyrinth (Gallery·Transcript) ·The 2Spooky story (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario & Luigi: The Great Castle Heist! PROMO (Gallery·Transcript) ·R64: An Overdose of Dr. Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Cooking with mario and bowser 3! (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario was in... GTA V (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 252 to 258
Shell Shocked (Gallery·Transcript) ·Marhfg Machinima Promo - Punched in the D (Gallery·Transcript) ·Guards N' R*tards: Swag Magic. (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 0 - Release the R*tardness! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Christmas Crazies (Gallery·Transcript) ·Splatoon in a Nutshell 5 Promo (Gallery·Transcript) ·SM64: R*tarded Recap 2015 (Gallery·Transcript)
The Idea block. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Castle Royale (Gallery·Transcript) ·Son of a bowser. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Bad Star's Back! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Thwompin' and Whompin' (Gallery·Transcript) ·Love for Luigi. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Nature Channel (Gallery·Transcript) ·Smexy Soccer (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Item Brick (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 10 (350k apocalypse special) (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 222 to 231
Return to Freddy's Spaghettria (Gallery·Transcript) ·Le Train Breach (Gallery·Transcript) ·Golfing for Gold (Gallery·Transcript) ·Can the Villager come out to play? (Gallery·Transcript) ·The SMG4 QNA (400k Subs :D) (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Pirate Plumbers (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 plays Merio Nernterndoes (Gallery·Transcript) ·the Toad, the Fat and the Ugly. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Shoot to the Observatory in the Sky (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meet the Luigi (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 232 to 241
Princess Capturing Simulator. (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Hangover (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Big Thank You :D (500,000 Subscribers) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Simulator Interactive! (500k Subscribers) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Casino, Cards and Chaos (Gallery·Transcript) ·The weird ticking sound (parody) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Happy Fun Fun Gameshow (Gallery·Transcript) ·Revenge of Freddy's Spaghettria (Gallery·Transcript) ·Shy Guy Showdown (Gallery·Transcript) ·The BattleToads Justice Crew (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 242 to 251
Legendary Pokemon (Gallery·Transcript) ·Egg and Peach. (Gallery·Transcript) ·War of the Fat Italians 2015 (600k Special) (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Plays Merio Nernterndos 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Luigi Labyrinth (Gallery·Transcript) ·The 2Spooky story (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario & Luigi: The Great Castle Heist! PROMO (Gallery·Transcript) ·R64: An Overdose of Dr. Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Cooking with mario and bowser 3! (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario was in... GTA V (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 252 to 258
Shell Shocked (Gallery·Transcript) ·Marhfg Machinima Promo - Punched in the D (Gallery·Transcript) ·Guards N' R*tards: Swag Magic. (Gallery·Transcript) ·ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 0 - Release the R*tardness! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Christmas Crazies (Gallery·Transcript) ·Splatoon in a Nutshell 5 Promo (Gallery·Transcript) ·SM64: R*tarded Recap 2015 (Gallery·Transcript)
R*TARDED RECAP 2016 (Gallery·Transcript) ·We are number one but it's a Waluigi parody (Gallery·Transcript) ·MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED (Gallery·Transcript) ·THE BOOTLEG DIMENSION (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 PLAYS Merio Nernterndoes: BOOTLEG EDITION (Gallery·Transcript) ·THE REAL SMG4 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Road Trip (Gallery·Transcript) ·Who let the chomp out...AGAIN!? (Gallery·Transcript) ·Valentines 2017 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Smash Bros (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 328 to 337
Mario gets a Nintendo Switch! (Gallery·Transcript) ·I GOT A CUSTOM SMG4 CONTROLLER (Gallery·Transcript) ·Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario The Waiter (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario goes to DIDNEY WORL (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Vs Wild (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario Party (Gallery·Transcript) ·GOLDEN PLAY BUTTON, DANK MEMES AND A NEW GAME! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Welcome To The Kushroom Mingdom (Gallery·Transcript) ·MARIOBUSTERS (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 338 to 347
Stupid Mario Kart (Gallery·Transcript) ·Marioception (Gallery·Transcript) ·HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR YOU GUYS! (Gallery·Transcript) ·MarioTube (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario Galaxy (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super BACKWARDS Bros (Gallery·Transcript) ·Big Things Are Happening (AND TONS OF AWESOME FAN ART!) (Gallery·Transcript) ·♫ The Ultimate Smash Bros ♫ (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Boat Trip (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mighty Morphin' Mario Rangers (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 348 to 357
SMG4 AT E3 2017 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario Sunshine (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario Odyssey (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario helps us in our BIGGEST PACKAGE yet! (Gallery·Transcript) ·SSENMODNAR 12 - STOLEN SPAGHETTI EDITION (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Grand Mario Hotel (Gallery·Transcript) ·FISHY BOOPKINS helps with Mail (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Splatoon (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Paper Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·High School Mario (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 358 to 367
MarioTube 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·PRANK BATTLE (Gallery·Transcript) ·GET YOUR OWN SMG4 HAT!!!! (Gallery·Transcript) ·AREA 64 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario Rabbids (Gallery·Transcript) ·MARIO'S CHALLENGE (Gallery·Transcript) ·ULTRA RARE SMG4 CARDS (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario The Boy Scout (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario VS Donkey Kong (Gallery·Transcript) ·A war is coming... (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 368 to 377
BENDY and the SPAGHETTI MACHINE (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Luigi's Mansion (Gallery·Transcript) ·When there's too much Boopkins... (Gallery·Transcript) ·War of the Fat Italians 2017 (Gallery·Transcript) ·I Missed (SFM) (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario was in... Cuphead (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario Odyssey 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Trick Or Treat Wars (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 @ PAX 2017 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Wild, Wild Mario (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 378 to 387
If Mario was in... Assassin's Creed Origins (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Movie Audition (Gallery·Transcript) ·THE SMG4 TRIVIA CHALLENGE (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Train Trip (Gallery·Transcript) ·Quest for the Spaghetti of Power (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario University (Gallery·Transcript) ·Merio Nernterndoes 6 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario World (Gallery·Transcript) ·The XMAS Discovery (Gallery·Transcript) ·New Year, New Mario (Gallery·Transcript)
SMG4 TRIVIA CHALLENGE 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Hunt for the Egg of Draconius GO (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Vacation (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Ran Nintendo (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Goes To Japan (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario Sports Mix (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Dangerous Delivery (Gallery·Transcript) ·Become a Sponsor for SMG4! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Doki Doki Mario Club (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Gladiators (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 398 to 407
Mario Plays VRChat (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mario Mafia (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Battle Royale (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 HOUSE TOUR!! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario VS Steve (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Smash 5 Trials (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4'S BOOTLEG ADVENTURE (Gallery·Transcript) ·Detective Mario & Pikachu (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Super Mario Stupid Show (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Super Mario Stupid Show BTS (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 408 to 417
Final Fantasy Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Jackass (Gallery·Transcript) ·Making an SMG4 episode in ONLY 30 MINUTES! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario waits for pizza (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Kirby Star Allies (Gallery·Transcript) ·REMAKING "Who Let the Chomp Out?" IN ONLY 30 MINUTES! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Lost In The Woods (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Super Dudes (Gallery·Transcript) ·THE SMG4 U.S TOUR! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Fancy Dinner (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 418 to 427
Mario Preschool (Gallery·Transcript) ·2 Million Sub Special Announcement (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario was in... Baldi's Basics (Gallery·Transcript) ·The New Smash Bros (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 at E3 2018! (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Splatoon 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·2 MILLION FAN COLLABERATION SPECIAL! (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Goes On Tour! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Luigi's Lesson (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario Tennis Aces (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 428 to 437
The SMG4 videos we made on The SMG4 Tour... (Gallery·Transcript) ·Freddy's Ultimate Custom Spaghetteria (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mario Hustle (Gallery·Transcript) ·Waluigi's Time (Gallery·Transcript) ·Can He Guess Our SMG4 Characters!? (Akinator) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario And The T-Pose Virus (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario Paint (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mario Café (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario The Ultimate Gamer (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 At Gamescom 2018! (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 438 to 447
Mario SAW (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Direct (HUGE CHANNEL UPDATE) (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mario Carnival (Gallery·Transcript) ·THE OFFICIAL SMG4 MERCH REVEAL (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario The Scam Artist (Gallery·Transcript) ·War Of The Fat Italians 2018 - Official Trailer (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario And The Spaghetti Ninjas (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mario Convention! (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Waluigi Arc EXPLAINED (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario and the Waluigi Apocalypse (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 448 to 457
Fishy Boopkins Plays VRChat (Gallery·Transcript) ·War Of The Fat Italians 2018 (Gallery·Transcript) ·About WOTFI 2018 and What's Next for SMG4... (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Late! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Pokemon Highschool (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Starfox (Starlink Battle For Atlas) (Gallery·Transcript) ·So We Tried To Draw Our SMG4 Characters (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mario Purge (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario And... The Well (Gallery·Transcript) ·Remaking WOTFI 2018 in Only 30 Minutes (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 458 to 467
Mad Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 DRAWING BATTLE! (Mario, Bowser, Bob, Saiko and Shroomy) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario and the Bob Mansion... (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 In Real Life (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mario Concert (Gallery·Transcript) ·War On Smash Bros Ultimate (Gallery·Transcript) ·META RUNNER TRAILER (Gallery·Transcript) ·Let's Talk About Meta Runner (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Melancholy of Fishy Boopkins (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 TOUR ULTIMATE (Major Announcement) (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 468 to 474
Mario and The Diss Track (Gallery·Transcript) ·Hitbox: If Smash Bros Ultimate Was Real (Gallery·Transcript) ·Darkest Hour (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Most Important Thing (Gallery·Transcript) ·ALL 75 SMASH ULTIMATE CHARACTER VICTORY POSES (In Real Life!) (Gallery·Transcript) ·What's coming to SMG4 in 2019! (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario was in... Deltarune (Gallery·Transcript)
Mario Goes to the Fridge to Get a Glass Of Milk (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Big Chungus Hunt (Gallery·Transcript) ·The SMG4 Tour Ultimate Experience (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Hell Kitchen (Gallery·Transcript) ·ALL 9 SMG4 TOUR ULTIMATE VIDEOS (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Valentine Advice (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Making Of Tari (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Gets Stuck On An Island (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Challenge 64 (Gallery·Transcript) ·ALL 75 CHARACTER TAUNTS IN SMASH BROS ULTIMATE (In Real Life!) - HITBOX (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 485 to 494
Mario's Prison Escape (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario 3D World (Gallery·Transcript) ·Tari's First Game Warp (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario and the Anime Challenge (Gallery·Transcript) ·3 Million Subscriber Special Announcement Thing (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Illegal Operation (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Lemonade Stand (Gallery·Transcript) ·All Super Mario 64 Moves In Real Life - HITBOX (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Japan Trip (Gallery·Transcript) ·SEASON 2 MERCH BATTLE! (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 495 to 504
Meggy's Bootcamp (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mario Showdown (Gallery·Transcript) ·A genuine message to our fans (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Saves Anime (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Splatfest Incident (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Inkling Disappearances (Gallery·Transcript) ·3 MILLION SUB FAN COLLAB SPECIAL (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario and the Experiment (Gallery·Transcript) ·Tari's Live Stream (Gallery·Transcript) ·World War Mario (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 505 to 514
Final Hours (Gallery·Transcript) ·About the Anime Arc (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Does The Chores (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Works at Mcdonalds (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario Maker 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Always Running (Gallery·Transcript) ·There's Something Up With Meggy... (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Day In The Life Of Everyone (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meta Runner Season 1 - Official Opening (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Tari Abnormality (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 515 to 524
Wrong Warp (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Raids Area 51 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Out Of Bounds (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was in... Minecraft (Gallery·Transcript) ·Welcome to Glitch Productions! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Bad Split (Gallery·Transcript) ·Treasure Hunt With The Bois (Gallery·Transcript) ·Sequence Break (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario and The Lost City... (Gallery·Transcript) ·Aimbot (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 525 to 534
The Day SMG4 Posted Cringe (Gallery·Transcript) ·Game Plan (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Minecraft Plague (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meta Runner Voice Actors Read Memes (Gallery·Transcript) ·Sans's First Day In Smash Bros (Gallery·Transcript) ·No Clip (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was Smart (Gallery·Transcript) ·One Shot (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Waits in Line For Some Spaghetti (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Run (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 535 to 544
The Big Bad Bully (Gallery·Transcript) ·Shutdown (Gallery·Transcript) ·Untitled Mario Video (Gallery·Transcript) ·WOTFI 2019 ANNOUNCEMENT (Gallery·Transcript) ·Fast Food Fight (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario vs IT 🤡 (Gallery·Transcript) ·War Of The Fat Italians 2019 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Mario Taxi (Gallery·Transcript) ·Boys vs Girls (Gallery·Transcript) ·Video Games I Grew Up With (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 545 to 554
SMG4 Runs Out of Memes (Gallery·Transcript) ·Tari Says UwU and Other Memes (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Weegee Uprising (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meta Runner Season 1 FULL Soundtrack - AJ DiSpirito (Gallery·Transcript) ·My Mario Academia (Gallery·Transcript) ·Why I Dropped Out Of School... TWICE (Gallery·Transcript) ·Little Penguin Lost (Gallery·Transcript) ·50 Ways To Kill a Zombie (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Alone (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Grand Festival (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episode 555
2019 Was The Biggest Year Of My Life (Gallery·Transcript)
Mario Gets His PINGAS Stuck In The Door (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario School Club (Gallery·Transcript) ·Bowser Loses Custody Of His Children (Gallery·Transcript) ·Why I Made Mario Dumb (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario was in The Sonic Movie (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy's Destiny - ANNOUNCEMENT TRAILER (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Magical TV (Gallery·Transcript) ·Lord Of The Memes (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy's Destiny (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Commits Tax Fraud (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 566 to 575
The History Of Memes (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In Animal Crossing (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Runs Out Of Toilet Paper (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Inside Story (Gallery·Transcript) ·The E G G (Gallery·Transcript) ·Wario Tries To Stop Himself From Dying (Gallery·Transcript) ·How I Make My Videos (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy Moves In (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Is Cancelled. (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Totally Legit Learning Show With SMG4 (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 576 to 585
🌽🌽🌽🌽𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓷🌽🌽🌽🌽 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario The Supreme Leader (Gallery·Transcript) ·War On Beeg SMG4 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Officer Meggy (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario VS Siren Head (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Demon Among Us (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Spicy Day 🔥 (Gallery·Transcript) ·SSENMODNAR - 3,826,412 SUB SPECIAL (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Gets Woke (Gallery·Transcript) ·I Can't Believe It's Not SMG4! (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 586 to 595
Stupid Mario Arcade (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Reacts To Your Meta Runner Memes (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Internet Graveyard (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario VS Youtube (Gallery·Transcript) ·War Of The Fat Italians 2020 - Official Trailer (Gallery·Transcript) ·Deleted. (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Totally Normal SMG4 Episode (Gallery·Transcript) ·War Of The Fat Italians 2020 (Gallery·Transcript) ·My whole life has been leading up to this. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Scratches His Ass (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 596 to 605
If Mario was in... Fall Guys (Gallery·Transcript) ·Food Wars (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario 3D All-Stars (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was AMONG US... (Gallery·Transcript) ·4 Million Sub Announcement (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 🅴🆇🅿🅰🅽🅳🆂 His Brain (Gallery·Transcript) ·Steve Fights Everyone (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In Meta Runner (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Fan Written Episode (4 Mill Sub Special) (Gallery·Transcript) ·TEXTURES NOT FOUND (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 606 to 615
Mario's Corn Trip (Gallery·Transcript) ·War of the Simps (Gallery·Transcript) ·Cooking with Mario & Bowser: World Tour (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Mask Of Madness (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4's 2020 MEGA Collab Announcement! (PLUS Melony Suprise) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy's Part-Time Job (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Cyberpunk 2077 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy Learns Japanese (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Christmas Special 2020 (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 2020 COLLAB SPECIAL (Gallery·Transcript)
Mario goes to subway and purchases 1 tuna sub with extra mayo (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Intruder... (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Resurrection (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Melony Felony (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Bowser's Fury (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario VS Youtubers (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Pursuit of Happiness (Gallery·Transcript) ·My New Adventure. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Nintendo Gets Deleted (Gallery·Transcript) ·Perfectly Balanced. (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 626 to 635
Mario's Bed and Breakfast (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Quest for RTX (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In.... Friday Night Funkin (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy Answers Your Questions... (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Babies (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy's Debut Stream! (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4's Origins (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4's 10 Year Anniversary MOVIE Trailer (Gallery·Transcript) ·10 Year Anniversary Special (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy Reacts To The SMG4 10 Year Anniversary Movie! (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 636 to 645
Mario goes to the dentist (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In Friday Night Funkin 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy Plays Friday Night Funkin! (SMG4 Mods) (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Goes Insane (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario and the VILLAGE (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy tells SMG4 about her vacation (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Bed. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy Reacts to E3 Nintendo Direct 2021 (PLS SPLATOON 3 CONTENT) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Into the Dark Web (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Internet Safety (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 646 to 655
Meggy Plays SPLATOON 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Stupid Mario Golf (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays: Unfair Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Newgrounds (Gallery·Transcript) ·Let’s chat... and maybe sing (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Other Universe (Gallery·Transcript) ·WHAT IF...? (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy VS Friday Night Funkin' (HARD MODS) (Gallery·Transcript) ·She's Back! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays: Friday Night Funkin (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 656 to 665
If Mario Was In... Anime (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy and Wolfychu Answer The Web's Most Searched Questions (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Day HE Arrived. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Doomsday but Mario is Okay (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy Plays Super Mario Maker 2 (Gallery·Transcript) (Unlisted)·Mario and The Backrooms (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays: Five Nights At Freddy's (Gallery·Transcript) ·MARIOS OKAY MARIOS OKAY MARIOS OKAY MARIOS OKAY MARIOS OKAY MARIOS OKAY MARIOS OKAY (Gallery·Transcript) ·War Of The Fat Italians 2021 (Official Trailer) (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Final Piece (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 666 to 675
Meggy Reacts To The Genesis Arc (Gallery·Transcript) ·War Of The Fat Italians 2021 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Remembering Axol (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario has a BBQ but he's not invited (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy Plays Deltarune Chapter 2 (Gallery·Transcript) (Unlisted)·If Mario Moves, He Dies (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays: Deltarune (Gallery·Transcript) ·Announcing My Biggest Project Yet (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Nickelodeon (Gallery·Transcript) ·Watching the Waluigi Arc cause he now has 0% of ever being in Smash🤡 (Gallery·Transcript) (Unlisted)
Overall Episodes 676 to 685
To Become A God (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes (Gallery·Transcript) ·What If Mario Had $10,000,000? (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy Sings SpoOoOoOoOky Songs (Gallery·Transcript) (Unlisted)·If Mario Was In.... SQUID GAME (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts to Spooky Memes but Dies half way through (Gallery·Transcript) ·Studying for Exams...But you're friends with Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Meggy Reacts To Murder Drones (Gallery·Transcript) (Unlisted)·Mario Does Literally Anything For Views (Gallery·Transcript) ·Streaming Until I Hit 5̶ ̶m̶i̶l̶l̶ 5,100,000 Subscribers (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 686 to 695
Mario Joins Discord (Gallery·Transcript) ·THE 5,000,000 SUB SPECIAL (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Poppy Playtime (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Goes To College (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Speedruns Super Mario 64 (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was Spiderman (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Suffers Infinite Detention (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To CURSED Nintendo Commercials (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Christmas Special 2021 (Gallery·Transcript)
Mario Waits For The Bus (Gallery·Transcript) ·Freddy's Spaghetteria Security Breach (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 3 (Gallery·Transcript) ·All Mario Wants Is Absolute 𝓟 𝓞 𝓦 𝓔 𝓡 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Bus Trip (Gallery·Transcript) ·Uncanny Mr Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Tries Life Hacks (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Gets Into NFTs (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario and The God Box (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Funny Tik Toks (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 706 to 715
If Mario Was In... ROBLOX (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays: Smash Or Pass (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Floor is Lava (Gallery·Transcript) ·Absolute Betrayal (Gallery·Transcript) ·REVELATIONS (Cinematic Trailer) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 4 (Gallery·Transcript) ·REVELATIONS (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays Roblox (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Sonic Movie 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Welcome To Mario Mart™ (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 716 to 725
Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 5 (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Mario Documentary (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Goes To The Zoo (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays Baldi's Basics (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Does His Laundry (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Cursed Tapes (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Anime Memes (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Disney (Gallery·Transcript) ·DO NOT ENTER (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 6 ft. Tari (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 726 to 735
Mario Games Be Like (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Pawn Business (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays MINECRAFT (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario meets a demon and is shortly beheaded (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 7 ft. Luigi (Gallery·Transcript) ·It all comes to an end... (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Gets His PINGAS Stuck In Car Door (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Meta Runner (Gallery·Transcript) ·Five Nights At Freddy's Games Be Like... (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Performs Video Game Glitches (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 736 to 745
Mario Gets Lit (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 8 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Does It To Em (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario VS Minions (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Attempts Tik Tok Challenges (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Meme Games 2022 (Gallery·Transcript) ·KS-2 - Saikosis (Official Music Video) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Clown Fever (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 9 ft. Bob (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was The Last Man On Earth (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 746 to 755
Mario Tries Life Hacks 2 ft. Luigi (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Gets Sued (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Googles Himself (Gallery·Transcript) ·Into the Marioverse (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 10 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Can't Play With You Anymore... (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To People Roasting Him (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Splatoon 3 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Funny Tik Toks 2 ft. Luigi (Gallery·Transcript) ·Breaking Luigi (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 756 to 765
Mario Plays Fall Guys (Gallery·Transcript) ·NINTENDO HAS CLAIMED THIS VIDEO (Gallery·Transcript) ·Goodbye, SMG4 (Gallery·Transcript) ·War Of The Fat Italians 2022 (Official Trailer) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 11 ft. Meggy (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Mario Movie Trailer (Gallery·Transcript) ·War Of The Fat Italians 2022 (Gallery·Transcript) ·NEW CHALLENGERS APPROACHING (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Screws In A Lightbulb (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Does Pranks (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 766 to 775
MARIO BALLIN?!?! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Try Not To Cringe Challenge (Gallery·Transcript) ·POV: You're Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Downloads Internet Viruses (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Was In... Simulator Games (Gallery·Transcript) ·How To Train Your Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To AI Generated Images (Gallery·Transcript) ·Don't Hug Me I'm Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 12 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Steals Your Liver (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 776 to 782
Mario Does Japanese Gameshows (Gallery·Transcript) ·Video Ends When Everyone Stops Watching (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays Cursed Mario Games (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Goes Bowling (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays Roblox DOORS (Gallery·Transcript) ·All I Want For Christmas Is Mario To FREAKIN BEHAVE (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Cursed Mobile Game Ads (Gallery·Transcript)
Mario Goes To T-Mobile To Upgrade His Data Plan (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Bakes a """"Cake"""" (Gallery·Transcript) ·We Don't Talk About Luigi (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Mario Movie Memes (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Goes On A Diet (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario & SMG4 play Slendytubbies (Gallery·Transcript) ·If Mario Went Fishing... (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4... Are You Ok? (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays Cat Mario but every time he dies the walls close in (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Goes To Ohio (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 793 to 802
Mario Steals The Constitution (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Delves Into Nintendo Anti-Piracy Screens... (Gallery·Transcript) ·MAR10 DAY (Gallery·Transcript) ·It's Gotta Be Perfect... (Gallery·Transcript) (Unlisted)·........Announcement?????? (Gallery·Transcript) ·IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT (Gallery·Transcript) ·My Roommate Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes But If He Laughs He Dies (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Happy Little Road Trip (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Stupid Mario Movie (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 803 to 812
Video ends when Mario gets 1 IQ ft. Luigi (Gallery·Transcript) ·Our New Home (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Very Safe & Legal SMG4 Show (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays Cooked SM64 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Every Luigi Is Personalized (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Opens a Pizza Shop (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Does Internet Tutorials (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Harms The Environment (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Breaks the McDonald's Ice Cream Machine (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays Gmod ft. SMG3 (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 813 to 822
Mario's Tunnel Of Doom (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Is Fine. (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts to Nintendo Memes 13 (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Game Cube (Gallery·Transcript) ·Grand Theft Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Plays Mario.exe ft. Luigi (Gallery·Transcript) ·We Interrupt This Broadcast (Gallery·Transcript) ·Ready to Ride?... (Gallery·Transcript) ·WESTERN SPAGHETTI (Official Trailer) (Gallery·Transcript) ·GET OFF THE TRAIN (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 823 to 832
WESTERN SPAGHETTI (Gallery·Transcript) ·You Made Mario Do This (Gallery·Transcript) ·Let’s Go Visit Peach! (Gallery·Transcript) ·THE NEW CASTLE!! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 14 ft. SMG4 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario VS Skibidi Toilet (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG3's Browser History (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Does Pranks 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Watermelon Man (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Works At KFC (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 833 to 842
Weird Mario Games Be Like... (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Buys Weird Internet Stuff ft. Bob (Gallery·Transcript) ·We Don't Talk About What Happened in the Elevator (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Goes Coo-Coo Crazy (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Attempts World Records (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 KIDS (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Lads Play Shrek Online (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Memes 15 ft. SMG3 (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 & SMG3 Are Forced To Hold Hands (Gallery·Transcript) ·Trust No One (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 843 to 852
You're going to help me... (WOTFI 2023 TRAILER) (Gallery·Transcript) ·CHOOSE WOTFI'S FATE! - THE MISSION PREP LIVESTREAM (Gallery·Transcript) (Unlisted)·Mario Plays TF2 (ft. Marty) (Gallery·Transcript) ·War Of The Fat Italians 2023 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super SMG4 Wonder (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario reacts to Nintendo Memes 16 Ft. Boopkins (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Infestation (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG3's BOMB CAFE (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Cooks a Thanksgiving """"Turkey"""" (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Goes on Death Row (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Episodes 853 to 858
SMG4 vs Content Farms (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts to Bootleg Mario Toys ft. Luigi (Gallery·Transcript) ·REMASTERED64: Freddy's Spaghetteria (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Inspection (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario opens Christmas Presents sent by YOU! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Christmas Wars (Gallery·Transcript)
Mario Opens a Can Of Beans (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts to Lethal Nintendo Memes (Gallery·Transcript) ·You Used To Be Cool... (Gallery·Transcript) ·CEO OF RIZZ (Gallery·Transcript) ·REMASTERED64: WHO LET THE CHOMP OUT? (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To SMG4's Browser History (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 NEWS (Gallery·Transcript) ·TRASH FRIENDS (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Day My Arm Went Psycho (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 and SMG3 Rank SMG4 Characters (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Video 869 to 878
My First Ever Video Unnecessarily Remastered (and more!) (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts To Nintendo Corruptions (Gallery·Transcript) ·No TV Make Mario No Okie Dokie (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Mysteries (Gallery·Transcript) ·Once Upon An SMG4 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Scooby Mario, Where'd You Go! (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mr. Puzzles' Incredible Game Show Spectacular! (Gallery·Transcript) ·YOU WILL SEE (Gallery·Transcript) ·COMING UP NEXT (Gallery·Transcript) (Unlisted)·PUZZLEVISION (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Video 879 to 888
SMG4 & SMG3 Design A Mascot Horror (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Doesn’t Meme For 1 Second (Gallery·Transcript) ·Super Mario 64 Poorly Explained (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario The Exploro (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 Simulator (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Plane Trip (Gallery·Transcript) ·I Put Mario In Danger For Views (Gallery·Transcript) ·REMASTERED64: Mario's Road Trip (Gallery·Transcript) ·MEME HUNTERS (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 and the Meme Factory (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Video 889 to 898
Despicable Mr. Puzzles (Gallery·Transcript) ·A Night At SMG4's… (Gallery·Transcript) ·what bro cooking (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 and SMG3 Shop For Cursed Items (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Gets Stuck As a GIF (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 INSIDE OUT (Gallery·Transcript) ·REMASTERED64: Stupid Mario Kart (Gallery·Transcript) ·We Must Kill Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts to Illegal Nintendo Memes (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Loses His Mustache (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Video 899 to 908
Is Mario Dead!? (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 and SMG3 come up with an episode (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mr Puzzles' Lowest Point (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mr. Puzzles Clubhouse (Gallery·Transcript) ·Welcome To Puzzle Park (Gallery·Transcript) ·Step Right Up (Gallery·Transcript) ·War Of The Fat Italians 2024 (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Retirement of SMG3 (Gallery·Transcript) ·REMASTERED64: Return to Freddy's Spaghettria (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Gets Stuck In Traffic (Gallery·Transcript)
Overall Video 909 to 915
The Mario PC Virus (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts to Nintendo Memes or else his salami is chopped off (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Teaches Parenting (Gallery·Transcript) ·Luigi Doesn't Need Mario (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario's Bike Trip (Gallery·Transcript) ·SMG4 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2024 (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Reacts to the Best 2024 Memes (Gallery·Transcript)
Mario Drinks Water (Gallery·Transcript) ·Mario Gets Lost In A Shopping Mall (Gallery·Transcript) ·REMASTERED64: If Mario was in...Team Fortress 2 (Gallery·Transcript) ·The Fight Of All Time (Gallery·Transcript) · SMG4 Season 15 Video 920 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 921 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 922 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 923 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 924 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 925
Overall Video 926 to 935
SMG4 Season 15 Video 926 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 927 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 928 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 929 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 930 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 931 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 932 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 933 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 934 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 935
Overall Video 936 to 945
SMG4 Season 15 Video 936 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 937 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 938 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 939 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 940 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 941 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 942 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 943 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 944 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 945
Overall Video 946 to 955
SMG4 Season 15 Video 946 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 947 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 948 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 949 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 950 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 951 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 952 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 953 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 954 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 955
Overall Video 956 to 965
SMG4 Season 15 Video 956 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 957 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 958 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 959 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 960 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 961 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 962 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 963 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 964 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 965
Overall Video 966 to 975
SMG4 Season 15 Video 966 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 967 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 968 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 969 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 970 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 971 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 972 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 973 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 974 · SMG4 Season 15 Video 975
Metafictional videos (2011)
Mario's Blooper
Metafictional videos (2014)
Metafictional videos (2015)
Bowser plays: rock simulator
Metafictional videos (2017, part 1)
Luigi Plays: MINECRAFTTT·Bob Teh Movie·WARIO PRANKS OMG! (GONE WRONG/SEXUAL) 100% NOT CLICKBAIT·Frozen Elsa Spiderman DisneyCarToys Toy Channel Parody Cookie Monster Barbie & Ariel·Cooking with bowser: The ultimate guide·Government run by Illuminati·HOW 2 DO THE MAKEUPS FT. WALUIGI·MARIO REACTS TO SMG4!😂😂😂👌😂😂👌👌👌👌👌·SMG4 IS DEALING??, MARIO CAUGHT STREAKING!!! TOAD GOES CRAZY OFF CANDY!!! - WEEGEE ALERT·BOB - THE BEST RAP IN THE WORLD
Metafictional videos (2017, part 2)
Fishy boopkins play time extra fun ep 1·WARIO DOES SOME DARES! (NOT CLICKBAIT!)·Bowser reviews the I-shroom600 phone·Top 10 anime fights of all time·MARIO'S LIFE IS SO AWESOME, :D·How to hide a body·SMG4 EXPOSED.·THE SECRET TO SMG4'S VIDEOS·Awesome City Naruto Parkour & Knuckels (i die lol)·LOOKING FOR ACTORS
Metafictional videos (2020)
Mario gets his ass slapped·??? (video)
Metafictional videos (2021)
Metafictional videos (2022)
The Cursed Tapes·Among Us in real life·We going afghanistan
Metafictional videos (2023)
THE END OF SMG4?·SMG4's "Perfect Video"·Mario Reacts to Orphan Memes·SMG4 Family Finger Nursery rhymes for kids·gooby4 fnaf rainbow friends among us video dentist hide and seek video
Metafictional videos (2024)
The Incredible Virtual Carnival·How to fly plane·WE HYDRAULIC PRESS MARIO FOR five DOLLARS·Why Luigi's hat is green: A detailed introspective·Five Leon Kennedies jumping on the bed·Mr. Puzzles' Last Video
Videos 1 to 10
I've been helping edit SMG4 videos for nearly 3 years so lets talk about it·We accidentally played an illegal game (ft. SMG4)·How GLITCH Is SAVING Indie Animation ft. @SMG4·I Missed (SFM)·Goodbye Meggy·Zeek's Alternate Scenes for SMG4·I've been helping edit SMG4 videos for over 4 years so lets talk about it·sussy snek pek·sneak peak 2: electric boogalooo·schneak pcheek