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SpongeBob New Fanon Wiki

Who's the MVP?
Series Basket Sponge
Season 2
Episode 20
Airdate June 2015
Story by Doctor Bugs
Written by Doctor Bugs
Directed by Doctor Bugs
Animation director(s) SBCA
Title card by WumboCombo

Who's the MVP? is the 20th episode of Season 2 of Basket Sponge.

It is the 41st overall episode of the series.


Larry wants to win "Most Valuable Player" at the team's award ceremony, but Lexi thinks she can beat him; Justin Hunt revives Edison and Philbert to sabotage the award ceremony.


[Justin Hunt slowly walks around his dark lair; we see him pull a lever, and a small chamber begins to ignite with electricity]

Justin: (chuckling) Arise, my creations. Arise.

Edison: (arises) I arised.

Philbert: (arises) Arsose.

Edison: Oh, yes. Pardon my language.

Justin: You're back! Wonderful! Now, I can finally get my revenge-

Edison: Technically, we're not your creations, by the way.

Justin: Oh, really? What were you 5 minutes ago?

Edison: Dead.

Justin: And what are you now?

Philbert: Revived.

Justin: That makes you MINE.

Edison: But, Sir, we're human beigns-

Justin: MINE.

Philbert: (sigh) Yes, Sir.

Justin: Now, go to Bikini Bottom. And unleash my wrath upon the Bulldogs! Bring me every last one of them!

Edison: Not just LeBron?

Justin: Oh ho ho. My wrath has grown to so much more.

Philbert: Sir-

Justin: To Bikini Bottom! Now!

Edison: How do we know when to capture them?

Justin: (shows them a video screen of the Bulldogs' gym) I've been watching them on this camera screen for several months, now.

Edison: That's creepy.

Philbert: #stalkeralert

Justin: Shuddap! Now, LeBron has stated the team is holding an award ceremony tonight. All residents of Bikini Bottom will gather at The Krusty Krab at 10 pm. I want you to sabatoge the event.

Edison: We're on it, Sir!

Philbert: Aye-aye!

Justin: And if you fail, you know what happens.

Edison: Off with our heads.

Philbert: #aliceinwonderland

Justin: GO! (sends them away)

[Scene changes to Larry and Lexi arm wrestling in the Bulldogs' gym]

Larry: (struggling) Grrrr..........

Lexi: (winning) ….

[Lexi wins, as Larry's arm hits the table]

Larry: DANG IT! I've never lost!

Lexi: Well, now you have.

Larry: Grrr...

SpongeBob: Good job, Lexi!

Patrick: (drooling) That's my babe!

Squidward: Finally, someone around here who can teach Larry a lesson.

Larry: Shuddap! Arm strength isn't everything!

Lexi: You don't think I could beat you?

Larry: Show me watcha got, woman.

[Lexi and Larry charge at eachother]

Lexi: (picks up Larry and slams him down and stomps on him)

[Everyone cheers]

Lexi: Good try, Larry.

Larry: Grrrr....atleast I can beat you in BASKETBALL! That's what really matters here!

LeBron: Oh, snap, sounds like a match of 1-on-1 to me!

Krabs: Oh yeah!

Larry: (getting nervious) Wait.....uh....really....

Lexi: What's the matter, Larry? You scared?

Larry: (sweating vigorously) Umm, well, you see......my doctor recommended...

Lexi: (violently grabs his shoulders) 1-on-1. NOW.

Larry: (gulp) Of course.

[The rest of the team gets on the bleachers]

LeBron: Lexi vs Larry. First to score 5 baskets win. Ready....set....PLAY!

[Larry dribbles down the court; Lexi scoops the ball out of his hand and makes a layup on the other end]

Larry: What? Impossible!

[He gets the ball, dribbles down, but she steals it a 2nd time and makes a layup]

Larry: How are you doing that?

Lexi: (wink)

[He gets the ball again, and dribbles to the 3-point line; he shoots, but she blocksk his shot; she takes the ball and swishes from the half-court line]

Larry: This is getting PERSONAL!

[He takes the ball violently down the court; he shoots and misses; she gets the rebound and dribbles down the court and dunks]

LeBron: One more basket, and Lexi will win!

Larry: Not on MY WATCH!

[He dribbles to the half-court line and tries to shoot but he airballs; Lexi catches it and shoots all the way from the other end of the court, and swishes perfectly]

Larry: GRRR!!! You know what happened to the LAST person that was better than me?

[Patrick shoves Larry into a box and mails him to Cleveland]

Patrick: All better!

LeBron: Lol. Maybe he'll be back in time for the award cermony tonight.

Krabs: At the Krusty Krab! It's great for business! (eyes turn into $$$)

Squidward: I wanted to go to Taco Hell....

Krabs: Hey!

SpongeBob: What kind of awards will be given out?

LeBron: Well, we've got Stupidest...

Patrick: Me!

LeBron: Fattest...

Krabs: Me!

LeBron: Smallest...

Plankton: (sigh) Me...

LeBron: Most Improved...

SpongeBob: Me!

LeBron: Biggest Jerk.

[Scene cuts to an airplane flying]

Larry: (muffled voice from inside) Me!

[Scene cuts back to the Bulldogs' gym]

LeBron: And many others.

Squidward: What about MVP?

Krabs: Larry won it last year.

Lexi: But he's not winning it THIS year!

LeBron: Why not?

Lexi: Well, you just saw me beat him!

LeBron: Yeah, but he's the biggest threat to other teams.

Lexi: Are you kidding? I've scored more than him, and I've only been here for one season!

LeBron: Well, I'll make my mind up before the ceremony.

Patrick: It better be Lexi! It's so obvious!

Lexi: Thanks, Patrick.

Patrick: I got you, bae.

LeBron: Well, practice is dismissed. I'll be seeing you all tonight at the Krusty Krab at 10 pm.

Squidward: Is it too late to switch to Taco Hell?

Krabs: Squidward!

[That night, outside the Krusty Krab]

Edison: (outisde) Stick to the plan, Phil.

Philbert: Roger that, Ed.

[They each put on chicken suits, and waddle inside]

Krabs: Ladies and gentlefish, settle down now...

[The place is crowded, everyone is having their own converstaions at their tables]

Krabs: Ahem! Is this microphone on?

Squidward: Mr. Krabs, that's a spoon.

Krabs: (looks at it) ….is this spoon on?

LeBron: (gets a microphone) Can I have you attention please.

[Everyone listens attentively]

Krabs: Filthy jerks......

LeBron: We're about to begin the Bikini Bottom Bulldogs' second annual Award Ceremony!

[Everyone claps]

Krabs: Don't forget to but extra Krabby Patties!

[….cricket, cricket, cricket.....]

Krabs: You people piss me off..... (waddles away)

LeBron: Now, without further ado, I'd like to present a metal to each and every one of my players, simply for participating in the soon-to-be-over season.

[Everyone claps]

LeBron: First up, SpongeBob SquarePant!

[The crowd claps as SpongeBob walks up to the stage, receives his award, and fist-bumps LeBron]

LeBron: Next up, Squidward Tentalces!

[He appears to be gone]

LeBron: Has anyone seen Squidward?

SpongeBob: He was just here!

[Scene cuts to Squidward eating tacos at Taco Hell]

Carlos: Es muy bien?

Squidward: Si, un juegete. Si, mucho!

[Scene cuts back to the ceremony]

LeBron: Alriiight. Next up, Eugine Krabs!

[….cricket, cricket, cricket.....]

Krabs: (receieves the award) You still piss me off....

LeBron: Next, Larry the Lobster!

[He is also missing]

Patrick: (whispers into LeBron's ear)

LeBron: Oh, riiight. Forgot about that.

Patrick: Yeah.

LeBron: Moving on. Next up we have our newest player, Lexi Flynn!

[The audience claps as she goes on stage and receives her award]

Patrick: (whistles and hollers at her) You're sexy babe!

LeBron: And last, but certainly least....Patrick Star!

[Patrick goes on stage, as no one aplauds]

Patrick: Woo-hoo! (starts twerking) My anaconda DON'T!

LeBron: Please sit down, Patrick. Now, that's the participation awards. Moving on to the personal-

Plankton: What about ME???

LeBron: And you are?

Plankton: One of your PLAYERS!

LeBron: Hmmm....doesn't ring a bell.

Plankton: I've been here since day 1! In fact, 2 seaons!

LeBron: Security! Get this little autistic dude outta here!

Krabs: Yeah! He's probably trying to steal me formuler!

[Two giants dudes pick up Plankton, and chuck him outisde, and he flies toward the Chum Bucket]]

Plankton: You'll regret this one DAAAAY!!!! (splat)


LeBron: Now, on to the personal awards.

[Everyone claps]

LeBron: The Fattest Player award....none other than, Mr. Krabs!

Krabs: Called it! (runs onstage) Thanks, everyone, I love you all!

[….cricket, cricket, cricket....]


Mrs. Puff: (clapping) Woo-hoo! Good job, honey!

Krabs: (to the crowd) That's my girlfriend! Also quite fat. Like me.

Mrs. Puff: (gets an angry look, runs outside)

Krabs: Tee-hee.....well, now she used to be my girlfriend.

LeBron: Get off the stage! (punches him off the stage) Next up, Most Improved...

[The audience watches]

LeBron: SpongeBob!

SpongeBob: Yeah! (receives the award)

LeBron: Stupidest....take a guess.

Audience: PATRICK!

LeBron: Yep.

Patrick: I'm flattered. (gets his award, sits back down)

Lexi: (kisses him)

[The ceremony drags on; we see Edison and Philbert in their chicken costumes]

Philbert: Is it time to strike yet?

Edison: Not yet.

Philbert: Well when?

Edison: I'll say when.

[On stage]

LeBron: And now, we have the final, and most important award of the night. This is the most flattering, honorable, and over-all respectable award of the night. It is Most Valuable Player.

Patrick: It's you, babe. I just know it.

Lexi: I hope so...

LeBron: This person has displayed passion, dignity, and-


LeBron: (sigh) Fine. The winner of the award is-

[Larry busts into the restaurant]

Larry: Hold it right THERE.

LeBron: Oh, Larry. What a surprise.

Larry: (grabs him by the collar) Listen up, punk.

LeBron: (gulp)

Pearl: (watching from her table) He's soooo dreamy.

Larry: I traveled here by foot.

LeBron: ….

Larry: From CLEVELAND.

LeBron: Whoa....


LeBron: No shit, that's mah home slice.

Larry: I'll tell ya what's gonna be sliced. You're NECK. If you don't give me that effing award.

LeBron: (sweating) I, I....didn't think you were gonna be here. I mean, I know Cleveland's just so far, and...


[Lexi runs to him and flips him upside down]

Larry: AND YOU!

Lexi: Yes? (puts her hands on her hips)

Larry: You're the ONLY ONE who stands in my way!

Lexi: We all know I can beat you up. Easily.

Larry: That's not true...

[The team bursts into laughter]

SpongeBob: Not true? Are you kidding me!

Krabs: She can beat all of us up!

LeBron: Even me!

Larry: (sweating) Yeah, but, I'm stronger than you losers.

Lexi: Amuse me. Let's fight again, tough guy.

[The audience begins chanting]


Lexi: You scared?

Larry: I've had enough. (charges at her in rage)

[Lexi kicks him in the face, and he falls down; she stands on top of him and begins stomping him repetitively; she then grabs his arms and twists them until they snap]

Larry: AHH!!! I surrender! I surrender!

Lexi: You know what? I think it's time someone teaches you a lesson.

[The audience is cheering]

Pearl: Noooooo!!! My dream boat!!!!

[Lexi lights a small rocket, and ties his foot to it]

Lexi: I think you'll enjoy a trip. A little further than Cleveland this time.

Larry: (gulp) How...how far? Neptune?

'Lexi: Further.

Larry: Where?

'Lexi: Pluto.

Larry: That's not even a PLANET! You are sick, woman!

Lexi: Bye, bye.

[Edison and Philbert take off their costumes and run towards the rocket]

Edison: Omg! That's a limmitted addition TurboBooster 2015!

Philbert: Lol. We are such nerds. Let's take this baby!

[The two of them try grabbing the rocket, but it launches into outer space. Larry, Edison, and Philbert blast out of the restaurant]

LeBron: …..

[The audience claps]

LeBron: You people clap for everything.

Krabs: Except for me! :(

Pearl: Booooo!!!!!

Krabs: Oh, atleast I got a “boo” that time. By my own daughter...

LeBron: Well, after that long delay, I believe it's time to present this final award of honor.

[The audience cla-]



LeBron: The award for Most Valuable Player goes to....Lexi Flynn!

[The audience hesitates]

LeBron: Now you can clap.

[The audience claps]

Lexi: (goes on stage) Thank you, LeBron. It is truly an honor.

LeBron: You deserved, Lexi. You deserved it. Your skills and strength surpass everyone here, including myself....and I'm an NBA pro.

Lexi: Haha, don't say that.

LeBron: It's true!

Lexi: I know, lol! Just trying to stay a little bit humble...but it's hard.

[Patrick runs on stage and begins making out with her]

[The audience claps for them]

Krabs: Krabby Patties are 1 cent off!


Krabs: I hate y'all.
